Tag Archives: Mr. Wu

Day 27: Countdown to the New Year Begins

Could it really be true? Could we be starting the countdown to the new year already?

Well, yes we could. In some ways the year flew by, and in other ways it was excruciatingly long. We have a new panda cub in Washington DC, twins in Toronto, and now the faintest glimmer of the possibility of pandas in the Pandacific Northwest. Huzzah!

And now, for the last new cartoon of the new year, I offer this, as my wish for the new year, probably guaranteed to delight and annoy, in equal measure. Feel free to tell me what you think in the comments, but I won’t post anything really mean or abusive. Other than  that, have at it!

Consider this my Werld Peez Pandifesto

Consider this my Werld Peez Pandifesto

No fairs unka bob, indeed!

Well, why the heck not?

Well, why the heck not?

Isn't that just the cutest thing?

Isn’t that just the cutest thing?

Vote for Pinky. Do YOU want to explain why you didn't?

Vote for Pinky. Do YOU want to explain why you didn’t?

Hey! Why NOT vote for Bob? Peace, prosperity, and buy stuff with pandas!
Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Day 25: Merry Christmas to you all!

Have yourself a pandy little Christmas....

Have yourself a pandy little Christmas….

Babette at the ice skating rink in Rockefeller center a few years ago with her good friend Frances A.

Babette at the ice skating rink in Rockefeller center a few years ago with her good friend Frances A.

A Merry Christmas to you all! Thank you for stopping by and being the bears, thank you for buying my books and stuff with pandas on it, thank you for thinking I’m funny, and telling me when you think I’m not. (Not that I pay any attention to that, but I still appreciate hearing that I’ve seriously annoyed you!)

The world has gotten smaller and farther apart all at the same time. It turns out that our friends we make here in cyberland, are just as important to us as our friends in the real world. Sometimes we only find that out when we lose one, and then it is too late. My holiday wish is that more people choose hope, peace, and black and white bears over hating and killing. Oh, and that there should be more cuppycakes that don’t make us..um..more pandaesque, but still taste really good.

Which reminds me…

FIIIIIVE cuppycakes!

FIIIIIVE cuppycakes! ( Sing this one REALLY LOUD!!!!!!)



And because I’ve been very very very (mostly) good, can we please have pandas move to Washington State?

I hope you get to spend today (and every day, actually) with people you love, eating cake. Hey! bears do not live by bamboo alone!

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

Day 18: Today, I am a Bear

We wouldn’t want to appear to be biased towards one holiday over another here at the Panda Chronicles, so even though the holiday of Pandukkah is now over (thank you for that, Nina L.) we celebrate that turning point in any young panda’s life, the Bear Mitzvah! 31 days of Pandas proudly presents…

Today, I am a Bear…

Today, you are a bear.

Today, you are a bear.

...if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da- AAARGH! I can't stop!!!!!

…if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da- AAARGH! I can’t stop!!!!! You’re welcome.

Meanwhile, the debates go on….

Why Cats are superior to Pandas

I’m sure you can trust this cat!

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Day 17: Everytime a Bell Rings

Oh my! The suspense here at 31 Days of Pandas is getting too much to bear…get it? Too much to…oh, never mind. You knew I had a weird sense of humor already, so no complaining in the cheap seats.

Let’s get back to it’s a Wunderful Life, shall we?

It's a Wonderful Life parody

Repeat after me, “It’s a story” ‘kay?

It's a Wonderful Life, parody

Everytime a bell rings, a panda gets a cuppycake.

It's a Wonderful Life, parody

Yay! The heartwarming schmoopy ending!

You didn’t think I was going to make you wait another day for the heartwarming schmoopy ending did you? what kind of bear do you think I am?

Don’t answer that!

And while you are doing your holiday shopping, why not add a Bee, the bear, mug to your collection! Yours for the asking (well, and your credit card) from Pandyland at CafePress!


Bee, the Bear

Bee, the Bear

and on the other side...

and on the other side…

Be the Bear! and tune in for more pandy fun tomorrow and Saturday, with a brand new ‘toon on Sunday, starring…hmmmm could it be Pinky and Bubba? We’ll see!
Bob T. Panda

Day 16: It’s a Wonderful Wu

Yes, it’s a wonderful Wu, and a Wun-derful Life! Huzzah! We are back with the next episodes for your panda satire watching enjoyment.

Sit back and enjoy the show!

it's a wonderful life parody

You won’t like this, Mr Wu!

It's a Wonderful Life Parody

Those darn cats!

Oh this is so traumatic! I hate to upset the wu self, but a writer has gotta do what a writer’s  gotta do. No one ever said it would be pretty.

Meanwhile, you could head over to Pandyland at Cafe Press and show your support for the Wu-self this holiday season!

The Wu self(i.e.) mug!

The Wu self(i.e.) mug!

...and on the other side...

…and on the other side…

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda


Day 15: 31 Days of Pandas

We’re back with the next episodes of It’s a Wun-derful Life, starring Mr. Wu, Bee (the Bear) and other pandas besides!

It's a wonderful Life parody

Bee the bear tells it like it is

It's a Wonderful Life parody

What part of “you don’t exist” didn’t you get?

Where IS Mr. Wu’s mom? It’s getting very existential around here!

Tune in tomorrow for the next episode!
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

Day 14: It’s a Wun-derful Life

We are back with another holiday classic, It’s a Wun-derful Life! Huzzah! Mr Wu is given the gift of seeing what the world would be like if he had never been born. But why are we standing around here talking?

On with the show!!!!

it's a wonderful life

Thank goodness Bee the Bear still has her magical wand from the last adventure.

It's a wonderful life

Wu is a good bear at heart….

Oh the suspense is killing me! What is going to happen next?

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

PS: Several people commented that they wished the PandyClaws and his sleigh (and a tiny Pinky Panda) image was on a coffee mug. Well, guess what! Now it is!

Have yourself a Pandy little Christmas...

Have yourself a Pandy little Christmas…

Day 12, 31 Days of Pandas

We’re making a list,
Of presents and stuff,
We hope we get lots,
Or we’ll be real gruff,
Pandy Claws is coming to town!

We put out some cake
With frosting galore,
Hey that looks good,
Maybe I should have more,
Pandy Claws is coming to town!

He knows where you are sleeping,
And when you are awake.
He’s got a list from Pinky,
That will cause his sleigh to break!


You better not get
Into Pinky’s way.
You have been warned ,
That’s all I can say,
Pandy Claws is coming to town!!!!!!

Leaping out of his holiday wrapping, we want to take this little gift home with us!

Leaping out of his holiday wrapping, we want to take this little gift home with us!

Day 17...Naughty or Nice? you decide!

…Naughty or Nice? you decide!

There's nothing on earth that I'd rather do....

There’s nothing on earth that I’d rather do….

Have yourself a pandy little Christmas....

Have yourself a pandy little Christmas….I think this might need to be a holiday mug!

Be the bear!
Bob T. Panda

And don’t forget, tomorrow we reveal Bubba’s official Panda Chronicles outfit! Don’t miss it!

Day 8, 31 Days of Pandas

Huzzah! We are back again for 31 Days of Pandas, and our encore presentation of The Wizard of Wu! Yesterday, the Wicked Cat Witch of the West sent her henchpandas out to capture Wu and his magical bunny slippers! Will they succeed? Let’s find out!

The panda kindergarten captures Mr Wu

Evilness is one thing, but there must be snacks!

escape from the wicked witch

Well,lookee here! isn’t that….?

Uh oh! Am I going to leave you with only two more episodes to go? Well, yes I am. Bwahahahaha! Will the identity of the wizard be revealed? will wu get home safely? will there be cuppycakes for all?

Tune in tomorrow to see if all has ended happily! although, if you already had The Book of Wu, you would know the answer to these questions. Just saying.

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

Day 7, 31 Days of Pandas

31 Days of Pandas now continues with The Wizard of Wu!

We hope you have been enjoying this concentrated dose of pandy goodness. If you have been enjoying it, I hope you will share our stories with your friends. They might not know they are pandaholics (yet) but I believe that everyone with a sense of humor has the potential to embrace their inner panda.

And now, on with the show! On Saturday, We left Wu and his intrepid companions here:

the good witch saves Wu and Co.

Good witch Bee, the Bear, to the rescue!

Xiao Liwu gets a bath

Are you SURE you weren’t in an earlier scene?

Wizard of Oz spoof

But we’ve come such a long way already….Bwahahaha!

although I DID promise there would be NO flying monkeys…

the wicked witch unleashes the flying monkeys

Ride you pandas! Ride!

What could be scarier than the panda kindergarten on tricycles!?!

See you again tomorrow for Day 8 of 31 Days of Pandas and the next installment from our encore presentation of The Wizard of Wu!

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda