Elephants have had it with being associated with the GQP

Pookie will be back next week! Don’t yell at me okay?
Be the Bear!
Bob T I never took any classified documents Panda
Pookie will be back next week! Don’t yell at me okay?
Be the Bear!
Bob T I never took any classified documents Panda
You might remember earlier this year there was a nooz story about some elephants that went walkabout in China. Well, they went here, and they went there, but apparently they are heading back home, wherever that is.
As you may recall, Bob went to interview them when they were on their journey! And now that they seem to be headed in the other direction, they made a stop at the ZooNooZ studios!
Be the bear!
Bob T Panda
Everyone knows elephants never forget, and if you think they are going to forget OR forgive being associated with the party of tRump? You have never seen an angry elephant!
I mean, elephants take care of each other, look out for the little ones, no matter who their parents are, and they have a pretty good sense of humor, even if Bob doesn’t think so!.
“You’re not going to let them sit on my chair, are you?”
“Ix-Nay on the Ample-Tray!”
Panda On!
BobT Panda
BTW: I finally figured out how to print labels using Pages. Geez. They do not make it easy for you. Why can’t they just give you the damn templates?
I have to thank all my faithful readers, who are always on the lookout for actual news stories that might make for good ‘toon inspiration! You all did yourselves proud this time, by making sure that the news story about a rhino poacher who was killed by an elephant, was then eaten by lions. Several of you brought this story to my attention, and although it seemed outlandish, (I mean, who could make this stuff up?) a little investigating on multiple sources showed that this indeed had happened!
It was even mentioned by Trevor Noah on The Daily Show!
One might hope that people would know better…
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda
PS: Don’t forget! Our Kickstarter is still gong on! I’ve recently added a new reward, and rewritten the project home page to make it (hopefully) less confusing. Seriously, every time I do this, in some ways it’s like the first time! :-} Go Check it out! Do it now!
3″ embroidered patch with Bubba and his friends! only an additional $12! Don’t you want this?
Recently, one of my friends in the Pandasphere suggested that Pinky would enjoy crowd surfing, and that got me thinking…
Way to go, to everyone who attended one of the March For Life events around the world. I was so glad to see there was a large turnout in DC, with estimates of over 1 million people! I think Seattle had a good turnout. Our local demonstration was small, but enthusiastic. Now we need to make sure all these potential new voters get registered and vote! The times they are a changing, indeed!
Thank you to Anne Lane for this great idea!
Panda On!
Bob T Panda