Tag Archives: Kickstarter

Bears in space! To the moon, Alice!

There are so many great quotes that came out of the space program, and at least several, if not more, came out of the Apollo Space Program. In our final tribute to the late Neil Armstrong, we bring you Pandas in Space!

Danger Bob T. Panda, Danger!

(But first we pause for an important message!:



one giant panda for mankind!

Also, I wanted to let you know that the folks at Pandas International (the real one, not the one I made up) have agreed to write an afterword about saving pandas (real ones, not the ones I make up) for my book.  How cool is that?

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

if you missed it the first time,


Today, I am the bear…..

Well, here I am, getting ready in about 8 minutes (give or take) to launch my Kickstarter project (as explained by Bob and Mehitabel) at exactly 12:01PM Pacific Daylight Savings time.  Why so precise on the time, you may very well ask?  It all goes to my theory of when people are on their computers more.

If you are someone’s employer, please stop reading this now.

I mean it.  psst…most people are on their computers checking kickstarter and twitter and facebook while they are at work.

Also, the way Kickstarter works, is that once you have set your start and finish time for your project, your project ends at the exact time of day that your project started: 24 hrs X however many days.  So, if you get all excited because you have been spending all evening till the wee hours (or in the case of the panda kindergarten, the ‘wheeeeee” hours) and launch your project at 2:00AM, it will end at 1:59 AM  when everyone, including yourself, is asleep.  Don’t you want to be awake for the triumphant finish?  I know I do.

In the meantime, here are some more pandas!  Huzzah!   This one’s for you, bro’.

Today, you are a bear.

Stand with Bob, Babette, Mehitabel and the panda kindergarten (well, maybe not TOO close to the panda kindergarten)

Be the bear!  Ready….set….GO!!!!!!!!!!!   


Bob T. Panda

Today, I am the bear…..

Well, here I am, getting ready in about 8 minutes (give or take) to launch my Kickstarter project (as explained by Bob and Mehitabel) at exactly 12:01PM Pacific Daylight Savings time.  Why so precise on the time, you may very well ask?  It all goes to my theory of when people are on their computers more.

If you are someone’s employer, please stop reading this now.

I mean it.  psst…most people are on their computers checking kickstarter and twitter and facebook while they are at work.

Also, the way Kickstarter works, is that once you have set your start and finish time for your project, your project ends at the exact time of day that your project started: 24 hrs X however many days.  So, if you get all excited because you have been spending all evening till the wee hours (or in the case of the panda kindergarten, the ‘wheeeeee” hours) and launch your project at 2:00AM, it will end at 1:59 AM  when everyone, including yourself, is asleep.  Don’t you want to be awake for the triumphant finish?  I know I do.

In the meantime, here are some more pandas!  Huzzah!   This one’s for you, bro’.

Today, you are a bear.

Stand with Bob, Babette, Mehitabel and the panda kindergarten (well, maybe not TOO close to the panda kindergarten)

Be the bear!  Ready….set….GO!!!!!!!!!!!   


Bob T. Panda

Alert! All fans of Bob!

I decided to move up my launch of my new KICKSTARTER PROJECT : Your Brain on Pandas: Book 1 of The Panda Chronicles to tomorrow, at noon, instead of waiting a week, deciding that I am as ready as I am ever going to be!  Stay tuned for updates, lots more cartoons in the weeks to come, as well as Mehitabel’s trials and tribulations with the panda kindergarten.

We will also have interviews with Bob, Babette, Mehitabel (when she is not in hiding) and the panda kindergarten, as well as on the spot interviews with pandas around the world.

Get ready…….


Be the (very excited) Bear

Bob T. Panda

Alert! All fans of Bob!

I decided to move up my launch of my new KICKSTARTER PROJECT : Your Brain on Pandas: Book 1 of The Panda Chronicles to tomorrow, at noon, instead of waiting a week, deciding that I am as ready as I am ever going to be!  Stay tuned for updates, lots more cartoons in the weeks to come, as well as Mehitabel’s trials and tribulations with the panda kindergarten.

We will also have interviews with Bob, Babette, Mehitabel (when she is not in hiding) and the panda kindergarten, as well as on the spot interviews with pandas around the world.

Get ready…….


Be the (very excited) Bear

Bob T. Panda

I REALLY shouldn’t admit this….

…but I laugh out loud at my own cartoons.  A funny thing this internet stuff.  Just because I am sitting here, alone in my studio tip tapping away, as only someone with big hairy paws can do, I think, I am writing this for myself, and no one else will ever read this.  Yeah, right.

And then I “click” and all my secrets are revealed.

Well, heck, if I don’t think I’m funny, why should anyone else.  Is this the appropriate time to mention that there have been over 35,000 visits to this blog?  And not all by me?

Just checking.

Here, as promised, is part 2 of Bob and Mehitabel (and the panda kindergarten– huzzah!) Explain Kickstarter:

and that’s what it’s all about!


Stay tuned to all the bears that fit!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

You may be wondering…..

…about that little box that has a countdown to “Project Launch Day”  (which is at 15 days, even as we speak)

But what does it all mean?

Well, oh lovers of panda satire, it means that I finally have enough panda cartoons to self publish some actual printed books of The Panda Chronicles!

Pandas have long been active in literary pursuits

So, having had one successful Kickstarter project under my belt for a fine art printmaking project, I decided that the time has come to let the pandas take the stage!  Huzzah!

My cunning plan is to make it a fairly modest project, so that if I only get enough funding to do the first book, I will be able to take the time necessary to finish formatting the cartoons for print, do all the book-y stuff that I’ll have to do to make The Panda Chronicles Book 1: Your Brain on Pandas a reality.


If I get overwhelming support, so that I go above and beyond my goal amount, it means that I can do all three books for whichI already have completed cartoons RIGHT NOW THIS VERY MINUTE.

But what can I do to help?”  I hear you all saying in the background?  Well, of course I will be exceedingly grateful to any of you who choose to pledge at whatever level you can afford.  Even a whole bunch of $1 pledges move me closer to my goal (and make me look really popular to the Kickstarter staff.)  But what would help a lot, is if all of you who love panda satire the way we do it here, would tell all your friends about my project.  Now, I’m not launching it for two more weeks, because I still have some pieces of the proposal to get into place, but don’t worry, I’ll remind you.  In the meantime, there are still a few Panda Olympic events that need to happen, so keep tuning in.

Here’s what my project profile picture will be, so you know what to look for….

And of course, the panda kindergarten can’t WAIT to help with this project…..

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Look out Mehitabel, here comes the panda kindergarten……

Once again I am going to step outside my role of cartoon panda to share a little piece of the view into the world I live in.

Warning: Heartwarming story coming…people who are looking for action, adventure, and panda kindergarten misdeeds should just skip on down to the cartoon!

When I lived in Seattle, one of my musician friends had a little joke he liked to tell about supporting yourself as a musician.  “We make our living taking in each others’ laundry.”  He was referring to the practice of one person paying another, to give their child music lessons, and then that person would pay the first to teach his child.  It seems like no net gain for anyone, but really, it was a real builder of community and connectedness.

Today is the first Saturday in May, which on Whidbey Island is Hearts and Hammers day.  It’s modeled on Habitat for Hummanity’s home building program, and is a one day all volunteer work blitz.  They have done projects as simple as gardening for a home owner who is no longer able to keep up with the raging flora that we are gifted with here in the northwest, and as extensive as new roofs, railing and ramps and even a whole new bathroom in some houses.  I’ve worked on projects for a number of years, and been the recipient of a “hearts and hammers-like” day, when my house caught fire 17 years ago.

We also have a very active food bank that several years ago started an organic garden that provides fresh vegetables for our food bank clients.  Is this an amazing community or what?  Not only do I love living here, but I am proud to live here as well.

So, when my good friend (and panda supporter) Vicky Brown, of the Little Brown Farm told me she was going to do a Kickstarter project to add to their facilities  at the dairy, I offered to help her with my vast (ha ha) wisdom gleaned from doing my (successful) Kickstarter project.  Besides being a very modest (very) contributor, I’ve been helping her with editing her posts and updates, and just being a general cheerleader.  I know I have a community of readers out there, who love humor and pandas as much as I do.  So I am going to use my panda pulpit once again to request your consideration, and hopefully, your help for the Little Brown Farm.  Do check out their Kickstarter project and video (with adorable little goats!) and remember it’s really not the size of the donation that matters.  even a small $10-$25 donation shows them you care about small scale farming and good food made by people who care deeply about their animals.  They work harder than just about anyone I know (except for maybe other farmers).


And now for a word from the panda kindergarten:

join the pandas at http://kck.st/GW4Yal


Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Look Out, Mehitabel, the Panda Kindergarten is at it Again….

As many of my faithful readers may remember, a few months ago, I came to you for assistance with my Kickstarter project (which was successfully funded, in no small part thanks to fans of the pandas.)   I just wanted to tell you about another Kickstarter project that is worthy of your attention.

My friends, Vicky and Tom Brown had a dream.  Well, it was mostly Vicky’s dream, but Tom, being the exceptional guy that he is, has gone way beyond the beyond in helping to make Vicky’s dream come true.  Fortunately for those of us lucky enough to live on Whidbey Island, Vicky’s dream to have a working goat farm and dairy has come to pass.  Full disclosure, I am not a disinterested party here.  I love the cheese that Vicky and her girls (the goats) make at the Little Brown Farm.  My favorites are her Caprine Creme and Caprizella and consume vast quantities whenever possible.

While I am usually making fun of many things here at The Panda Chronicles,  the panda kindergarten has thrown their support behind The Little Brown Farm in a serious way.  Check out their project here:


and then join the panda kindergarten in supporting Vicky and the girls.

Mehitabel is counting on it.

Note: No cats were actually harmed during the making of this cartoon, although they definitely were offended.


They have 23 more days to get all their funding, so there is no time to lose!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

PS, this is my 300th post! Huzzah!

5 hours to go on my Kickstarter project!

Dancing in the moonlight with Pandas

Dancing the "red dot" dance in the moonlight with Pandas!

In honor of the last 5 (or is it now 4?) hours of my Kickstarter project, I thought that I would do the Red Dot Dance under the moon (with pandas).  For anyone who was in my neighborhood last night, I hope you were not shocked.  Apparently the dance is working, but we’re not quite done yet.  I still need $700 more to reach my goal and get all the funding.

Thank you for all your help so far.  I couldn’t do it without you all (and you know who you are!)

The panda kindergarten swears that they will release Mehitabel as soon as my goal is reached.  (They caught her again, as she was making a break for the front door)

You are all the bear!

Be the Bear!!!!!!

Bob T. Panda
