Tag Archives: Mittens

Day 7 ~ 31 Days of Pandas

Happy Caturday! For those of you who serve cats, congratulations! While my feline overlord has gone to her reward (unlimited tuna and no one bothering her, one might guess) I look forward to the day when once again I can hear the pitter patter of thundering paws. How an animal so small can make so much noise is beyond me!

But enough about cats! It’s time for more of Pinky in Wonderland!

Our story continues…

What did we tell you?

Bubba wouldn’t be such a smarty pants if he wasn’t up in that tree (and couldn’t disappear at will)

I don’t know if I would eat that mushroom, Pinky!

Don’t eat that, Pinky!!!!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

If I Didn’t Read it on the Internet, I Wouldn’t Have Believed It

You know how much I hate hypocrisy. Well, if you didn’t, you should. There is all sorts of nasty behavior going on in and around the WH. And I mean nasty in the sense of crimes that would be held accountable at the International Court in The Hague, nasty. And while this sort of thing makes my head want to explode, the petty hypocrisy of the tRUmpinistas is beyond the pale.

We have the descendants of He Who Would Be King acting all shocked and outraged over Hunter Biden profiting from his family name, while they are making deals and getting trademarks and god knows what else because…well, let’s see… is it their prodigious talent? Or MAYBE, could it be that their father thinks he is “president”?

I hope this will be over soon, don’t you?

Oh no! There are no pandas in this cartoon!

Hey! Who wants PANDA SOCKS???? (Speaking of profiting from my connections…)

I got an email last week from the folks who make my pins and patches, and they are now are making socks available! They are one size unisex socks and they are 87% polyester/ 10% cotton/ 3% spandex. There is some stretchiness factor here, and while I haven’t seen any samples, (Ha Ha! It’s only money!) I decided to take a leap of faith and order 50 pairs each of three designs.

Here are the designs!

The Bubba

Nobody expects the panda kindergarten!


And who could forget….


Want to be the first the check out the paid commerce page and get your limited edition socks? Check it out right HERE!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda


Family Feud

No, it’s not Pinky and Bubba this time, or even Six and Sebben. We turn our tortured eyes to the current occupiers of the WH, and imagine, just for a moment, just what could they possibly have to talk about.

Here’s hoping they will devour their own young, so we can be done with them. Oh…um…did I say that out loud?

Mittens: a disgrace to cat-hood.

Meanwhile, we recently heard a news story that will make you reconsider letting Mr. Fluffy sleep with you.  #CatsRJerks

Panda on Everyone!
Bob T Panda

OMG I forgot it is Talk Like a Pirate Day TODAY!!!!

Fortunately, Savage Chickens reminded me, alerting me in enough time that I could add my favorite Mr. Wu (okay, ONE of my favorite) series, Wu da Pirate!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

21) Rusty the scuppers, pirate crew…

An explorer’s work is never done.

The penguins save the day!

I promise i will always be a good panda….

And if you are interested, I still have some of the Mr. Wu Pirate patches available for purchase. let me know if you are interested!

The Wu the Pirate patch! approx size 3.5″ tall


More from Youverest™

Those who know me well, know that there is no joke that I won’t flog until it is laying on the ground, gasping for breath, and so, we return to our ‘toon theme of last week, pretending that you have done something monumental when you’ve actually been lying on the couch eating bon-bons!

When you care to pretend you’ve sent the very best…Youverest™.  What could possibly go wrong?

This could have serious repercussions!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

For those of you who have ordered Pinky stickers and want to put them on a coffee cup, here are some tips! (lest you end up with it sticking your hands together or covering your face):

Thank you for supporting panda satire! Here’s some tips on putting your stickers on the mugs: 

1. Clean, dry, (and empty!) flat sided mug (aka standard boring mugs)
2. DO NOT remove backing yet
3. Put a smallish piece of removable tape on one end of the sticker, and use that to position & anchor sticker to mug
4. Starting from the taped end, smooth & hold sticker around the curve of the mug. Lay the mug on it’s side to give yourself an extra hand
5. The backing is in sections, so with one hand holding the mug down, use your other hand to remove the backing on the free end of the sticker, and carefully smooth onto the mug.
6. Remove the tape from the other end
7. Starting from the attached end of the sticker, remove the backing one section at a time and smooth down as you go.
8. I recommend hand-washing for longer Pinky life of your mug
Enjoy your favorite beverage with Pinky!

Coffee tastes better when you have it with Pinky!

A Very Mittens Fourth of July

I really do hope that all the non-Mittens-sycophants stay home from the “president’s” taxpayer and high donor funded rally today. I hope that the photos show a totally empty DC outside of his VIP area. As Karl, the waiter in Casablanca, said when Rick asked where he was seating the Nazis, he replied, “I gave them the best table, knowing they would take it anyway.”

And so HWMNBN declares that “no one ever celebrated the 4th of July before I became “president”.” And cordoned off the best viewing spot for the fireworks for a VIP area for his supporters….and do you suppose he will turn this into a political rally for himself and bashing of the Democratic candidates?

So, let’s have some pandas before I start weeping in despair. Is our independence near? Who knows?


And while you are ignoring all the shenanigans taking place in DC, and you’ve eaten all the backyard cookout goodies you can stand, head over to Put a Panda on it 3.0: The Mr Wu Pins and sign up! You’ll be glad you did!

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Peace, or Something Like It

The news continues to be overly news-y, if you want my opinion, and even if you don’t! To cheer you up, this story was making the rounds a little while ago: The Cheeto in Chief was claiming that he had been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Um…there seems to be some information that that might not exactly be the case.

Of course, where Cheeto goes, Mittens is sure to follow.

Who could have done this????

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda
Putting the “I” in Impeachment!

Free Speech or something like it…

When I listen to the things that come out of 45’s mouth (which I do as rarely as possible) I start to think that maybe this whole free speech thing is overrated. Then I smack my self on the head, and remind myself that free speech lets me express my honest displeasure with the powers that be, without the risk of getting thrown in prison for it.

But the operating principle of this “administration” seems to be, the speech of some gets to be freer than the speech of others.

I’m not sure how much more of this I can take.

Be the Bear!
Bob T Elections have consequences Panda

PS: Don’t forget! Our Kickstarter is still gong on! I’ve recently added a new reward, and rewritten the project home page to make it (hopefully) less confusing. Seriously, every time I do this, in some ways it’s like the first time! :-}

Fight the Humor Deficit! Make fun of people on Twidder!

I have to admit that I have come to like Twidder more than I do Fezbook. Maybe it’s because Fezbook has come to seem kind of unwieldy. I can’t easily find all the comments from people that are actually relevant to a discussion I am having with them, because Fezbook seems to want to give me hundreds of obscure notifications for every one that is part of an ongoing discussion with friends.

Meanwhile over on Twidder, I get a healthy (um…maybe not) dose of news, connection with other panda fans, and connections with other people in the kid lit and writing communities at large. And then there are the snarky parody accounts…

We must fight the humor deficit with every pun at our disposal!!!!

What’s that you say, Bob? He has responsibilities?

And meanwhile, we are about to launch the next phase of the Panda Pin Project over at Kickstarter! If you’ve been following along, you’ll see that it’s going to launch at noon (PDT) today!!! So get ready…get set…not yet…this link is just a preview until the project launches at noon!

Be the (Bubba) Bear
Bob T Panda

Sometimes, someone behaves worse than Pinky…

You might think THAT could never happen, but that was all before 2016 rolled over all of us and “Mittens” moved his litter box (and his fiends and relations) into the White House. So, comparatively speaking, Pinky is a model of propriety. Imagine that!

Every night, I listen to Rachel Maddow as she explores all the twists and turns in the never ending drama of The Sopranos…um…I mean “Mittens” and his minions, related or not. Oy vey. Save us from millionaires who think that only they can fix it, and yes, I’m also talking about former Starbucks CEO, Howard Schultz. To my knowledge, he has not indulged in the criminal behavior that appears to provide the bread and butter of the “Mittens” clan. Really, Howard’s only shortcoming is that he has neither the humility nor the willingness to listen to the “average working  American” that should be a prerequisite for the office.

Howard, if you want to run for president, either as a Republican OR a Democrat, I say go for it. Tell us in debates with other candidates what your views are; why your ideas are better for the American people (who are NOT millionaires) than those of the other candidates. That’s what this painfully long campaign process is all about.

Tell us what you believe in (and “the two party system has failed” is NOT a very informative statement.) and how you are going to make life better for all of us, of all races, genders, partner preferences, and religious affiliations. Tell us how you are going to make our country safer for all of us. Tell us how you would provide healthcare for all at an affordable price. We’re listening.

Geez…enough of this…let’s have some pandas!!!!

Mittens did WHAT??????!!!!????

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Hey! Don’t forget! There are still 5 more days to get your fuzzy floof slippers over to Put a Panda on It, my Kickstarter project, and pledge to get your own Pinky Pin!