For some reason I didn’t finish today’s ‘toon in time, but I’m on it. Maybe tomorrow?
The Power of the PoofRemember the song “The Eve of Destruction”? That’s what today feels like.Not even CUPPYCAKES????
Honestly, I thought we would not be here again. I am so sad, so angry, so scared, for me and for people I care about. I seriously thought this would not, could not happen. We thought there could not be such a bat shit crazy campaign again by Mittens, against an inspiring, energetic campaign by Kamala Harris. I am afraid for the future of this country, as well as the rest of the world. I’ll be here as long as I still have the resources to keep going.
Yours in Pandas Always Bob T not another reign of terror Panda
I swear the GQP is really trying to cause our blood pressure to soar so that our heads explode, and then since all the democrats will have exploded heads, we won’t be able to vote and they will be left to rule over their followers who, I think they actually despise. Won’t that be funny? Okay…not ain a “ha ha funny” kind of way, but “funny ironic” way.
Against our better judgement, somehow, Kitty Sue Conjob and Barker Carlson found their way on to the ZooNooZ set, with the results you might have already imagined. This story was ripped (off) from the real NooZ headlines. I bet you’ve heard something about it.
It’s Day 4 at the DNC Convention! Is tonight the night Pinky gets the nomination, or is there someone else waiting in the wings?
I gotta say, contrary to what you might think (or what you might have seen if you were masochistic enough to watch the RNC hate fest) the DNC Convention has been inspiring.
It has inspired hope It has inspired patriotism It has inspired JOY
It is time to do the work: check your voter registration. Talk to your friends, family, and neighbors about the stakes.
Considering, one month ago, I had never heard of Tim Walz. Tim Walz is the coach, the dad, the Vice President this country needs. His can do Minnesota spirit, his kindness, his compassion, his willingness to do the work to help his neighbors & heal the country are something I had lost hope of seeing in American politics.
I am seeing a much more comprehensive picture of who VP Kamala Harris is: what she has done, what she stands for, what she FIGHTS for. I believe she fights for us. I believe she has the compassion that can help heal our troubled country. I believe she has OUR interests at heart, and not her own personal gain.
I am glad to be reminded that there are people who actually want to serve the public & it’s not just the gotcha game played by Jim Jordan & Marge. #AmericaNeedsTimWalz & I hope you’ll join me in putting Walz and Harris in the White House.
Now…who is going to tell Pinky…
Times a wasting! Check your voter registration and VOTE!!!!!
But don’t worry! as you saw last week, Bikkie is at the Pandapalooza, He is dancing. He is eating cuppycakes and drinking boo beer! He is having a good time!
But right now, I’m watching the DNC Convention and it is as inspiring in an equal and opposite way from whatever the heck that is that the GQP is pumping out. While the speeches are forceful and sometimes reference the many bad things Mittens has done and said, the overwhelming vibe is inspiration and hope for the future.
If you are not interested in my ‘toons about politics and my opinions on such, I suggest you ignore whatever of my posts are not episodes of Pandarella. I feel your pain. I wish we did not have to pay attention. I miss the days when I could ignore what was going on in the other Washington, and know there were enough adults in the room to keep things ticking along without me.
I’ve made no secret of my political leanings. As I watch tonight’s first day of speechifying, the overwhelming theme is hope for the future. The speakers are inspiring. If you’re not watching, be sure to catch the replays of AOC and Hilary Clinton. They both brought tears to my eyes. Shawn Fain of the UAW brought the fire for the workers of the country. Union Strong!
Jasmine Crockett is a national treasure. This smart, dedicated, faithful, full of integrity public servant is bringing the fire and showing her humanity, along with that of Kamala Harris. I couldn’t be prouder to have her in the House of Representatives, if she was this old, childless cat lady’s daughter.
I’m still waiting for Joe Biden’s address to the Convention, but if this is what they have on the first night, my computer may explode from all the passion.
I’m gonna leave you here with this: Check your voter registration, especially if you live in one of those states that has a propensity for voter suppression. Please vote. and please vote for Democrats, up and down the ballot. The humanity presented tonight, and the lack of it from the GOP should be clear.
There are less than 80 days till November 5th. Don’t waste this.
I don’t know about you, but I’m getting increasingly frustrated with the “OH MY GOD I NEVER REALIZED JOE BIDEN IS OLD WE MUST DOOOOOOO SOMETHING ABOUT IT RIGHT! NOW!” narrative in the so called mainstream media and the pundit class is yelling from the rooftops.
Some of you (maybe about 150 million) seem to be unaware we have what is called a “Primary Election” that is held in different states, roughly from the end of January till the late spring. At this time, you could vote for other people who chose to run. Dean Phillips (who?) and the failed scion of the Kennedy clan ran and mostly finished behind “no voice” or “uncommitted”. Pretty far below, if I remember correctly.
Look. I don’t know if Biden is going to make it through 4 years. That’s why there is a Vice President and we have a good one. Apparently there is a faction that just noticed she is a multi racial woman, a fact they seemed to ignore while there was no chance she would actually become president if something happened to Biden. Maybe all the viable alternates didn’t run because they knew it would be a cluster*ck and maybe hand the election to TFG.
To be clear I will vote for a box of donuts if it is running as the head of the Democratic ticket, but I’m happy to vote for Handsome Joe if he is indeed the one running. He must feel like he’s under a million microscopes right now. If there is a fight at the convention, it won’t be exciting (at least not in a good way) and it won’t be fun. It will only make us weaker and lead some people to stay home and not vote at all.
And that is what Felon 45 and his ilk wants.
Meanwhile, maybe by this time next week we’ll know who FFF (Felon Forty Five, get it?) is bringing to the prom.
I’m staying as far away from the election food fight as I can.
Oh boy. Here we go. Election Season 2024 is officially off and running. Zoonooz is on the scene once again with a preview of the first debate (not to mention some predictions for the RNC Convention/clusterf**k)
I hope you have your snacks, some strong adult beverages and a protective screen for your TV/computer screen in case something accidentally leaves your hand at great velocity.
Feel free to check in with your observations, in the comments! Wheee!