Tag Archives: Chinese new year

Time to get ready for…

The Year of the Banky Pig! Huzzah! Yes, the Lunar New Year, known also as Chinese New Year is coming soon. How soon? I don’t know, Auntie Lucilla…how soon is it? And since in the Chinese Astrology, each year is signified by an animal, changed  on a twelve year cycle. This year is the Year of the Pig. (Bubba: dat’s BANKY PIG!!!!!!)

For some reason, there is no year of the Panda. 

To whom do we file a complaint about this obvious error?

Look out Bubba! Pinky is trying to get her paws on Banky Pig!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

The Year of the Fabulous Furry Friday

Since Chinese New Year is nigh, I thought this week’s Fabulous Furry Friday round-up would serve the panda-satire loving public well by revisiting our previous Salutes to Chinese New Year by the panda kindergarten! Huzzah! Let’s get good and ready to celebrate the Year of the Dog!

Because Nobody Expects the Panda Kindergarten!


Huzzah! it’s the year of the Dragon! Still one of my favorites!)

The year of the bunny…..

Oh that panda kindergarten!


It’s the year of the WUster!!!!

panda cubs on rocking horses

Huzzah! It’s The year of Pandas on Horsies!

Look out!!!! Oh, those triplets!

Well, the FIRE part had Mehitabel a little worried, but…

Viva les pandas!
Bob T Panda

It Seems like Chinese New Year Should be Happening Soon

I’m not very good at keeping track of dates (other than my own Birthday Season) so I don’t know exactly when Chinese New Year is, but I did hear through the grapevine that it is The Year of the Dog in the Chinese zodiac calendar. Feel free to let me know what the actual date is! (I know some of you are much better at keeping track of this stuff than I am.) But no matter the actual date! The Panda Kindergarten is ready with their annual Chinese New Year Celebration!!!

Huzzah for the Chinese New Year: The Year of the Dog!

How much is that doggie in da window…

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

The Year of the Rooster Really

I jumped the gun on Friday. Not really, because Saturday was the actual start of Chinese New Year, and this is the year of the Red Fire Rooster, or as one of the special friends to pandas, Lucilla T. has dubbed it, the Year of the WUster!!!!!! (Referring, of course, to everybody’s favorite panda, Mr. Wu of the San Diego panda clan.) (Okay, I know I am about to get a lot of heat here about who is the best panda ebber. Let’s just say I have a thing for the Wu Self and leave it at that.)

And if you are looking for a special recipe for your celebrations, hop on over to Vicky Vladic’s blog VSomethingSpeaks for a yummy chicken recipe. That’s if you’d rather eat your rooster, rather than party with it.

Meanwhile, here is my actual new ‘toon commemorating the Year of the Rooster!


It’s the year of the WUster!!!!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

BTW, you’ll notice I did not lead with political outrage, although, trust me, it’s still there and getting worse every day. I just read a recent article on Medium about how to remain outraged without losing your mind. I highly recommend it! I already knew I was going to intersperse snarky political ‘toons with lighter panda fare, and this article confirmed we need to do both, in order to keep our sanity, not burn out, but also not let important crimes against humanity go unremarked. It’s getting very interesting out there. As in train wreck interesting, not fluffy kittens interesting.

The Year of the Rooster

Yes, Chinese New Year, otherwise known as the Lunar New Year, starts tomorrow (January 28th, 2017) and continues until February 15th! This is the year of the Rooster. That sounds harmless, right? How much trouble can the panda kindergarten get into dressed up like chickens?

It was interesting to read this article, because I was unaware of some of the traditions associated with this event. Like, you’re not supposed to do any cleaning the first three days of the New Year, because you could wash away good fortune. Well, I can live with that. Um…I hardly ever clean anything. Was that too much information?

Anyway, we’ll have a brand new ‘toon for you on Sunday, but for today’s encore presentation, I thought I would post some of my favorite Chinese new year ‘toons from years past.


The year of the bunny…..

Oh that panda kindergarten!

panda cubs on rocking horses

Huzzah! It’s The year of Pandas on Horsies!

Look out!!!! Oh, those triplets!

Well, the FIRE part had Mehitabel a little worried, but…

And, of course, my personal favorite…

the year of the dragon, panda kindergarten

Huzzah! it’s the year of the Dragon!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Have a fabulous furry Friday!

It’s The Year of the Fire Monkey

Yes, it’s the favorite holiday of pandas once again, the Chinese New Year and no one likes to celebrate it more than the panda kindergarten! This year we celebrate the Year of the Fire Monkey and once again we ask, “why is there no Year of the PANDA????” (And every year Mehitabel answers, “as far as I can tell, it’s ALWAYS the year of the panda around here. Hmmmph!”)

For a more factual report of the meaning of this year, visit Vicky Vladic’s blog for her report on The Year of the Fire Monkey and a delicious cuppycake recipe! I’ve done an illustrated version of this recipe which will be appearing on one of my new favorite websites, They Draw and Cook, which features illustrated recipes from artists around the world. Huzzah!

And here, with no further folderol, is the panda kindergarten’s tribute to The Year of the Fire Monkey!

Well, the FIRE part had Mehitabel a little worried, but...

Well, the FIRE part had Mehitabel a little worried, but…

Personally, I think pandas look quite dashing in the other kind of monkey suit! And as Bob says, at least nothing is on fire, like a few hearts ago with The Year of the Dragon celebration.

the year of the dragon, panda kindergarten

Huzzah! it’s the year of the Dragon!

See you on Wednesday!

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

It’s Chinese New Year AND Fabulous Furry Friday!

WEll, it’s a good thing that Chinese New Year lasts for 15 days, which will give me a chance to do a new cartoon or two for this year.  Which is, of course, the Year of the Panda and…oh wait…what? It’s not the year of the panda?

Then when IS the year of the panda? What do you mean there isn’t one?

I need to sit down for a minute and…um…maybe have a cuppycake or two. But first, take a look at the video I made in preparation for the launch of my Kickstarter project to help get Pandamorphosis published:

In the meantime, here are some encore presentations of Chinese New Years past!

the year of the dragon, panda kindergarten

Huzzah! it’s the year of the Dragon!

What do you mean by "was?"

What do you mean by “was?”

The year of the bunny.....

The year of the bunny…..

Oh that panda kindergarten!

Oh that panda kindergarten!

Be the Bear, and don’t forget you can support Pandas International by buying my books! starting February 1st (that’s tomorrow!)

Bob T. Panda