While He Who Must Not Be Named continues to burn the country down, and pardons others who do so, we must not lose sight of the sight of the fact that pandas are very calming and maybe we should all go lie down and watch some panda videos…mebbee have some cuppycakes…oh yeah and VOTE and CALL YOUR SENATORS (ESPECIALLY THOSE WITH ‘R’ SENATORS) and tell them not to set back the country 50 years because that would just stink.
So let’s just give reality a rest, shall we? And tune in to the next episode of Pinky in Wonderland!!!

It would be better with a little salt and balsamic vinegar, but not bad!
And let’s all wave BuhBye to Scotty (sticky fingers) Pruitt. Unfortunately the new guy is a former coal industry lobbyist, Ah…to live in Wonderland with Pinky…that would be much better.
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda