Can there ever be too much Fat Bear Nooz?

I sort of imagine Bob saying “WHAT??!?!?!” a little like Matt Damon did when he played Brett Kavenaugh on SNL.
I sort of imagine Bob saying “WHAT??!?!?!” a little like Matt Damon did when he played Brett Kavenaugh on SNL.
We call upon our cub reporters, our “Bears in the Know” Frank and Mikey…
By the way, I am re-running the annual Encore Presentation of The Wizard of Wu over at my Substack space! Check it out. The posts will continue through next week so don’t miss any! Installment 2 is here!
I also wrote an amusing little fantasy about the REAL story as regards why Commander was banished from the White House.
Till next time,
Be the Bear!
Bob T I could win the fat bear contest if I really wanted to Panda
The fish breathe a sigh of relief, the bears loosen their belts, start looking for their jammies and teddy bears, and start to think about snuggling up as the days grow short and the air and snow blow through the cracks of their dens.
What do the bears think about all these people hanging on their every snack? About all these well heeled hikers and trekkers that make the difficult and expensive trip to see them in their fat, fuzzy glory?
I bet they think some of them look like pretty good eating, and maybe not as hard to catch as salmon.
Otis may not have won the competition this year, but he’ll always be Number One Bear in my book. Otis Abides.
I expect there will be a bit more commentary here on ZooNooz, from our favorite bears around the Hood, Frank and Mikey. Till then…
Be the Bear
Bob T time for a nap Panda
Can she help it if Otis is such a cutie pie?
I’m afraid to tell you, that Otis did not win this year’s completion. I think there is one more day to go, but he has already been eliminated. I know, I know, all bears are worthy, but geez…you’d think there could be more people who recognize Otis’s contribution to the Fat Bear Festivities. Maybe a lifetime achievement award?
Oh well…
Be the Bear!
Bob T Otis was robbed! Panda
Who says Fat Bear Week doesn’t have its share of intrigue?
Vote Early. Vote Often. Vote OTIS!!!
Be the Bear!
Bob T I have no secrets Panda
No, not that king. Or not that king either, and definitely not the person who thinks he’s a king. I am, of course, referring to Otis. King of the Katmai Park, a bear to be reckoned with in the pecking order of the gang at Brooks Falls. Otis is now believed to be 27, which is old for a bear in captivity, and very old for a bear in the wild.
I read this most lovely tribute on Fezbook here. If it doesn’t bring a tear to your eye, you may already be dead. (I tried to link to this post, but since I couldn’t make it work probably due to some fez book noises, I added a screenshot instead, with the author of the post included)
Of course, ZooNooZ had to send their ace correspondents up to Alaska to interview the bears gathering in the park!
Mikey, too, is devoted to Otis.
Mikey (to Otis): You can have all my fish, buddy!
Be the Bear
Bob T waiting for the next indictment Panda
Fat Bear Week is so inspiring! Pass the cuppycakes. Hey, to each their own!
Be the Bear!
Bob T bear positive Panda
It’s Fat Bear Week up in Alaska! Grizzlies gather to galumph through streams, as salmon jump directly into their mouths. Just like in college basketball, there are charts showing which bears are in the running (I’m not sure how the competing teams are decided…different stream? I’ll have to do more research.)
There are rumors that even though they are not on the official match ups, Frank and Mikey are planning on a surprise late entry! Other rumors of banned performance enhancing substances to promote unfair advantages, have been leveled against Frank and Mikey, which could explain why they are not in the official line up.
Also, Mikey has let it be known that he doesn’t like fish.
This would be a good time to order your own Frank and Mikey!
Order in the usual fashion:
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda