Tag Archives: Kickstarter

Bubba: Junior Computer Whiz

Bubba has now turned a whole year old! He is such a smart little panda, but we never knew how smart he has become until now, what with Pinky occupying everyone’s attention. But as it turns out, that Bubba is quite the junior computer whiz kid. Takes after his sister, no doubt, as she was the one who learned how to hack into the traffic control around Zoo Cublanta at a very early age. (Pinky: that evidence is entirely CIRCUMSTANTIAL! I admit to nothing!)


Bubba has a cunning plan and he is putting it into action!

computer whiz

When did Bubba get to be so smart!

Has anyone noticed how gray Mei Xiang’s fur is starting to turn?

More Panda News!!!!

The Wahington State Panda Foundation (Heretofore known as WASPaF) is moving forward with meetings in China and site visits by the Chinese panda procurement people in their quest (a noble and brilliant one I might add) to bring pandas to Washington state. (Our motto: bring pandas to the OTHER Washington) News stories on TV and radio and newspapers report that the potential homes for the pandas, The Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma, and the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle (WOOZPPAH!) are saying, “hey! No one asked US if we wanted pandas!”

To that I sayFie! Of COURSE you want pandas! Everyone wants pandas!!! And for those who say:

A)” the money could be better spent elsewhere”, I say, ” well of COURSE it could, but we’re talking about PANDAS here!!!!!!


B) the “I thnk all wild animals should be wild and free and not locked up in zoos” people should visit a modern zoo sometime. Do I think pandas should be in the wild? Hell yes, just as soon as you restore the millions of square miles of their habitat that no longer exisits. A green pea in a 10 gallon bucket doesn’t begin to represent the ratio of lost habitat to the present panda habitat remaining.

They are doing the best they can to keep pandas from becomming extinct and return some to the wild. But that is a topic for another day!

For now, I just say, WOOZPPAH,

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

Bubba Has a Cunning Plan

Oh Pinky! You have taught your baby brother well! He has come up with a cunning plan to help you raise money for your campaign and maybe it will take you all the way to the Pink House! And what luck! You already have a video you can use!

Pinky’s campaign video!

A few weeks ago, I thought of a great idea for a Kickstarter campaign: Build a wall around Donald Trump! I thought it had great potential, but then realized, while it would be fun, I have far too much other work to do and Kickstarter campaigns are a lot of work. So instead, I thought that Pinky and Bubba would enjoy the experience!

cunning plan

Pinky has taught you well, Bubba!

Stay tuned as Pinky and Bubba team up to defeat Mittens the Cat!

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

The Cat Came Back…

…and reclaimed her rightful place in the world. Actually, Mehitabel was never gone, but she recently was invited over to the blog called Cat Stories and was invited to share her views. Thanks again to Cat McMahon for recognizing Mehitabel’s contribution to the Panda Chronicles.  You can read Mehitbel’s words of wisdom here.

***Please note: I had inserted bad links for Mehitabel’s story at cat Stories, but they are now fixed! That will teach me to hit the old publish button before I check the links (or the lynx.)

In honor of Mehitabel’s trip to another blog, I’ve gathered some encore presentations of some of her greatest moments.

Cats wearing collars on whidbey? get real!

Cats wearing collars on whidbey? get real!

Will I never learn?

Will I never learn?

Mehitabel thanks you!

Mehitabel thanks you!

The panda kindergarten is "busy" ...can you call back later?

The panda kindergarten is “busy” …can you call back later?

Mehitabel wishes you a fabulous weekend, a long one if you are in the US, and just the end of august for those of you other spots around the globe.  Be sure to check out her story over at Cat Stories!

Have a Great Fabulous Furry Friday!.
Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda

Reflections of My Kickstarter….

Yes, it’s Fabulous Furry Friday, here at The Panda Chronicles, The offices of The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, here in our high rise office tower, are shutting down for the weekend, as we prepare for…

How about a nap?  Wait, you say. Pandas do not hibernate. Yes, but what about a really, really, really long nap?

...if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da-  AAARGH!  I can't stop!!!!!

…if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da- AAARGH! I can’t stop!!!!!

I just finished packing and sending out all of my Kickstarter rewards, and now I am going to pause (or is that paws?) and pat myself on the back, and attempt to take most of the weekend off.

But besides all the work involved in putting together and executing a crowdfunding campaign, there is something very special about the process in addition to getting help funding your project.

That special something (Oh crikey! she’s going into schmoopy mode! get out your handkerchiefs!)  is all of you, who donated to my campaign and cheered me on, and shared my project with your panda and art loving friends. As people have been posting pictures of Pandamorphosis and the prints of artwork from the book, not only do I think, hey! there’s my book, there’s my art, out in the world, I think, hey, I’ve made a connection…I have a friend. It may be a friend I will never meet IRL, but they are friends all the same.

finale of wizard of wu

All I really need are my friends…and maybe some cuppycakes!!!

Some of the connections that were made while bringing Pandamorphosis into the world will be fleeting ones, but some will result in projects still to come.  Some, I hope will be lifetime friendships, and every once in a while we will meet in the company of pandas. Huzzah! Cuppycakes and bootinis all around!

Stay tuned to this station (National Panda Radio) to keep up with the latest panda nooz.  Sign up for my newsletter (which I really plan to write another one one of these days) up in the upper right hand column of this very blog.

And of course, your panda satire library won’t be complete without a copy of Pandamorphosis (hint, hint) (Amazon, hint, hint)



Thanks again to those kind folks who invited the pandas over for a visit. I hope we can come back again!

Kirby Larson’s Kirby’s Lane: Friday June 13, 2014
June 9th on Cordelia Calls it Quits, and
June 11th on Cordelia’s Mom, Still

Pandamorphosis was reviewed by Henry Nicholls, author of The Way of the Panda, on his Animal Magic blog at The  Guardian.

BTW, Henry and I connected early on in The Panda Chronicles’ journey into panda satire.  I think he even coined the phrase panda satire, if I remember correctly. I am grateful that he has been a supporter and cheerleader for The Panda Chronicles, and I am grateful for all my readers, and pandas…well now I’m just getting schmoopy again.

Have a great weekend, watch some panda videos, and have a (couple or three) cuppycakes! See ya next week.
Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday Salutes Pandamorphosis

It’s finally here, launch weeks for my wordless picture book, Pandamorphosis! From a germ of an idea in one of my early cartoons, Pandamorphosis grew into a wordless picture book that took more than four years to complete.  I’m so pleased to say that Pandamorphosis is now ready for panda (and cat) fans everywhere to enjoy.

Here’s the cartoon that started it all:

It all started here.....

It all started here…..

…and ended up here….

I’ll be doing some guest posting around the interwebs in the next couple of weeks, and I’ll let you know where all those places are as they are posted.  I am also scheduled to talk about Kickstarter and Pandamorphosis on Whidbey Air Radio’s Isle of Arts show this coming Monday. Stay tuned for more details on that!



Till next week,
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda


More from the Panda Season of Lo-o-o-o-ove

Over the river, through the woods and across the Atlantic we go, to visit some of our favorite pandas, those titans of the tartan, the Scottish Pandas, Lord and Lady MacBear. I just can’t get enough of these guys.  And lest you be concerned that Mehitabel has been beset by bratty panda kindergarteners during the running of the pandas, she gets her own back today, as she pokes fun at the technique (or lack thereof) of boy pandas everywhere.

I just love the cub reporter.

I just love the cub reporter.

Hope that you are having a happy Sunday, sitting around reading the sunday funnies with your panda, perhaps enjoying a cuppycake or two. (Or three)

Keep being the bear and Pandaing on!  There are pandas around the web this week as I pay a return visit to Cordelia’s Mom, Still on Thursday, May 8th with a post about continuing onward despite all the adversity that life throughs at us, and TOMORROW I appear on The Isle of the Arts show on Whidbey Air radio at 1PM PDST to talk about Kickstarter. (This is a return engagement, due to my recent bout of spring cold last week.)  News flash: Apologies, but this is being postponed once again. (not my fault this time.)  I will alert you when it is REALLY happening.



Panda On!
Bob T. Panda


Y? Because I LIKE pandas, that’s Y

Yoohoo! here I am, having successfully made it to the penultimate day of the A to Z Bloggers Challenge, where I have worked my way through the alphabet, demonstrating the relevance of all letters to pandas.  Yes, you’ve had to yawn through my yackkety-yakking, yadda, yadda, yaddaing about pandas, but so what? It could be worse, couldn’t it?

Couldn’t it??????

Besides, what could be cuter than pandas wearing yarmulkes?

Today, you are a bear.

Today, you are a bear.

Or even better, pandas doing yoga:

yoga for pandas

All salute the sacred cuppycake!

And then we have the Year of the Rabbit…

The year of the bunny.....

The year of the bunny…..

Oh that panda kindergarten!

Oh that panda kindergarten!

The Year of the Dragon…

the year of the dragon, panda kindergarten

Huzzah! it’s the year of the Dragon!

I skipped the year of the snake, because…hello? snakes? and moved right on to the Year of the Horsie!

panda cubs on rocking horses

Huzzah! It’s The year of Pandas on Horsies!

And lest we forget, The Panda Chronicles operates under the banner of Your Brain on Pandas! OK, well maybe it’s my brain that’s on pandas.

I want to send a special shout out to a couple of the blogs that I really enjoyed and either was already following or am now following: The Art of Not Getting Published, The Ninja Librarian,  and The Pedestrian Writer. There are many more good blogs that participated, and I look forward to working my way through the list as what with writing a post everyday, I had less time to read other blogs than I had hoped I would.

Meanwhile, progress is progressing on Pandamorphosis, my wordless picture book. Stay tuned to this very blog for very excited announcements when it is ready to hit the street.  Meanwhile, my interview about Kickstarter on Whidbey Air Radio’s show Isle of the Arts, has been rescheduled for next Monday.  Don’t worry, I’ll remind you.

Till then, Be the Bear and Panda On!
Bob T. Panda

To bee or not to bee…

Oh, wait, I used the Shakespearian pandas yesterday and though I expected a tsunami of turpitude, I was not troubled by taboos while I tabulated more ways to be tacky.  It is a tribute to pandas that they are so versaTile, though rarely tactful. Occasionally they are tawdry and throw tantrums, but not terrible ones.

Today is brought to you by the letter”T” and that rhymes with “P” and that stands for “Panda”

You say sumi-e, I say Tsunami

You say sumi-e, I say Tsunami

I should tell you about Pandas around the cyber web! On Monday, April 28th, I (in the guise of my non-panda alter ego) will be on Whidbey Air Radio’s show Isle of Arts talking about Kickstarter with hosts Mary Rose Anderson and Annie Horton. The show airs LIVE at 1 PM PDST and you can tune in here.  I’ve had three successful Kickstarter projects, and assisted on about twice that many.

Meanwhile, the panda kindergarten  is up to their usual treachery, terrorizing poor Mehitabel…

Mehitabel thanks you!

Curse the panda kindergarten!

Run,kitty, run!

Run,kitty, run!

Thanks once again to the folks at the A to Z for hosting this blog challenge.  Um…how many more letters do we have to go?

Meanwhile, we pay tribute to Bee the Bear, one of the cutest pandas to ever come across my desk.

Bee, the Bear

Bee, the Bear

Ta Ta, and of course, today is brought to you by Bob T. Panda, with a capital “P” and that rhymes with “T” and that stands for “THE”

Be the bear!

The Kindness of Strangers

Our letter for the day is the Letter “K” as in ‘kay mommee…pinky needs her wand NOW.

“I have always relied on the kindness of strangers”... has always been one of my favorite movie lines.  But it is true that people have been extraordinarily kind the last few days. Whether you are talking about the support I have received for my new book to be, Pandamorphosis, or the sympathy expressed at the death of a dear friend. Thank you all.

so, oK! “Kickstarter” starts with “K” as does “Kindergarten” and the panda kindergarten kicked kitty butt when they “helped” with our Kickstarter Kampaigns.

Get ready.......

Get ready…….

Says Babette de Panda:  "It's all about MOI` "

Says Babette de Panda: “It’s all about MOI` “

fundraising on Kickstarter

Ha ha! George Clooney… where do those little pandas get these ideas?

Take a tip from Mr. Kitty and Keep being the Kat…um…I mean the bear.

Thanks for the A to Z folks who have let the Kindergarten run amok among a wider audience.  You is da bears.

Bob T. Panda
“we’ll do better next week!”



It’s Fabulous Furry Friday once again….

"Wu calls his dance, 'Ode to a Weaf' "

“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “


Good news panda fans, and especially fans of Mr. Wu! Despite being crazy busy with my Kickstarter project (the funding part is done and now the real work begins) I also managed to compile and format all the cartoons for The Book of Wu, the 4th book in The Panda Chronicle series. Wow!

So, in honor of the book being finished and scheduled to appear on Amazon in the next week, I decided that Fabulous Furry Friday would bring you some highlights from the life of Mr. Wu today.

Whatever could be in the box the panda kindergarten is delivering to Mr. Wu?

Whatever could be in the box the panda kindergarten is delivering to Mr. Wu?

mr wu speaks out.

Woe is Wu!

Huzzah! Hope this little bit of something Wu gets you ready for the weekend! Till next week, when we re-join Inspector panda as he ferrets out the culprit in The Case of the Purloined Highway!

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda