Tag Archives: Lun Lun

You know you should never ask Pinky!

Thank you to my talented web guru, I once again have the Classic Editor to set upon my posts. He put in a different plugin to allow me to have my luddite tendencies a bit longer. It does seem to be doing this strange thing once again. where I lose the connection temporarily, but it does seem to allow me to keep typing.

I don’t know. It’s all a mystery to me.

But Meanwhile, here is Pinky, once again, with all the answers!

Will Mei ever learn that it doesn’t pay to ask Pinky anything?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

It’s not only the Panda Season of Love, it is ALSO…

Panda Scout Cookie Time!!!!!

Yeas, that’s right! It’s Panda Scout cookie Season, so Sunday Funday presents all the cookie fun we can find!

Enjoy a Binkie Bar today!!!

On my honor, I will try…to eat as many cookies as I possibly can….

George Washington Bridge lane closure satire.

Princess Pinky Bao Bao…what have you done now?

zoo atlanta, bao bao, national zoo

Time to call in …Inspector panda!

Mei xiang and bao bao try to cover up highway-gate

Inspector Panda is on the job!

“Hello, Bai Yun? this is Lun Lun…about that detective you suggested…”

…of course Boo-mints are pretty good too.

Inspector panda

Will the twins get a merit badge for their road trip? will Lun Lun fess up to where the girls are? will Inspector Panda get a clue, or at least more twitter followers. Stay tuned!

Bao Bao, washington DC cover-up

Oh, Pinky…what have you done?

Howdy, Mr Kitty, kindly tell us where a tired old cowpoke can get a boo beer and a cuppycake.

…and then it will be time for the Easter Panda!


A tiskitt a taskitt , a great big wheelie basket!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Don’t forget! During March Madness (aka The Panda Season of Love), all felty panda orders will include a roll of Panda Season of Love washi tape (not to mention an assortment of stickers!)

Beary Poppins Returns!

Wasn’t Saturday nice?

Joe Biden and Kampala Harris being declared the winners of the 2020 election (sorry, Pinky!) and hope returned to the world.

Then POUTUS (not a typo) returned from the golf course and continued his insane quest to have the election invalidated by lawyers. Fortunately judges to this point are having none of it, and we have some very good lawyers on our side, who are, quite frankly, way better than Mittens’ lawyers. Maybe he should have paid them.

Make no mistake, he can make a lot of trouble before he leaves. But the adults have entered the room and Biden is setting up his transition teams, starting with a very impressive Coronavirus task force. While I am still having nightmares about my house being surrounded by the tRUmp cult, complete with flags and guns, I do feel like the light is starting to show at the end of the tunnel.I have to believe that some form of course correction is in sight.

Courage, my friends.

Meanwhile, Mommee Mei’s life is about to get slightly more hectic…

I just love Mei’s little chats with her sister Lun Lun.

There is a bit of a thing on Twitter, making fun of Colludy Rudy’s presser at The Four Season’s Total Landscaping in Philadelphia. Of course I have to join in with a design I put on t-shirts and coffee mugs over at Redbubble.

And as luck would have it, Redbubble is having a sale with 20-60% off site wide (that means EBBRYFING!!!) Sale discounts are good through 11:59 PM on November 12, using discount code: GIFTS60!

Nobody expects the panda kindergarten.

Till next time…
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda


You Know What Day it Is!

Spring Back! Fall Forward!!!

Fabulous Furry Friday KNOWS that this is one of your favorites!

It seems like there is something very important going on this week…now what was that?

I don’t know about you, but my anxiety is ratcheted up to about an 11. If you haven’t voted yet, the time is now. Unfortunately, with the perverting of Postal imperatives, the safest way to vote is either in person or hand delivering your mail-in ballot. I’m trying really hard to remain hopeful. Some states are reporting that their early voting totals are higher than their total votes in 2016. How many new voters that represents, we won’t know for a while. One thing is sure, there is going to be full employment for election law attorneys.

Since I didn’t have a plan for today’s ‘toons (other than the “Spring Forward, Fall Back” ‘toon) I’m just going to randomly go through ‘toons I published in November for all the years that this collection has been here!

Get ready, get set, GO!!!!

2011: Pandas arrive in Scotland!!!

What could be more scottish than Pandas?

2012: Insider Twinkie Trading

Bob, Bob, Bob…when will you ever learn?

2013: Heh! Mommee plays a trick on Pinky!

Princess Pinky is fooled by Mei Xiang at the National Zoo

Oh Princess Pinky, mom has a trick or two up her paw, I think…

2014: Cats and Pandas

No, I don’t think so. Bwahahaha!

2015: Election shenanigans have been going on for a while.

And how did Pinky manage to hack into my computer again?

2016: Seems like such a long time ago, and yet…here we are…

whipped cream

Can I have EXTRA extra whipped cream?

2017: A Halloween Classic!

comics history

Maybe Bubba is having a Halloween SEASON! Did you ever think of THAT, Pinky?

2018: The first appearance of Frank and Mikey!!!

Send in the bears!

Helloooooo bears!

I like bears.

I just had to post the whole story about Frank and Mikey ALLEGEDLY eating Justice Kravenklaw… For another most excellent take of the Kavanaugh hearings, I think this is the best!

And finally, 2019: The Bus is coming! Get ready for some serious underbussing!

Our favorite grizzlies are doing “The Bus”!

Remember to Vote!

Panda on (as best you can)
Bob T Panda

In Honor of Six and Sebben!

It was Six and Sebben’s birthday this week! Hard to believe they turned FOUR!!! As is traditional at The Panda Chronicles, I like to feature the birthday bears on a Sunday Funday dive into the archives. Is it my fault if Pinky took three weeks to celebrate her birthday? She *might* make an appearance here too!

I’m working on some new felties which I really swear I will get photographed and up on the Buy Stuff with Pandas page…really soon! I went for a last visit to my felty supplier, Abundant Earth Fiber. The coronavirus restrictions meant they had to be closed for more than 4 months. Although they do have a vibrant online store, as a new member of the fiber arts community, their store was like a trip to Wonderland. There were always someone there, either knitting or spinning or just hanging out and ready to talk about wool. They recently made the difficult decision to close their retail space.

The mill lives on and they’ve made arrangements with another local store to carry some of their best selling yarns and fibers, and also to serve as a pick up location for online orders for us locals. As part of their closing, they had a sale on everything in the shop, so I am well stocked up on fiber for now. They are currently offering free shipping on everything ordered online for US addresses, so if you are a knitter, (or felter!) and want to order some stunningly beautiful yarn, I hope you’ll check them out. I don’t get anything for promoting them (other than their continued existence). Their philosophy of small, high quality batch yarn and fibers really resonates with me.

But enough about the real world! Let’s take a look back in the archives for the Life and Times of Six and Sebben!


It’s a girl! It’s another girl!

girl power

Will there be cuppycakes?


Panda Trek 2: The Next Generation

little gift

The little gift that keeps on giving!


Would it be such a bad thing?


Oh, brave new world, with such pandas in it!

Twinkies 2.0

Twinkies 2.0 put on a show!

Will these two ever get along?

Pinky’s previous minions are all grown up now, and know better than to listen to her, but…

Pinky and her new minions get down to serious business

I don’t think this crew of minions is going to be quite as devoted as her last ones.

“If there is dirt, we’ll find it!”
Motto of Six and Sebben Political consultants INC.

I just thought we all needed a good laugh, so….

Did I just see what I thought I saw?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

The Great Race Grand Finale!!!

The  week of torturing you till the winner of the race was revealed is finally OVER! (Not to mention for those of you who were wondering what Six poured onto the track!)


There is news from the DC Panda House, but I’ll save it till after today’s ‘toon. If I make you wait any longer, you’ll show up at my house with burning pitchforks!

As they race toward the finish line…

That’s one heck of a lot of ear wax!!!

Hee hee! Ear wax! I bet no one thought of that!!!!

Now, on to the panda den!

So far so good. It’s possible that by the time this publishes, there will be a new baby panda in the cubby den. The latest report from the folks with their eyes on the ultrasound sounds very hopeful. Pseudo thumbs crossed!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

This series was in honor of Jayelle. Gone, but never forgotten. 

Bears on the Run, Bears on the Run!

Here we are, back again for the second episode of our panda tribute to our departed friend! I think that Six is gonna be in a lot of trouble when this is all over!

And we’re off to the races!!!!

What WAS that stuff Six dumped in front of Sebben’s car?

Be the Bear!
Bob T #BidenHarris2020 Panda

Yesterday was a day, wasn’t it?

Between sadness for lives too short and outrage at what is going on in Portland, OR right now, I’m kind of worn out. So I’m just going to leave you with today’s ‘toon, ‘kay?

I think we need some bears behaving badly, don’t you?

There were never such devoted sisters…

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Keeping our fingers crossed that we will hear the pitter patter of little paws in DC soon… Happy BearDay Mommee Mei!


Consider this a placeholder till I am in the right place with the right ‘toon for today! In the meantime, it is the Meihem’s birthday! Yes! Today (even though it was already tomorrow in China where the real Meihems have had their cake, slugged down a few bootinis and told some scandalous jokes at Pinky’s expense.

Oh, maybe that was not the real Meihem sisters after all.

There must be cake!

Anyway, I’ll be back later today with the real ‘toon for today!

Bob T Panda

Panda Birthday Season Continues!

It is difficult, as I may have mentioned last week, to show a ‘toon starring the Meihems that doesn’t have Pinky somehow messed up in it. Since Pinky’s early years were sans at home siblings, the Meihems filled that valuable role, that of someone to fight with! (Not that I’d know anything about that, heh, heh!)

So, in celebration of the Meihems’ upcoming birthday season I present one of my favorite stories starring The Meihems (and PINKY!!!!)…

HIGHWAY GATE!!! (Inspired by the true story of a New Jersey bridge, shut down by a certain Governor!)

George Washington Bridge lane closure satire.

Princess Pinky Bao Bao…what have you done now?

zoo atlanta, bao bao, national zoo

Time to call in …Inspector panda!

Mei xiang and bao bao try to cover up highway-gate

Inspector Panda is on the job!

“Hello, Bai Yun? this is Lun Lun…about that detective you suggested…”

Please note the introduction of “Binky Bars” to the narrative…

…of course Boo-mints are pretty good too.

Inspector panda

Will the twins get a merit badge for their road trip? will Lun Lun fess up to where the girls are? will Inspector Panda get a clue, or at least more twitter followers. Stay tuned!

Bao Bao, washington DC cover-up

Oh, Pinky…what have you done?

Howdy, Mr Kitty, kindly tell us where a tired old cowpoke can get a boo beer and a cuppycake.

Apparently I didn’t come up with a more definitive end to this story. Sorry about that! here are some more ‘toons starring all the girls!

enquiring minds want to know….


Fast furry friends…for now

One of the little known wonders of the world.

I love a good art forgery, don’t you?

Oh dear, the Mei-hem twinkies have made Pinky mad. Uh oh.

Panda on!
Bob T Panda