No, not that king. Or not that king either, and definitely not the person who thinks he’s a king. I am, of course, referring to Otis. King of the Katmai Park, a bear to be reckoned with in the pecking order of the gang at Brooks Falls. Otis is now believed to be 27, which is old for a bear in captivity, and very old for a bear in the wild.
I read this most lovely tribute on Fezbook here. If it doesn’t bring a tear to your eye, you may already be dead. (I tried to link to this post, but since I couldn’t make it work probably due to some fez book noises, I added a screenshot instead, with the author of the post included)

Of course, ZooNooZ had to send their ace correspondents up to Alaska to interview the bears gathering in the park!

Mikey, too, is devoted to Otis.
Mikey (to Otis): You can have all my fish, buddy!
Be the Bear
Bob T waiting for the next indictment Panda