Tag Archives: Lun Lun

Panda Satire is an Essential Industry

As I ponder the political paradigm shift that is at our door, sometimes I am drawn to the dark visage that is on the other side of the door.

Hang on to your hats, kids, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!

I think that maybe I am not doing anything to help the current debacle we are facing. Then I remember:

Panda Satire IS an essential industry!

So many people have told me, that these ‘toons help them face the day. Laughter in times of tyrannyis a political act. So let’s do all we can to laugh in the face of fascism.

Ha ha HA! Take that!

We are entering the American Panda Birthday Season! Who can forget the excitement of the first Cublanta twins birth?

Mr Wu speaks out!

While Mr.Wu was the first panda I watched from birth, his birthday is not the first of the year! Let’s put our paws together for the Meihem Twins, Bert and Ernie!

The first appearance of the Meihems!

Atlanta twin panda cubs Mei Lun and Mei Huan and older prother Po

Huzzah! a guest appearance by little Po!

Atlanta Twins have a fight

Sweet dreams, little bears!

Atlanta panda cub twins

Huzzah! It’s Bert and his brother Ernie!

Zoo Atlanta Twin panda Cubs

…and their jammies! Huzzah!

Uh oh! Pinky did a bad thing!

Bao bao changes panda cub gender

Pinky is VERY powerful. Be afraid, be very afraid, Mr Wu.

downloadable paper panda upgrade

school uniforms for pandas

Ready for panda kindergarten!

You wouldn’t believe how hard it was to find ‘toons with Bert and Ernie without Pinky in them! We’ll feature some of the ‘toons that Pinky has horned in on…I mean, when Pinky joins the Meihems,  but now, let’s remind everyone how animals feel about fireworks on the 4th of July!

uh. oh.

Huzzah for Rumpy Dog!

A Happy (belated) Panada Day to our neighbors from the north!

Oh Panada, Oh Panada, how tasty are your maple leaves….

Panda on,
Bob T Panda

Buh buh buh buh BYEEEEEEEE!

How many of you remember the old SNL routine, with the flight attendants saying goodbye to the departing passengers?  As the people filed off the plane, the flight crew got ruder and ruder, and the “buh bye now!” got more sarcastic with each passenger. I think of this often, because an acquaintance of mine, who works in a local shop, and I have had an ongoing “buh bye” routine going for years.

We try to sneak up on each other so that each of us can be the first to say it. I’m afraid I’ll never top her “drive-by buh bye” that she delivered out her car window, as she saw me walking down the street. I hope that which ever one of us survives longer, at the memorial service for our departed friend, has the presence of mind to whisper “buh bye!” Who says people who live in small towns don’t know how to have fun?

It seems only natural that Pinky would deliver this line to the departing Cublanta twins!


Of course the Meihems just ignore her!

Real Life Panda Alert!

Xing Er, lately of Copenhagen Zoo, decided that his enclosure was just way too boring, and he went walkabout in the zoo. He climbed a metal pole to make his escape (I spit on your tree guards!!!!). While there have been numerous red pandas that have managed at least a temporary scamper to freedom, this is the first time that I have heard of a giant panda making an escape. (Other than Pinky, but she had a secret tunnel!) You go, Xing Er!!!

We are all getting tired of staying at home!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

“Hey Lun Lun, would you pick up if you’re there…”

“When did you say you were sending the car for the girls????”

Life at Chez Mei is never dull! Even in a pandemic quarantine. Especially in a pandemic quarantine!

Let’s look in, shall we?

Pinky: six an’ sebben make even ME look good!

Nooz from Felty Panda Central:

I’m starting some experimenting with some new pandas! Pictures to come soon, and also some fun swag with every order while supplies last. More on this later!

Stay safe everyone!

Panda ON!
Wands UP!
Bob T Panda

It’s going to be a long, hot summer…

…and probably not in a good way.

I have to admit, the last couple days have been very hard. More than 100,000 people have died in the US from COVID19. Protests have turned into riots, which seem to be fueled by HWMNBN pouring gasoline on the flames, as well as the very real possibility that those white supremacist groups that showed up at state Capitols with not so much as a slap on the wrist, are showing up, to increase the violence and use the (mostly) peaceful protesters as cover.

HWMNBN’s Liar General is claiming that these are “radical left extremists.” I’m pretty sure this is a lie. Audible violence is mere blocks away from the homes of people I care about. I am safe (for the moment) in my forest hideaway and feel very fortunate that this is so.

There is not much I can do from here, besides send adorable, funny pandas out into the world.

Here ya go!

Our lack of taste is only exceeded by our sense of the absurd.

And just how did the panda kindergarten get her address?

Who’s the bear???!!!

Varooooooomba! Thanks to Lynnie Ness for alerting us to the “off label” use of the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner.

panda movie

social media for pandas

panda kindergarten naughtyness

this old den 2nd episode

The panda kindergarten is so very helpful.

He’s small for now, but Bubba Bei Bei is shaping up to be a whole lot of panda!

This one is still my favorite:

See? I told you it was broken!

I hope these ‘toons with no whiff of HWMNBN helped heal your hearts a little this morning! Panda on, everyone!

Many thanks to those who are sharing pictures of your newly arrived panda masks! They are absolutely adorable, and it gives me great pleasure to know that Pinky, Bubba, Bee (the Bear) and young Pirate Wu are keeping you all safe! 

Take care everyone!
Wands Up!
Stay Safe!
Bob T Panda

When Enough Fun is More Than Enough!

Poor Mommee Mei…She generously invited the Meihems and Six and Sebben, the Cublanta twins, to come and stay with Bubba and Pinky, thinking that they would keep Pinky distracted and under control. Hahahahahahahaha! Me thinks Mommee Mei is having a bit of a memory problem.

Perhaps it’s time for all the twins to go home…

Can you say, “make my booting a double?”

Well bless their hearts!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

The Quarantine (and the fun!!!) Continues!

What did you learn in the quarantine of 2020?

I learned a new thing today! I learned how to print postage labels from my very own home computer! Who knew how easy it is? Okay, everyone but me, but I was dragged kicking and squealing toward computer usage. I used to drive one of my friends who tried to get me to get on the computers nuts with my reticence. I would open a file cabinet drawer and say, “I’m booting up my computer…now I’m opening a file,” as I pulled out a manila file folder and opened it.

Boy, was I funny! Don’t ask me how many computers and digital devices now live in my house. Really…who knows?

People are posting recipes on Twitter, real and ironic. Late night comedy talk show hosts are broadcasting from their living room couch or attic. Authors are holding book launches on Zoom.   The bereaved, denied the opportunity to say goodbye in person are spilling their stunned grief on social media. This is something we’ve not seen, most of us, in our life times.

We find hope even in our despair, we look for joy where we can find it, and so…

I have declared PANDA SATIRE an essential service.
You’re welcome!

Here comes Meihem!

Panda Commerce Alert!

I got an email that RedBubble is having a sale on stickers and socks, among other things! Here’s the link! If you click on the individual designs, it will show you the various things that have that design on them!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

So…what was that phone call Mommee Mei got in the last episode?

The Quarantine Chronicles continue…

You may recall, as we ended our last episode, that the phone was ringing after Mommee Mei liberated Bubba and Ping, from their Pinky precipitated imprisonment. Who could it be?
Was it:
The Zoo Director?
The Canadian twins?
Big brother Tai?

No…it was…

Well, bless her heart!

“Things could be better”: Ha ha…Mei has always been the master of understatement!

Panda on!
Wands up!
Bob T Panda

Day 28 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

Oh my. We are almost at the end of the 2019 edition of 31 Days of Pandas. Recently, one of my readers asked how 31 Days of Pandas got started. Maybe what they actually asked was “What the heck were you THINKING!!!!????”

As I recall, the first year I did this, it was in November, and an illustrator friend had just completed A Monster a Day during the month of October. Another popular one-a-day art project for artists is Inktober, where people post a drawing a day during the month of October. While I have not participated, I’ve seen some great drawings posted for Inktober, and I think for those looking for a kick in the pants to do some regular drawing, I think it is a fine thing. Since making art is my day job, there is less of an incentive, and it feels like another thing on my lengthy “to do” list. Don’t let my attitude stop you from trying this!

My original 30 Days of Pandas was to create a drawing that every day, in honor of Po’s Birthday! I added a new panda to the drawing every day for a month. This turned out to be more work than I thought, as I had to re-scan the drawing every time I added a panda. It did turn out to be a really fun drawing, though!

Days one and two!

Day nine!

I think I need to have the ballon panda as something on Redbubble!

18 pandas

Day 18

day 25 -30 days of pandas

30 pandas day 28

Day 28

And the final image…

30 days of pandas - day 30

30 Days of Pandas!

I hope you enjoyed this look back at the origins of 31 days of Pandas!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

It’s Sunday Funday!

You know what we do on Sundays! We rummage through the archives looking for fun ‘toons to share with you again! TBH, sometimes I get an idea for a ‘toon theme when I’m out and about doing stuff, but by the time I sit down at the compooter, I’ve forgotten it already. Actually, I almost forgot what I was writing in the middle of this sentence.

But it’s Pinky’s Birthday season (and BUBBA’S!!!!!) so, it seems like we could still replay some of Pinky’s greatest hits!

So, away we go!

Those girls are a force to be reckoned with.

Never say “No” to a Pinky!

Bao Bao, washington DC cover-up

Oh, Pinky…what have you done?

I have extra frosting!

I love a good art forgery, don’t you?

Never say “no” to Pinky!

And it was ever thus….

Meihem, not Mayhem.

Well, they did hang their coats up.

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Birthday week is upon us!

Hmmm…I wonder if anything important is happening this week. Now let me think about it for a minute…

Well, while I’m thinking about it, how about this ‘toon which perhaps explains the beginning of Six and Sebben’s rivalry?

Twinkies 2.0

Twinkies 2.0 put on a show!

Could it be…Mei Watch?

we are still hoping for a panda cub trifecta

Oh yeah… I think it’s Pinky’s birthday soon…and Bubba’s!

National Zoo cub makes mom Mei Xiang disappear


Princess Pinky is fooled by Mei Xiang at the National Zoo

Oh Princess Pinky, mom has a trick or two up her paw, I think…

If you can’t be in China to celebrate Actual Pinky’s Actual Birthday, why not have a Pinky Paper Doll party!

Bao Bao in her pajamas

Just the thing for a cozy evening at home with mom and the panda cam!

Princess Pinky paper doll

Princess Pinky and her very first tutu, gifted to her by her big brother Tai Shan!

Edgar Degas Little Dancer outfit

Inspired by one of Pinky’s favorite artworks, a sculpture by Edgar Degas, which seems to be in every art museum on the east coast.

Bao Bao paper doll

Just the thing for family parties!

I guess I need to do a Bubba Paper doll too, don’t I?

He’s small for now, but Bubba Bei Bei is shaping up to be a whole lot of panda!

And how did Pinky manage to hack into my computer again?

How many times do we have to tell you…Don’t make pinky mad!!!!

Panda On Like There’s No Tomorrow!
Bob T Panda
