Tag Archives: cats

It wouldn’t be an ICPS* fable, without an appearance on…

Nope, it just wouldn’t be an Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire fable, without an appearance of the cast on the extremely famous and popular (most popular show ever!!!) Mehitabel Tonite!!! show! Meet the pandas behind the seemingly true to life portrayal of the exciting tale, Being Endangered is SUCH a Curse!! Sometimes it’s hard to know what’s true and what’s not true!

Are we talking about alternative facts again?

Well, no, just a little fiction within a fiction, a tale told on a stormy night to calm little pandas as they listen to the wind howl. A tale to bring tranquility to pandas who are being buffeted by a political wind(bag) the blows evil onto the land.

But enough about the battle between good and ebil! Let’s meet the cast of Being Endangered is SUCH a Curse!


Bears will be bears

Pand on!
Bob T Panda

The Panda is Political

You know the saying, “The Personal is Political?” You can add to that “All Art is Political” because making art, at it’s core is a political act, no matter your subject matter. Some might even say subversive. If you don’t believe me, look up the paintings of Artimesia Ghentileschi and tell me these paintings don’t make a powerful political statement.

Not that I am putting panda satire, or even my serious paintings in the same technical class as Ghentileschi. But you know…just to make the point…

In celebration of our temporary victory on retaining healthcare for the many that gained access to it through the Affordable Care Act, I thought I’d share some of our more political ‘toons in this Friday’s round up.  Is it too much to hope that the R’s and D’s will now work together and make access to healthcare better and more affordable? I’m such an optimist.

But now, here are pandas at their most political!

Are you now, or have you ever been a panda?


Pinky’s career as a spokes panda and icon begins, with a different president.

Remember how it all began????

It is too much to BEAR!

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Today is a good day to be the bear.


Just don’t call Bob a loser. He feels bad enough already.

“You are all Losers!” – Mittens the Cat

Pinky is beginning to look positively presidential!

“This is not a loser tail!!!!!”


cat came back

Is it just my imagination or does Mittens look even more crazed than before?

I have to say, it’s a little frightening to see how close the satire comes to what has actually been happening.  Stay tuned, folks. I think the bumpy ride is far from over.

Panda On!
Bob T Panda



Who’s in charge here, anyway?

I hope everyone had a happy fourth of July, ate lots of grilled items of your choice and did not expire from potato salad that was sitting out too long. Also that you did not…um…let the panda kindergarten take fireworks IN to the house and that everything is still standing in your neighborhood. As in Washington DC, as well as The Institute for Inner Panda Studies summer camp, the question remains: Who’s in charge here, anyway?

Could it be?….

who's in charge here, anyway?

C’est Moi?

Oh, yes, it will be a very long summer, I think.

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday …Again!

Oh the Fridays are fabulous around here, and not least because we are getting visitors from Australia! Huzzah! They are on the other side of the world, so when it is summer here, it’s winter there, although our Northwest summers may seem a little bit like winter to them! But this Friday evening, I will be meeting long time panda and panda satire fans in person (or is that in fur-son?) for the first time. And when panda fans get together, they party panda style!

Bring on the cuppycakes!!!!

So let’s celebrate pandas who party, for today’s Fabulous Furry Friday encore presentations!

There’s nothing on earth that I’d rather do….

Mehitabel gets even.

…and it all ends with Mr Wu’s Birthday party! Huzzah!

“Do you know who I am????” Yeah, we do.

It’s not a party till the pandas start a brawl!

girl power

Will there be cuppycakes?

There must be cake!

Is this any way to treat our Nation’s most adorable icon?

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Today is the Day

Yes, today is the day you’ve been waiting for, the day my Kickstarter campaign ends. Huzzah!  If you’re reading this with your morning coffee, you still have a few more hours to make a pledge if you haven’t done so already, and then I can quit all this whinging and pleading and just get back to…whinging and crying about the state of our government. Today is the day that we get back to business!

Today is the day …

Today, you are a bear.

…if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da- AAARGH! I can’t stop!!!!!

Poor Mehitabel…she gets no respect from the panda kindergarten, even now.

But maybe pandas have a better idea about how to run the government.

Maybe Pandas DO have a better idea…..

Don’t Touch My Stuff!

So now we leave you to finish your morning coffee, maybe do the dishes (maybe) and then get on with your day! And don’t forget, you still have a few hours to pledge  to my Kickstarter Panda-Tastic Journey and get this or some of our other fabulous rewards!

Yoga for Pandas, now available as a mini poster!

keep being the bear!
Bob T Panda!

Are we not pandas ?

Yes we are…I mean we’re not NOT pandas, so that…um…means we ARE pandas.  Right? Okay…well….

So here is the Kickstarter report for today: I have reached my initial goal, so I am sitting back a little bit and not jumping up and down and screaming, BUT, there is still a chance for anyone who would like to support this project through this Friday at 5 PM PDT, because there are some fun rewards available, such as a mini poster of Yoga for Pandas!

I mean, who can resist that?

Yoga for Pandas, now available as a mini poster!

But now, let’s see what’s going on over at the Zoonooz Kickstarter campaign headquarters…


Oh, Mr. Kitty….

What could possibly go wrong?
Check out the campaign here! One last group of new rewards are coming on Monday!

Panda On
Bob T Panda

Where Does the Time Go?

Oh my! Look at the time!!! Usually I compose the Fabulous Furry Friday post on Thursdays, so it goes out bright and early on Friday morning, but this week I blew it! Too many balls in the air, I guess.

So here are some of my favorite ‘toons, to take you into the weekend, as we watch the clock run down on my Kickstarter Campaign, and prepare to frolic with toddler pandas, and also wait for the moment when Sean Spicer runs naked and screaming onto the White House south lawn. Hey, it could happen!

But for now, let’s have some PANDAS!!!!! (while we remember fondly, a time when we had hope that Democracy would still stand.)

Mei should not be getting all excited like this in her condition!

And what better talk show is there, than Mehitabel Tonite!?

Oh dear….

Mei puts her paw down…

And this hacking into my title imagery has got to stop!

Cue the menacing music…

Why NOT vote for Bob?


Bob T Panda

PS: If you haven’t visited our Kickstarter page in a while, there are some new rewards! Original cartoon drawing, as well as a mini poster of everyone’s (well, lots of people anyway) favorite cartoon, Yoga for Pandas!

Yoga for Pandas, now available as a mini poster!

Pandas are (still) Standing By!

I’m writing this Friday afternoon, as my Kickstarter project is a mere $600 away from funding. There are still more than 10 days to go till the pledge drive is over, but don’t stop pledging now. Tomorrow I will be posting some additional goals for this project to go see pandas and make art inspired by my trip.

Update!!! We have reached our goal, but don’t stop now!

Tomorrow I will be posting my stretch goals in an update. These are things that would be helpful on my trip, but not essential to actually being able to go on this trip. I would point out, this is one of those rare opportunities to get some of my original art at a greatly reduced price. You can see my paintings (and what they sell for on the website of my Whidbey Island Gallery representative. Why am I offering these paintings for so much less? Well, primarily because you are paying for them without having seen them yet. I’m hoping you’ll like them when I’m done, but it’s not quite the same experience as seeing a painting you love and choosing to buy it. so there you have it!

And of course, we will be getting to see some of our favorite american pandas. Pinky and Tai shan, for sure, and hopefully Yun Zi, Zhen Zhen, (my adopted panda) and the Meihems.

But now, on with our show!


Pinky: what’s wrong wif dis cookie?

Don’t take Pinky’s word for it! There are still some things that Pinky didn’t get her paws on! Check them out here!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Friday was never so Fabulous …

…as this Friday, when my Kickstarter project to visit the panda ranches of China, is now about 60% funded, in less than 3 days. OMG!!!!!! If you haven’t visited yet, get on down to Kickstarter headquarters here! I am so thankful for all your support, and for the photos shared by some of my fellow Panda-trekkers that decorate my project page.

Update!!! Now 85% Funded!

Who could resist having lunch with a panda? (Actually, their table manners are terrible, but so are mine!)

But meanwhile, it is Fabulous Furry Friday and you know what that means…

Panda, panda, panda…bring on the pandas!!!!!

…if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da- AAARGH! I can’t stop!!!!!

Part 1 of Bob and Mehitabel’s explanation…

What makes a panda run? Cuppycakes, of course!!!!

Babette and Bee, the Bear have a “discussion”

And while we are all…ahem…thinking about persons in power who may have been “misspeaking”….

Oh, Bob, you didn’t really say that, did you?

Early fake news?

Mehitabel did NOT approve this cartoon.

Archie, is that you?

We KNEW that was you!

I was really afraid this was going to happen.

You can’t fire a icon.

And don’t forget to check out my Kickstarter campaign! Pinky misses me!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda


And Away We Go …

If you are reading this before noon PDT, you might be somewhat confused because there is no link here to take you immediately to my Kickstarter project page, and that’s because I have to set this up in advance, and won’t have the link until I actually post the project! Did that make sense? Never fear, I will post an update in this post as soon as the project goes live, so you may have to check back here if you are one of the people who gets this post via your email before I’ve been able to add the Kickstarter link. But meanwhile, away we go …

Update: We are live!

So without further ado, let’s get this baby on the road!

away we go

We’re off! And I want an answer to the cuppycake question too!

I wanted to point out, that this funding project is a rather short duration, only 16 days total. From my previous projects over the last 5 years, I’ve learned that there is a kind of “dead space” after the excitement of the campaign’s launch and it’s knuckle biting final hours. so, in order to save you from my endless whinging during that middle period, I’ve made the campaign about half the time of a typical funding period. Huzzah! Think of it like you thin k of your local NPR station pledge drives! Okay, maybe not, but you know what I mean.

We bring you panda satire, rain or shine, downfall of civilization not withstanding, for the low, low price of FREE! So every once in a while, we come to you to help us fund a panda project. No one knows better than I do that a person (or panda) might not be a position to contribute, but you can still help be sharing my project on social media. Who knows! Your friends might have been waiting to discover panda satire! It could happen! You never know till you try. 🙂

Panda On!
Bob T Panda