Tag Archives: Mittens

Can we agree that Minch McTurtle is a jerk?

So many dolts, so little time! It is hard to imagine how the junior senator from Texas thought it was in ANY way appropriate to go jetting off to Cancun while most of his state was
A) freezing
B) without electricity or natural gas
C) without water, drinkable or otherwise.

His pathetic excuse of an apology tour on right wing propaganda “news” shows, demonstrates just how completely clueless he is. And this on the heels of his aiding and abetting The Big Lie, which contributed to Mittens attempt at armed insurrection. I’m sure there will have to be a ‘toon about this, but meanwhile…

Minch McTurtle attempts to have it both ways…

Two headed, two faced…why is he still here?


I’m glad most of my Texas friends have checked in to let me know there are okay. Please feel free to chime in in the comments. I know that there are more of you out there in Pandyland.

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

NOOZFLASH!!! Frank says this was definitely NOT HIM!!!!

Sunday with Frank and Mikey

No, they are not pandas (not even the brown ones) but Frank and Mikey have become real favorites around here. Ever since their original appearance in 2018 for the Bart Kravenclaw hearings, they keep popping up in the oddest places!

As I put ‘toons in logical (for me) order for the upcoming books, I was surprised and pleased to see how many times they popped up. and now they have featured (some might say starring) roles in a Panda Chronicles classic, Beary Poppins!

Here’s some of my favorites!

Send in the bears!

Helloooooo bears!

I like bears.

“We are NEVER going to get our security deposit back!!!”

Ruh Roh….

Frank and Mikey are just right!

Be a wild thing!

Wild thing, I think I love you!

Be the BEAR!
Bob T Panda

Mittens Ruins Everything!

A great collective sigh of relief went out over the country at 12:01 PM EST on Wednesday. The naysayers and the #NeverDemocracy folks may disagree, but if allowed to govern, I think the Biden/Harris administration will do good things for all of us. It hurts my heart and brain to hear the lies that are still being told by those who tried to overturn a fair election. I hope normal sleep will return someday soon.

But meanwhile, Pinky has some thoughts…

Despair not little bear! Daddee’s Panda Express Card is but a room away!

Brave enough to be a panda,
Bob T Panda

The Year in Review!

I have not done a Year in Review post yet, and as such, I think I’ll do it now! You’ll be happy to know that I am finally spring into action (when I am not stress napping or having weird dreams about not being able to write my name on a piece of paper) and gathering my ‘toons and organizing them to do not one, but TWO books! Having flaked out on creating any new books for the last 3 years, I have enough ‘toons to make two bigger than normal books.

I decided that one of them will be mostly political ‘toons, and while the other is not entirely devoid of politics (because 2016-2020), it leans more toward panda-ish subjects and will contain all the longer stories I wrote in the last several years.

But now! On with the Year in Review!!!


The year started off with impeachment and plenty of hypocrisy to go around!


ZooNooZ continues to get all the top notch interviews! Look out Rachel Maddow!


Meet Ruth Panda Ginsbear, who joined the rest of the felty pandas!

The Notorious RPG


The pandemic lockdown begins…a few months too late.


Pinky does her part to help supply masks for everyone. SOMEBODY has to be the boss!


With the country in lockdown (well, parts of it anyway) wild animals return in force to the National Parks!


When you can’t make fun of politics via panda satire, the terrorists have won. We try to do our part!


In August, a dear friend of pandas passed away unexpectedly. She loved pandas and NASCAR, so this was the first in a 3 part tribute to her memory. We sure miss you over at Twitter, Jayelle.


Frank and Mikey got their own talk show in 2020!


With a new baby cubby at the Panda House, Mei decided to hire a nanny! Welcome to Beary Poppins!


Bikkie has a name and gets his outfit!


uh oh. Generally speaking, grizzly bears do not make good nannies.

Well, that was our year in review! If you want to read the entirety of each story, just look for the archive tab on the right side of the home page so you can read the entire story! (Or you can wait and buy the books!)

Pandaing on into (we hope) a better year,
Bob T Panda

A New Day Has Dawned

Morning has broken.
T*ump has left the building

WE HAVE A PRESIDENT (No * or ” ” needed!)

You may or may not have voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, but they are our new President and Vice President. I think they are people of integrity, that they will work hard to fix the things T*ump broke, and things that were broken before he got there. They will not be successful with everything, but they will give it their best effort.

Many of us (like me) will be traumatized for a while. We came so close to losing our democracy and I am really glad that we didn’t! President Biden has put some really smart and dedicated people in charge of getting the pandemic under control, and while we have some hard times ahed, I believe that they will be able to get it under control if we all do our part.

Meanwhile, we can say a not very fond “Buh BYE” to the  man who would have liked to be king…

Mittens has left the building.

For those who are interested, my felty Fight Bunny has been claimed, but their project has a bit more to go before the reach their funding goal. Check out The Effervescent Adventures of Fight Bunny and make a pledge, for a book (digital or otherwise) and mebbee a Fight Bunny pin!

We are the Pandas!
Bob T Panda

A Mighty Wind Was Blown’…

Besides the mighty (foul) wind that blew through DC last week, a mighty wind blew through the Pacific Northwest on Tuesday night, which knocked the power out to the entire island. We got reports that we would not have power back till Saturday, which, as you can imagine, was not happy news. BUT!!!! Unexpectedly the power came back around noon today, which meant I could get today’s ‘toon scanned (finally!)

But here we are now! 

You knew I was going to have to comment on this.

If we don’t stand for justice, we stand for nothing.

Buckle up people. I don’t think we have reached safe harbor yet.

Be Brave,
Be kind,
Be resolute
Bob T Panda

I’d Like You to do us a Favor, Though…

It’s been a long day, filled with revelations, most of which are enough to keep me staring at the ceiling all night.

So I will just leave this here, and perhaps pontificate another day.

Remember a week ago when THIS was the biggest crime he had committed so far?

Stay strong
Stay Safe
Stay Brave
Bob T Panda

By popular request…

When I posted my earlier ‘toon and opinion/essay, a faithful reader (and personal friend of Pinky’s) referenced a ‘toon, written/drawn after the 2016 election. Another of the panda faithful (as well as a personal friend of Pinky’s) asked if I would re-post it,

So here it is.

day after

Remember the song “The Eve of Destruction”? That’s what today feels like.

“Hello, 2016? This is 2020 calling…”

Stay safe, panda friends…

We R Endangered.

What a Difference a Day Makes

What is that I see out of the corner of my eye? Is that a ray of hope?

Thank you Stacey Abrams, for all of your very hard work over the last decade, to bring more fairness to voting, both in Georgia, and in the country. You bring us hope for the future. we will try to live up to your example. (Written late Tuesday, before the Wednesday debacle in DC)

But now…we are not quite rid of Mittens yet, are we?*

We shall overcome!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

(Note: You should probably not read past here if you don’t want to get angry all over again)

*You Broke it You Bought It

I add this in the wee hours of Thursday, It has been a hell of a day in DC. Our nation’s Capitol, attacked by thugs, deliberately urged on not only at tRUmp’s hate rally this morning, but since before the election, as he told his most virulent supporters not to stand down, but to “stand back and stand by.”

This was no peaceful protest. This was a riot, instigated by the person who would demand our loyalty, allegiance, who would claim for his own all the resources of this country.

Over 350,000 people have died from a pandemic that was in his power to halt. But he chose his own interests (so he thought) over the health and safety of this country’s people. His vile minions broke into the halls of Congress, took selfies in offices that they broke into and ransacked. The defiled our institutions. This was no peaceful sit in. This was a lawless mob.

I am beyond despair, beyond anger. With each beacon of hope-this week from the election of Jon Ossoff and rReverend Raphael Warnock-comes the corresponding backlash of evil toxicity from Donald J Trump. To the Senators and House members who have chosen to follow him down this road of false narratives, I have nothing but contempt. The stain of their rejection of the oath they swore to the Constitution should follow them for the rest of their life. There should be no redemption for them.

I fear for my friends in the DC area. Please stay safe. I have to believe we will get through this, but we will be ever changed, and our country’s reputation will forever be tarnished by these events.