Tag Archives: Inspector Panda

Day 10: 31 Days of Pandas

Are you having fun yet? I know I am, and the pandas just keep on coming your way, with  31 Days of Pandas and all the panda fun you can bear.

Today’s cartoon was inspired by one of my favorite “motifs” in Calvin and Hobbes. I’m talking about the ones where Calvin and Hobbes are rocketing along in Calvin’s sled or wagon, over some impossibly steep, rocky cliff, all the while having a philosophical discussion with Hobbes, who is looking on in horror, just before they crash.

Look out for that....

Look out for that….

I think even the car is horrified by the pandy kindy driving style.

See you tomorrow!

Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda

Day 9: 31 Days of Pandas

and more from Inspector Panda…or at least the pandy kindy, erstwhile art historians and…um…daredevil drivers!

what could be better than small pandas driving cars?

what could be better than small pandas driving cars?

And now, a word from our sponsor, WOOZPPAH! Did you know that the elephants were going to be leaving Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo? So, enquiring bears want to know, “why not pandas?” Pandas are cute and cuddly, and bring smiles to the faces of everyone who sees them. Well, maybe some grouchy people might not like pandas, but I bet if they spent some time looking at pandas, they wouldn’t be so grouchy, would they?

Here are the main points we would like to share with the-powers-that-be-at Woodland Park Zoo:

1. The Western Washington climate is perfect for pandas!
2. Bamboo grows really, really well here. (just ask someone whose neighbors planted it on their fence line.)
3. Edinburgh Zoo also has limited parking in a residential neighborhood, and they have created a timed ticket reservation system so that a regulated number of panda fans can visit each day.
4. Pandas are cuter than any other animals.
5. I would buy a membership and so would a lot of other people.
6. Panda tourism!
7. um…Pandas!

I’ll be writing more about this in days and weeks to come, but it’s never too early to start asking the zoo, “why not pandas?”





Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda


Day 8: 31 Days of Pandas

Inspector Panda is back, and he’s loaded for bear! I can’t believe I used that joke, and actually, while the esteemed Inspector Panda’s story The Case of The Picturesque Panda has returned, those rascally darlings of the art history department, the panda kindergarten, has seized center stage, with Mr. Wu along for a very wild ride! But the very Inspector Panda will be along shortly.

Of course, we need our omniscient narrator to bring us up to date. It is Monday, after all!

Let's ride like the wind! Away, pandas, away!!!!

Let’s ride like the wind! Away, pandas, away!!!!

Huzzah! Princess Pinky has inserted herself into the narrative, but who will protest? Not I, not I.

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

31 Days of Pandas: Day 4

I know, I know, you’re thinking “WTF! Why are we only getting one panel a day of Inspector Panda? Sometimes we got two, or even THREE!!!”  Well, if you think about it, with only one episode of Inspector Panda per week when it’s not PanDaWriMo, you would only be getting two panels per week and now you are getting five! Just saying, OK?

Well, actually no one has said any such thing.  Nevermind. :o)

And now, on with today’s show! We don’t call it 31 Days of Pandas for nothing!

And just who is that sneaking a peak from under the curtain?

And just who is that sneaking a peak from under the curtain?

Meanwhile, yesterday was “Giving Tuesday” when everyone was supposed to reach deep into your wallets or your well of compassion for others, and give to the worthy cause of your choice. I am a little disappointed to say that fans of Panda Satire did not flock to Amazon and order piles of my books, for which I was going to make a donation to Pandas International. I’m not trying to make you feel guilty, because that doesn’t usually get the desired effect. (right mom?) But unlike much of life, you are going to get a second chance. For any order for the entire month of December for any of the Panda Chronicles Books or for Pandamorphosis, I will make a donation to Pandas International.  Just follow the handy link to my book page and click on through to Amazon or Createspace. They make great gifts!


See you tomorrow!

Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda

Day 3: 31 Days of Pandas…

…and I’m not behind YET, but it was kind of close! I thought I’d get ahead during November, while I was bringing the Inspector Panda saga up to date, but alas…I took a vacation instead. I’m pretty sure that was a good thing. Tis the season to be exhausted after all.

But now, there is no time to lose! We must follow Inspector Panda as he leads us into the den of the mysterious and perhaps devious Babette de Panda!

Oh where, oh where, will Inspector Panda Find Babette, not to mention Mr. Wu and the panda kindergarten art history squad?

Oh where, oh where, will Inspector Panda Find Babette, not to mention Mr. Wu and the panda kindergarten art history squad?

See you tomorrow!
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

Day 2: PandaWriMo and Giving Tuesday

… from Inspector Panda!

Today has been decreed Giving Tuesday (really, who comes up with these names for things?) and putting my curmudgeonly leanings aside, I’m pretty sure that it is always better to give than receive (really?) especially when you are giving to pandas! With this in mind, I am donating $1 to Pandas International  for each copy of the Panda Chronicles series books and Pandamorphosis that sell today, December 2nd, 2014.  It’s a great excuse to stock up on any of the Panda Chronicles books you might not have yet and buy them as presents for all your friends and relations! I appreciate your support and so do the pandas.

After all, without pandas, there could be no panda satire.

And now, we continue with…

The Case of the Picturesque Panda!

This case is not what it seems....

This case is not what it seems….

And for those of you who are looking for something really special for the panda lover in your life, prints from Pandamorphosis are now available through The Gratitude Gallery of Fine Balance Imaging on beyootiful Whidbey Island! Who could resist these pandas?

Who could resist pandas in the refrigerator?

Who could resist pandas in the refrigerator?

16 images in a variety of sizes are available! Check them out today!

See you tomorrow, and thanks for being generous bears! If Pandas International is not your cup of Boo Tea, think about who that might be, and give what you can, whether it’s your dollars, your time, or your kindness. The world needs lots more of the latter two.

Bob T. Panda

Recap Lucky #13

Yep, today is the last day of our recaps for The Case of The Picturesque Panda! We will be relaxing tomorrow (well, actually, we will be madly trying to get a day or two ahead for 31 Days of Pandas) so no post tomorrow. Sunday we will return with a brand new cartoon for you, my loyal fans! Huzzah! Monday begins the new episodes of The Case of the Picturesque Panda, which I think will run Monday through Friday, with a variety of other cartoon features on the weekends.

There were certain pandas, who we shall not name, who protested a feature that they were not the star of, being run every day. I think you get my drift and know to whom I refer.

And without further fanfare, here is the last recap of:

The Case of the Picturesque Panda!

Inspector Panda is hot on Babette's trail....

Inspector Panda is hot on Babette’s trail….

See you Sunday!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Recap #11: Eat your weight in Cuppycakes

Okay, I’m not really going to do that tomorrow, but on the other paw….

We are almost all caught up with Our Story so Far. I hope you are getting excited about PandaWriMo (otherwise known as 31 Days of Pandas) and the continuation (and hopefully the conclusion of The Case of the Picturesque Panda.

Here’s the next episode!

What you don't know about your favorite art museum....

What you don’t know about your favorite art museum….

And look at those stacks of paintings! Did you realize there were so many fine art pandas in existence?

And look at those stacks of paintings! Did you realize there were so many fine art pandas in existence?

See you tomorrow!

Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda

Recap#8 & Fabulous Furry Friday

Huzzah! It is Fabulous Furry Friday as we continue with the next recap of The Case of the Picturesque Panda, in this run up to PanDaWriMo, otherwise known as 31 Days of Pandas!

Our Story so far….

The panda kindergarten arrives on the scene, and...

The panda kindergarten arrives on the scene, and…

Not the tape!!!!!!

Not the tape!!!!!!

Could that be the mysterious Babette de Panda? What does she want with Wu's tape?

Could that be the mysterious Babette de Panda? What does she want with Wu’s tape?

Oh no! Not Mr. Wu’s tape!!!! And now it’s FRIDAY and we won’t continue the story until MONDAY!!!!???!!! What ever will we do on the weekend? (And did you notice Mehitabel in her cameo role as Babette’s driver?)

Well, if you’ve been a clever bear, you will have a collection of all five of The Panda Chronicles books, and you will have pandas to spare to get you through the weekend. Word to the wise, and all that. In the meantime, we hope to have a brand new cartoon on Sunday. See you then!

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda