Holy Moly! It’s day 30 of 31 Days of Pandas! We are almost at the end as the ball in Times Square makes its descent into the unknown. We have lost so many treasured, talented individuals this year, and now we have to add yet another to the list (as if Gene Wilder, Carrie Fisher, and Alan Rickman weren’t loss enough!) Yes, the father and grandfather of so many pandas, particularly the US pandas, Pan Pan passed away yesterday at the age of 31. He was quite a bear with the ladies and fathered 30 cubs and has over 130 descendants. He was really da bear! Farewell, Pan Pan. You will shine brightly in panda heaven.
But now, the conclusion of the Twelve Days of CrispMoss! Are you ready to sing?

HOW many more days are there?


Oh no! Not again!

F-F-F-FI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-VE Cuppycaaaaaaakes!


No WONDER I didn’t get any presents!

F-F-F-FI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-VE Cuppycaaaaaaakes!


OOOOO! Pinky is a star!

F-F-F-FI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-VE Cuppycaaaaaaakes!


On the twelfth day of Crisp-Moss, My Panda cam Did See….

MX: no, Pinky, you may NOT have a Bamboo-tini!

I can’t hear you….

F-F-F-FI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-VE Cuppycaaaaaaakes!


Everybody sing!
Panda on!
Bob T Panda