Tag Archives: Lun Lun

The end of something wonderful…

Did I scare you? I didn’t mean it was the end of The Panda Chronicles or anything like that. I meant that it is the end of boo shoot season, the favorite season of pandas everywhere. I read that Zoo Atlanta had announced the end of the season, when the wonderful fresh bamboo shoots were no longer available.

I imagined myself to be a fly on the wall of Six and Sebben’s hammock room…

Let’s listen in, shall we?

Will these two ever get along?

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

Two pandas are better than one

If the cutest thing in the world is a toddler panda, then TWO pandas are sure to break any cute-o-meter!

Todays fabulous Furry Friday segment focuses on our favorite panda twins! Join us in celebrating the Meihems, their little sisters Six and Sebben, and the Canadian twins (and 2018 Torch Bears!) Toronto’s …um I mean Calgary’s own, Yip and Jip!

And for those of you who were wondering why Six and Sebben are still so small….


Would it be such a bad thing?

And who could forget when Pinky poofed the Meihems into girl pandas?

Bao bao changes panda cub gender

Pinky is VERY powerful. Be afraid, be very afraid, Mr Wu.

Cuteness abounds!


Panda Trek 2: The Next Generation

Pinky and the Twinkies, eh?

What do you mean you left a note saying they are at my house?

Hey! Where did Bubba and Mr. Bun go?

There may be political concussions!

We could use some political concussions now!

Panda on!
Bob T panda

Hey! It’s Groundhog Day

For years, I’ve been thinking I needed to write a Groundhog Day ‘toon, and wouldn’t you know, I don’t start thinking about it until…you guessed it, Groundhog Day. This is also the day that I traditionally procrastinate sending out holiday cards until, and then don’t do that either. So sue me. No, don’t! Just kidding!!!! People ask me how I find the time to be an incredibly gifted painter, write hilarious cartoons, and wrestle 5 acres of Northwest woods into submission. The answer is, I don’t do a lot of things that I probably should do, like clean the house and wash the dishes on some sort of regular basis.

To this I say, do you want to have new cartoons to read each week, or would you rather be able to eat off my bathroom floor without contracting a vile disease or swallow a hairball?

I thought so. You’re welcome.

And it was ever thus….

Meihem, not Mayhem.

Well, they did hang their coats up.

If I have but one life to live, let me give it for a cuppycake.

And for all you brave souls who listened to HWMNBN’s SOTU address. Congratulations. You are far braver than I am. In truth, by this weekend, I will probably have watched it in tiny bits and pieces that I can endure without running out of the house screaming in terror. I am keeping informed, as best I can, but there are limits to my endurance. I call my Senators and Congressman regularly. I’m trying to bring light into the world through art and humor. And I’m going to watch as many panda videos as I can.

Viva les Pandas!
Buy my new book!
Bob T Panda

And Now, From an Undisclosed Location …

It just wouldn’t do to have unauthorized persons (or pandas!) spy on the practice sessions that Team Panda is holding to make sure they are ready to go for the gold! The pandas have a long history (well, since 2008) of competing in the Olympics, and this year is no different.  And now, from an undisclosed location …

Team Panda Goes for the GOLD!!!!!!

Hey! What are you two doing up on top of the ski jump?

Interestingly enough, We just watched the movie about Eddie the Eagle, the young British man who was so fixated about competing in the winter olympics, that he, through great resolve and personal pain and difficulty, managed to train in ski jumping, and while he didn’t come close to winning, it was a very inspiring story about following a dream. It’s out on video, so watch it if you get the chance.

Viva les Pandas!
Bob T Panda

Day 16: 31 Days of Pandas

Oh my, we are halfway through 31 Days of Pandas! Tomorrow we bring you the next installment of 101 Bebe Panda-Nations. I have to admit, it’s kind of a Cliff’s Notes of the 101 Dalmatians story, but I wanted to get it done by the end of the year so I could go into the new book, The Panda Chronicles Book 8: The Pinky Defense. Huzzah! Credit for the title goes to a friend in the twittersphere, who, as it happens, is a lawyer from across the pond. A fan of cats and pandas, she has joined the pandaratti on Twidder, as well as a member in good standing in the Pinky fan club.

There may be other pandas, but there will never be another Pinky! “Fank goodness,” says Bubba.


Oppressive is a very fluid concept for Congress as they work on their so called #TaxPlan

And if you’re wondering why Six and Sebben are still appearing so small in the ‘toons, well, here’s why! Is this MY fault?


Would it be such a bad thing?


“Why can’t my children be as well behaved as Lun Lun’s,” mused Mei Xiang


I wouldn’t believe any of Pinky’s stories, Bubba!

Don’t you think it would be a good idea to read all the other books in the Panda Chronicle series before Book 8 comes out? Heh!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Pinky is in trouble … Again!

Oh that Pinky! Trouble seems to follow her like a long streamer of toilet paper stuck to her paw. She would not get in nearly so much rouble if it weren’t for the Meihems yanking her chain and egging her on! If only there was some rational….some defense that she could call on..

Well, we’ll think about it and get back to you on Wednesday.

In the meantime, there’s no trouble like Pinky trouble!

trouble…trouble…trouble…It starts with “T” and that rhymes with “P” and that stands for Pinky!

Hmmm…maybe I need to do a pandacized version of The Music Man!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

All Pandas Eve part 3

WE are having a little stretch of non rainy weather here in the Northwest corner of Pandyland. Sunny, cool, crisp days, clear cold(-ish) nights. Just the perfect weather for all the little ghouls and goblins as they wander the streets of Langley, offering to trick you if you don’t hand over the treats. (I do NOT want to see a toothbrush in my bag, thank you very much!!!!) Meanwhile, Pinky and the gang are continuing their All Pandas eve festivities.

Well, at least they will until Mommee figures out what they’re up to. On with All Pandas Eve part 3….

all pandas eve

Will Pinky EVER quit tormenting her brother?

Meanwhile, I have been continuing my studies by reading from the masters! This time, I’ve been reading some Doonesbury collections, many of which are from years I missed, because I no longer got a newspaper in which Doonesbury appeared. That’s easy to do when his career has stretched for more than 40 years, starting in 1970.  I’m sure it affords him no pleasure to know that his observations and warnings on a certain occupant of the White House, went unheeded. Being right does not always afford satisfaction. No, no no!

Stay tuned on Friday, when I share the next installment of The Wizard of Wu! You can read the whole story all at once in The Book of Wu: Book 4 of The Panda Chronicles! Available NOW! already have it? What a perfect holiday gift for your nearest and dearest!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

The Pinky Defense

What? Being Pinky means always having to say you’re sorry, but…um…rarely doing it. One of my faithful readers from across the pond (you know who you are!) came up with this phrase and I think I’m going to “borrow” it. (I can credit you by name if you’d like, or you can remain anonymous,) but looking back over the last year’s accumulation of ‘toons, I see that, once again, Pinky has hogged the spotlight. So stay tuned early next year as book 8 of The Panda Chronicles goes to print. and I think I’m gonna call it The Pinky Defense.

Because when you know you are in the wrong, is there any better defense than The Pinky Defense?


“It was just a suggestion” Huzzah! It’s the Meihems!

And did somebody mention Book 8 of the Panda Chronicles? Heh! What better time then now to make sure you have books 1 through 7 in your home library. Visit my book page and make sure your library is complete! And what better present could there be this year (especially this year!!!) than the gift of laughter? I mean besides a huge bag of money so that you could move to Canada or Sweden…

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

The power of the POOF meets the power of Bubba

Remember what happened last Wednesday? You don’t? Well, you might want to scroll down past all those cute ‘toons about Six and Sebben, and review last Wednesday’s ‘toon. Go ahead, I’ll wait…  Are we up to date now? Okay then! Not unlike all the people with love and hope in their hearts, and a commitment to inclusion for all people, they are showing up and standing up to the forces of hate and evil. Bubba is standing up to the evil POOF that has emanated from Pinky’s wand. There is power in love and hope, people. We have to believe that.

WE have to believe that there is a place in this country for all people, no matter their religion, their race, their choice of who they love, of who they believe they are. There is no room for hate and exclusion. We are all endangered if the factions that want to harm and exclude those who are considered “other” are allowed to succeed in spreading hate.

I’m betting on the power of Bubba and the power of love…


But all the power in the world is nothing compared to the power of Mommee!

See you on Wednesday, for the next exciting episode of Being Endangered is SUCH a Curse!!!
Stay tuned!

From one panda birthday to another!

It is almost time for Six and Sebben’s FIRST BIRTHDAY!!!!! The second set of American born Panda Twins (from the pandas who brought you the Meihems!) are about to turn one year old! Huzzah! And in the panda birthday tradition that we started here at The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, we bring you a fabulous Furry Friday encore ‘toon presentation celebrating Six and Sebben!!!!

Bring on the panda birthday cakes!


Panda Trek 2: The Next Generation

As I was looking for ‘toons for this week’s round up, I realized I had not done any of the twins until January of 2017. Partly, I’ve become a little superstitious, and not wanting to do ‘toons about baby pandas until I’m reasonably sure they are healthy, but mostly, I think because I was…um distracted. You know what I’m talking about.

Anyway, onward with the cute baby pandas.

little gift

The little gift that keeps on giving!


Would it be such a bad thing?


It’s the year of the WUster!!!!


“Why can’t my children be as well behaved as Lun Lun’s,” mused Mei Xiang


Oh, brave new world, with such pandas in it!


baby pandas need their own magic bunnies to look out for them. We R endangered, you know.

Twinkies 2.0

Twinkies 2.0 put on a show!

And now…we continue with our feature presentation...Being Endangered is such a Curse! (on Sunday, of course!) Stay tuned to this station!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda