For years, I’ve been thinking I needed to write a Groundhog Day ‘toon, and wouldn’t you know, I don’t start thinking about it until…you guessed it, Groundhog Day. This is also the day that I traditionally procrastinate sending out holiday cards until, and then don’t do that either. So sue me. No, don’t! Just kidding!!!! People ask me how I find the time to be an incredibly gifted painter, write hilarious cartoons, and wrestle 5 acres of Northwest woods into submission. The answer is, I don’t do a lot of things that I probably should do, like clean the house and wash the dishes on some sort of regular basis.
To this I say, do you want to have new cartoons to read each week, or would you rather be able to eat off my bathroom floor without contracting a vile disease or swallow a hairball?
I thought so. You’re welcome.

And it was ever thus….

Meihem, not Mayhem.

Well, they did hang their coats up.

If I have but one life to live, let me give it for a cuppycake.
And for all you brave souls who listened to HWMNBN’s SOTU address. Congratulations. You are far braver than I am. In truth, by this weekend, I will probably have watched it in tiny bits and pieces that I can endure without running out of the house screaming in terror. I am keeping informed, as best I can, but there are limits to my endurance. I call my Senators and Congressman regularly. I’m trying to bring light into the world through art and humor. And I’m going to watch as many panda videos as I can.
Viva les Pandas!
Buy my new book!
Bob T Panda