Tag Archives: Kickstarter

Day 9 And now a special request…

Greetings Panda fans.  Many (if not all) of you know that in addition to being the leading practitioner of Panda Satire in the world (Hey! Until I hear different, I’m claiming it!) I’m also a painter, who shows and sells her work.  I live in a wonderful little corner of the world, which besides abounding in natural beauty, has more artists, musicians, writers, actors, chefs and artisanal farmers than you can shake a stick at.  (Shaking only, no hitting please.) A little over a year ago, some dedicated, hard working folks thought it would be a really good idea to have an information resource that benefitted both the creative types that live and work here, but also anyone who wanted one publication in which to read about all the amazing stuff that’s going on around here.

And so, Whidbey Life Magazine was born, an online resource for all the arts and culture on Whidbey Island.! There are a small band of us who write for the magazine, but the magazine is mostly fueled by the hard work of its founders, Jan Shannon and Sue Taves, not to mention our long suffering, cat herding editor, Patricia Duff. So now, they would like to add a twice yearly print magazine to the mix, so as to reach even more people who want to know what all the fuss is about on Whidbey Island. They have started an Indiegogo campaign to make that a reality.

Of course, the pandas wanted to…um…help:


Don’t believe EVERYTHING the panda kindergarten says!

I know that many of you who are reading this might not live here, but I hope you’ll take a little time from your day to see what we are doing here, and maybe even support this project. You can read WLM  here and see if we offer something you would enjoy and like to support. And then, check out our Indiegogo project. And…um…a date with George Clooney is NOT one of the perks.  Just sayin’.

The panda kindergarten is waiting to take your call.

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda


Day 28! a Furry Friday Cartoon!

You have probably all been wondering where Mehitabel has been this month.  Needless to say, that after the “rigors” of the Kickstarter campaign, she needed a bit of a break.  Today’s cartoons shows that she is back in her panda kindergarten fighting form, ready for action, and hey! No hard feelings, eh, bears?

Several of my faithful followers and supporters have pointed out that they are fans of MEHITABEL, not just those rascally panda kindergarteners and so this cartoon is dedicated to you all!  While apparently, next year is still not “the year of the cat” it is always the year of Mehitabel!

And a quick reminder that you still have a couple more days to order your book The Panda Chronicles book 1: Your Brain on Pandas for $2 off by using this code:


Mehitabel gets even.

Mehitabel gets even.

This really was inspired by a story I heard on NPR and I don’t mean National Panda Radio!  I swear I am not making this up!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda


It was the 14th day of December…..

Today, as promised, there is a full, feature length cartoon for your panda-ing pleasure, but before we get to that, there is an announcement from our sponsor, The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire and Leaping Panda Press.  (It is a very fun thing about the internet, that you can just declare you are something or someone, come up with some spiffy computer graphics and voila`! You are now The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, and before you know it, everyone just accepts that as fact.  Is this cool or what?)

As you probably know, the first collection of cartoons from the Panda Chronicles was just published and as faithful readers of the blog, you deserve a little something extra in your Christmas stockings.  Until the 31st of December, you can now order The Panda Chronicles Book 1: Your Brain on Pandas  here  and get a discount of $2 per copy by using this code:


Meanwhile, here is today’s feature length cartoon!   Huzzah!

What do you MEAN I didn't win?

What do you MEAN I didn’t win?

And speaking of Kickstarter (wait, who was speaking of Kickstarter, There is a fun project with just under 48 hours to go from a fellow cartoonist who has created a dry erase refrigerate magnet comic strip, so you can write your own dialog.  He has a last “stretch goal” and if he reaches it, he’ll make a bunch of his magnet cartoon strips to donate to Boston Children’s Hospital.  What a good guy!  Check out his project here!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

I think there needs to be some sort of “panda a day” thing for December, don’t you?

You are probably not aware of it, but did you know that December is the month of the Panda?  Right now you are thinking, she’s making this up…I just KNOW it!  And, um…you might be right.  But if it isn’t really the month of the panda, don’t you think it should be?

So here is my December challenge to myself:  To post a drawing of at least one panda per day during the entire month of December.  It has to be a NEW drawing or cartoon…no cheating by posting a re-run.  It can be a single panda, or it can be a “cartoon in progress.”  I haven’t yet decided if it should be one big drawing like the 30 days of pandas drawing last year….well, I have until tomorrow to figure it out.

What could be more fun than a car full of pandas?

Meanwhile, my work table is overflowing with books to be sent to all my Kickstarter supporters, and my plan is to have them all mailed or delivered before the end of next week.  Huzzah!  Then I can get back to painting and doing the 31 panda drawings that I just committed myself to.  (The pandas made me do it!)

Time to climb aboard the panda car!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

I think there needs to be some sort of “panda a day” thing for December, don’t you?

You are probably not aware of it, but did you know that December is the month of the Panda?  Right now you are thinking, she’s making this up…I just KNOW it!  And, um…you might be right.  But if it isn’t really the month of the panda, don’t you think it should be?

So here is my December challenge to myself:  To post a drawing of at least one panda per day during the entire month of December.  It has to be a NEW drawing or cartoon…no cheating by posting a re-run.  It can be a single panda, or it can be a “cartoon in progress.”  I haven’t yet decided if it should be one big drawing like the 30 days of pandas drawing last year….well, I have until tomorrow to figure it out.

What could be more fun than a car full of pandas?

Meanwhile, my work table is overflowing with books to be sent to all my Kickstarter supporters, and my plan is to have them all mailed or delivered before the end of next week.  Huzzah!  Then I can get back to painting and doing the 31 panda drawings that I just committed myself to.  (The pandas made me do it!)

Time to climb aboard the panda car!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Oh no, not again….

For all those who are eagerly awaiting the arrival of The Panda Chronicles Book 1: Your Brain on Pandas in your mailbox, we’ve had another slight setback. Those who are following along on my Kickstarter project may remember that when I got my proof copy of the book, all the left-hand pages were printed sideways.  So I spent some time on the phone with a helpful person who said they could fix the problem, not my fault and all that, and they would send me another proof.

So they did, and guess what? The left-hand pages of THIS book were printed sideways.


Back to the phones once again.  I really hope that they can fix it this time….I am one unhappy bear.  And now, here’s one of my adventures from:


so what’s the big deal…

…about punctuation?

Waiting, waiting, waiting……

Be the bear!

Bob T. Panda



In honor of Peanuts’ 62nd (?) anniversary

We are away from the panda den right at the moment, but the panda kindergarten…um…”borrowed” someone’s laptop so that they could post this tribute to Peanuts, the comic strip of Bob’s cubhood.

Will Mehitabel ever free herself of pandas? Stay tuned!

And by the way, the Kerfuffles Marshmallow project is in their final 12 hours!  Check ’em out at Kickstarter while there is still time to get in on the fluffy goodness!

Be the bear!

Bob T. Panda

In honor of Peanuts’ 62nd (?) anniversary

We are away from the panda den right at the moment, but the panda kindergarten…um…”borrowed” someone’s laptop so that they could post this tribute to Peanuts, the comic strip of Bob’s cubhood.

Will Mehitabel ever free herself of pandas? Stay tuned!

And by the way, the Kerfuffles Marshmallow project is in their final 12 hours!  Check ’em out at Kickstarter while there is still time to get in on the fluffy goodness!

Be the bear!

Bob T. Panda

Babette de Panda has a thing or two to say….

Well it has been quite the trill, and it’s not…quite…over.

There are about 40 hours to go until my project closes on Kickstarter, so if you haven’t signed up to get a book or a poster or Bob T. Panda for President bumper stickers, there is still time.  If you already are a supporter, now you get to sit back or jump around the room yelling “HUZZAH!!!!!! BRING ON THE CUPPYCAKES.!!!” Your work is done, at least for now.  Later you will have to tell me where to send all of your goodies, but that isn’t for a few days.  Oh yeah, and pay your credit card bill that Amazon will so sweetly send to you, but again, that is later.

Right now, Babette has a few words to say to you and I’m sure she wants to thank you for supporting my project, don’t you, Babette?  Babette?

Babette and Bee, the Bear have a “discussion”

I am working on setting up the book even as we speak, but I want to thank the faithful followers of The Panda Chronicles once again.  I really could not have done it without you, and I just want you to know that the panda kindergarten PROMISES there will be NO monkey business when they pack and ship your books to you.  Really.  They pinky swore and everything!

Well, now maybe we can quit spending all out time jumping up and down and watching the numbers change, and get some more new cartoons done, eh?

Be the bear!

Bob T. Panda

Oh, yeah….Did we mention that we have reached 39,000 visits? Huzzah!  I’m popular!  finally!  Just goes to show you that it’s never too late to have a happy childhood.

Babette de Panda has a thing or two to say….

Well it has been quite the trill, and it’s not…quite…over.

There are about 40 hours to go until my project closes on Kickstarter, so if you haven’t signed up to get a book or a poster or Bob T. Panda for President bumper stickers, there is still time.  If you already are a supporter, now you get to sit back or jump around the room yelling “HUZZAH!!!!!! BRING ON THE CUPPYCAKES.!!!” Your work is done, at least for now.  Later you will have to tell me where to send all of your goodies, but that isn’t for a few days.  Oh yeah, and pay your credit card bill that Amazon will so sweetly send to you, but again, that is later.

Right now, Babette has a few words to say to you and I’m sure she wants to thank you for supporting my project, don’t you, Babette?  Babette?

Babette and Bee, the Bear have a “discussion”

I am working on setting up the book even as we speak, but I want to thank the faithful followers of The Panda Chronicles once again.  I really could not have done it without you, and I just want you to know that the panda kindergarten PROMISES there will be NO monkey business when they pack and ship your books to you.  Really.  They pinky swore and everything!

Well, now maybe we can quit spending all out time jumping up and down and watching the numbers change, and get some more new cartoons done, eh?

Be the bear!

Bob T. Panda

Oh, yeah….Did we mention that we have reached 39,000 visits? Huzzah!  I’m popular!  finally!  Just goes to show you that it’s never too late to have a happy childhood.