This week we celebrate the 51st anniversary of the first Earth Day! Pandas, of course are well versed in the environmental realm (“We R Endangered!!!!) so it is no surprise that pandas have embraced science!

Keep Pandaing on!
Bob T Panda
This week we celebrate the 51st anniversary of the first Earth Day! Pandas, of course are well versed in the environmental realm (“We R Endangered!!!!) so it is no surprise that pandas have embraced science!
Keep Pandaing on!
Bob T Panda
We’re back with the next installment of our response to the Foxxy “News” blasphemy about pandas. I’m listening to The Rachel Maddow show Podcast as I write this, so please excuse me if I break into incredulous cries of outrage as I hear what Mittens and his minions are getting up to.
Pandas COULD bite your head off if they really wanted to.
We shall Panda On!
Bob T Panda
PS Happy Earth Day every one! remember: We ARE Endangered! (from so many directions!)
Today is Earth Day and we almost forgot to celebrate it. Of course, anything with pandas is rather celebratory, so um…have I convinced you of anything yet? Darn… sO let’s just forget all about what we might or might not have forgotten, as Fabulous Furry Friday celebrates Earth Day because….
Yes, that’s right, pandas are endangered and if you think we are going to let you forget it, you have another think coming! Check out this fun video I found about pandas on youtube!
After you’re done watching that, here’s the Friday line up for this fabulously furry day!
You forgot your Binky Bar!
One of my early ‘toons! (and still one of my faves!)
Vote for pandas! We’re endangered!
Does being endangered have NO privileges?
Pandas support all endangered animals!
Keep cool, cat, and don’t go blaming women for stuff. That is SO not the way to get votes…
Hope you have a happy and fulfilling Earth day…um…when you’re endangered, does time really matter? Well, yeah, actually it does.
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
It has come to my attention, that this week we celebrate Earth Day, a day to thank our lovely planet for being there, and could we please not mess it up any more than we already have, and maybe fix a thing or two while we are at it.
I remember the first Earth Day, because I was in high school at the time (please, do NOT do the math) and what an amazing concept it seemed at the time. Pandas, of course have been all over this from even before Earth Day was a “thing”, trying to find ways to reduce our carbonated footprints.
are you SURE it’s not “carbonated”?
well, what if I….
And I just wanted to send another big pandy thanks to all of my amazing supporters who have ordered stuff from my Pandyland Store, which is a way you can support Panda Satire, and get some cool stuff for around your house as well! Because, you know…
What could be more endangered than joyriding pandas NOT wearing seat belts?
Thanks for Being the Bear, and have a great weekend,
Bob T Panda!