Tag Archives: Mittens

Panda Satire is Absolutely an Essential Industry

The internet is such a strange place…

We know so much, and yet so little about the people we encounter here. In the early days of online chat rooms, making connections with people had a somewhat sketchy, if not downright sleazy, implication. But as the world of social media developed and grew, it became a place to form relationships with people with similar interests.

I first dipped my feet into the social media stream when I started putting my panda ‘toons online. I wanted to see if there were panda fans out there (ha ha ha, right?) who might find my ‘toons about badly behaved panda kindergarteners and their beleaguered feline associate, humorous. It turns out that there was an appreciation for panda satire amongst the lovers of pandas that congregate on line. I mean the panda lovers congregate, not the actual pandas. But then again…

At some point I connected with the folks that organized an IRL Panda Convention in San Diego, home to the magnificent Bai Yun and her fuzzy stud muffin hubby, Gao Gao. It was not without a bit of trepidation that I made my foray for an extended meeting of real life panda fans. I had already met some of the DC panda clan. But that was just a meet up at the zoo and then lunch. This was a whole weekend of pandemonium. This would have been in early 2013, when the cute Wu Self made his public debut. If I remember correctly, he slept through most of it.

Later that fall, I returned to DC, after Princess Pinky was born, and once again met up with the DC pandaratti. The DC folks are a unique bunch, mostly because the zoo is in the middle of the city, and there is no admission fee, (although many of them are zoo supporters through FONZ: Friends of the National Zoo.) When a zoo is that accessible, it’s only natural that people go frequently and form close friendships with people they meet repeatedly.

Later in 2013, when the SOB GOP shut the government down, I turned to Twitter to join with other people expressing their outrage in general at such short sighted malfeasance. But I also found, there there was a whole community of panda fans there, that I like to call #PandaTwidder. Needless to say, bonds were formed over the injustice of The Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Panda Cam Shut Down of 2013.

When I find myself in times of trouble, fluffy pandas comfort me…

Those who are familiar with my story of how I got into panda satire (and those that haven’t, should read this page of the Panda Chronicles that tells the story of my Pandapiphany…) know that pandas first invaded my brain in early 2008, and then by late 2008, when the economy had gone to hell in a hand basket, they proceeded to save my sanity. (That claim is somewhat open to question.)

And while I love those little fluffy black and white bears more than I can say, it is the people who love them and share my fascination obsession with them that have really saved me. We now find ourselves in even worse times than the financial meltdown of 2008. (2020: hold my beer) We have an incompetent, quite possibly criminal “president” careening toward 100’s of 1,000’s of deaths from an out of control pandemic (which he takes no responsibility for), we have unidentified military-like personnel beating and kidnapping people off the streets in Portland, OR, we have millions of people out of work who have lost their health insurance and if the GOP controlled Senate doesn’t take some action on disaster income relief, millions will be out on the street.

On top of this, we have just lost one of our own…

On Sunday, one of the guiding lights of Panda Twitter passed away from a heart attack. Who knows how you cross paths with anyone on Twitter. Some one you follow, follows someone else, before you know it, you are in a 12 way conversation about whether this panda or that panda is the best panda ever, and don’t you think mebbee Bubba needs to lay off the Binky Bars. However I met Jayelle, she was a fan and friend of Panda Satire from the time we met. She was a fierce defender of social justice and voting equality. She loved her wife and she loved her brother and his family more than life itself.

It’s impossible to know everything about those you think of as your friends on Twitter. But if I know nothing else, I know these things: First, that one of her last thoughts must have been, “Damn! I don’t get to vote for Joe Biden and see Trump leave the WH in disgrace.” Not necessarily in this order, I think she told her wife she loved her, that she apologized to her most beloved niece and nephew that while she wouldn’t be there in person to see them grow up, she would always live on in them; to her brother who has serious health problems, that she was so sorry that she wouldn’t be there to support him, like she had been doing for so long; that she was furious that she wouldn’t get to see Bubba Wallace win his next race.

Jayelle had a huge heart and shared it freely with people on Twitter she would never meet. Who knew it would let all of us down so very badly. Rest in Power, Jayelle. Your absence leave a hole that can’t be filled.

But because she loved panda satire so much, this one is for you, Jayelle…

When you can’t make fun of politics via panda satire, the terrorists have won

Panda on
Rest in Power, Jayelle
Bob T Panda

Here I am!

I won’t bore you with my cartoon scheduling minutiae, let’s just say that all is well, and a small bit of operator spacing out was involved.

And now for today’s ‘toon! (Starring Pinky so it was worth waiting for!!!)

Voice of America may have gone to the dogs, but Radio Free Pinky is on da air!!!

Personally, I think the voice of Pinky is much more soothing than that of You Know Who!

Pinky is gonna be in trouble gain, me thinks!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Yet more scandals…

Sigh…as I prepare todays post, I listen on the news as this dysfunctional, disastrous, dastardly, dim bulb in the WH is attempting to throw dirt on Dr. Anthony Fauci. “They” say “he got things wrong.”

See, what scientists do, is they develop theories based on past research and accumulated knowledge of studies they have worked on or read or studied. Then they do more research and study and discover that some things they thought were true, turn out not to be. Then they take that new knowledge and work their way through all the puzzles till, hopefully, they figure out what the real information is.

Do you think that maybe You Know Who is trying to distract us from the real scandals?

Did we think it was going to be THIS bad?

Save us from the poop flinging monkey!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Don’t forget it’s Panda Birthday Season!


It’s Mourning in America …

Before we get to our weekly round-up of pandas, I just want to give voice to the thought that is in most of our minds. This Monday is Memorial Day, the day we, as Americans, pause to remember those who died protecting our country in the armed services. By tomorrow, more than 100,000 people will have died in this country from COVID 19.

Academic statistical models tell us that had we only started physical distancing and stay at home orders one week earlier, we would have less than half this number of deaths. We can’t change the past, but we can still influence the future. stay home if you can. Wear a mask if you can’t. While you still might have to go to work, do what you can to maintain distancing and stay out of crowded situations when you are able.

Do we want this all to be over? You bet! Is it going to happen immediately? Probably not. What helps me is keeping in touch with my friends and the panda online community.  Is constantly reading political commentary helpful? Probably not, but it does give me some good material for ‘toons, amIright? Better to spend more time watching panda videos.

So, let’s see what pandas have to say about all this…


Whats a protest without pandas?


Hey, save some cuppycakes for me!

international woman's day

…and due to the International women’s day strike of 2017

pinky defense

Would YOU believe this panda?


Do we HAVE to go?

And, even truer now, than they were two years ago….

Just how crazy do we think it’s going to get?

Next to Mittens, we all look pretty normal, don’t we?

Someone forgot to take their meds today, I think.

Lock that cat up, for crying out loud!

We shall overcome, but only if we remember to vote, all the way up and down the ticket! Don’t forget, ‘kay?


Panda On, Everyone!
Bob T Panda

Thanks to Jon Oliver who alerted us to this great new sporting event!


I Can Only Reach This Conclusion:

They want to kill us!!!!

Consider this evidence:
Rollback of environmental regulations
Rollback of work safety standards
Breaking the promise of a path to citizenship for DACA registrants
Imprisoning desparate migrants in inhumane conditions
Rollback of food safety inspections
Continued attempt to end the Affordable Care Act and the protections for those with pre-existing conditions

And that was all before the Coronavirus Pandemic…

Nooz Flash: “president” Mittens has tested negative for having any compassion at all.

Need a felty support panda? Visit the Buy Stuff With Pandas page and place your order!

Be the Bear!
Bob T panda

The “Best” of Mittens…


Whew! I needed that.

As we know, there is nothing “Be best” about Mittens. As one of the panda faithful on #PandaTwitter said, “We need you to keep making fun of Mittens so that we can keep our sanity.*”

*Or something like that.

So let’s climb into the wayback machine and revisit some of our ‘toons that reveal just what kind of cat Mittens is. (spoiler: he’s a bad cat)

It is too much to BEAR!

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

“You are all Losers!” – Mittens the Cat

Pinky is beginning to look positively presidential!

“This is not a loser tail!!!!!”


And so it began…


Whats a protest without pandas?


Are all these paper clips mine?

Memorial day

Don’t be endangered, be dangerous

Clear as mud!

Things are about as real as they can get.

Well, that’s about all of Mittens we can stand this week. Tune in next Sunday for more of Mittens’ crimes against humanity! Remember, laughing is a great form of resistance. If we quit laughing, the reign of terror has won. Don’t let him win and vote the bums out in November!

Keep panda-ing on!
Bob T Panda

100 Years of Solitude

Gee. I hope it’s not going to last that long, no matter how much this first week feels like it has already been 100 years long. I hope it gets easier. But although I am still healthy, covid19 cases are growing in Island county. In theory, I’m pretty safe. I work at home, I don’t go out to crowded places much, but when every door handle is a ticking time bomb, and knowing how extremely contagious this virus is, it does not give one much peace of mind.

In times of trouble, we need art and laughter more than ever.

Doesn’t impeachment seem like a million years ago?

A bear can dream, am I right?

I have a lot of thoughts, having a bit of extra time to think, so I thought I would share it here.

Also, if I put these nuggets of wisdom between the ‘toons, it will be harder to just scroll past it and get to the good stuff. 🙂

The transition from staying home most of the time to staying home all the time (except for one post office run and maybe a weekly trip to the grocery store) is not a big one, but somehow it feels significant. It feels different. I’m trying to remember to talk to people on the phone, not just text or tweet at them. I’m trying to keep in mind that even though I am not on the front lines in health care or restocking grocery store shelves, creating humorous panda satire, and beautiful paintings (and felty pandas!!!) is still important.

Don’t get mad. Get even.

Rising up from behind the stories of inept and malignant “leadership”, are teachers and writers and artists who are making broad and generous offers to share what they have created online, so that families who are suddenly homeschooling or coordinating online learning from their closed schools, have interesting, joyful content for children.

Theater companies are offering their seamstress services to hospitals to make mask to protect the doctors and nurses on the front lines.

Governors and mayors are stepping forward and doing what needs to be done to keep their people safe, when the federal government drags it feet.

And of course everyone is starting their own podcast!

Because of course she does!

So much FLANNEL!!!!

It’s hard to believe that I’ve been creating panda satire for more than 12 years, starting in early 2008.

In all that time, as the readership has swelled, some people have been here almost from the beginning and some are more recent friends and readers.  For those who are new here, most of the ‘toons are here in the archives for you to read, to get to know all the characters that reside here in Pandyland.

This is not a land with millions of followers. But those of you who have decided to get on board the panda bus, well, I think you are pretty special. (You obviously have excellent taste in humor) Our numbers may be modest, but our love of pandas and warmth of spirit are mighty. It makes my day when I get a card (in the actual mail!!!) from one of you. It makes me feel like what I do matters.

When I see references to cuppycakes, comments and conversations in the voice of the characters of The Panda Chronicles (Otherwise known as panda improv) It makes me smile and makes my heart lighter. It makes me feel like I have created something significant. I have created characters that have come to life in minds other than my own.

Who would ever imagine Pinky would do something to offend someone? #ClapLouder

Make no mistake. These are dark times.

If we are to get through them, we need each and every one of us to keep that panda light in our hearts. We need to believe that there will be a rising up against the malignant force that has taken hold in the center of our government. We need to believe that good hearts and good spirits will prevail. ( We need to VOTE in November)

Pinky: when are people gonna learn dat pinky knows da best!

Being endangered means never having to say you are sorry.

bears will be bears!

Let Pinky be Pinky!

George Washington Bridge lane closure satire.

Princess Pinky Bao Bao…what have you done now?

Panda on, Panda on!
Bob T Panda

It’s a Pardon-Palooza!

Yesterday was International Panda, World Panda Day or National Panda Day, depending on your news source.  Around here, EVERY day is Panda Day, or at least Pinky Day, so not much different!

Meanwhile, it seems that the COVID-19 virus has reached panda-demic levels, which has the added benefit of taking our attention from all the crimes of HWMNBN. That is a benefit for him, not us. Time will tell if he actually held up the testing of suspected cases because he was hoping to get an exclusive test deal from a German pharmaceutical firm, for the US only. Could he have been holding tests up, not only to downplay the threat, but also to profit from the pandemic? Really?

But he seems like such a nice guy!!

I’m sure they are all innocent, just like Mittens!


Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Please stay safe out there, everyone! Washington is on modified lockdown, but I have plenty of ink, paper, and felting wool to get me through. Take care of yourself, okay? I can’t afford to lose any readers!