Tag Archives: National Zoo

You Can’t Fight Pinky Hall

Oh my Goodness! It’s December 1st! Tis the Season…

The Season for Pinky to start thinking about whether she’s been very good…or not…mebbee. Um… what do you think?

Be the Bear
Bob T I don’t make this stuff up, I just listen Panda

A Day of Thanks, No Matter Where you Live

I tried to get a new ‘toon done for today…I really did.

But I decided it was a better thing for me to spend some time painting and then a little time outside in the garden, and there might also have been a nap. Mebbee. Our story will return next week and we will find out just who was causing Mommee Mei’s landline dial phone to ring.

I want to say a few things about our beloved, fetid hellsite Twidder. I have gotten to know so many of you there and after a couple years of bumbling around there, I finally figured out how to use it in a way that made sense to me. I really hate starting new things and trying to figure out how not to lose any of my friends from the different groups I gravitate towards.

There is of course, the most beloved PandaTwitter.

That’s where I will find most of the people who dearly love our black and white bears. These are the folks that I can revel in a bit of panda improv, a fun way to get a little playfulness into our lives. Those who live close to DC generously share the photos and videos that they take when visiting our favorite pandas. If I did not have those daily reminders of how much I love the pandas and the community that has sprung up around them, it would make me sad.

Then there are my friends from the world of writing and illustrating for kids. what I’ve learned from you could fill an entire bookshelf. I know that at least some of us will find each other as we wander the internet diaspora. To @markeology, creator of the infamous #cookiepitch, I say to you, never before have I had so much fun coming up with crazy ideas for books that dare not be written.

Then there are the people I follow who are tweeting about the things I think are important.

The journalists and the legal community and other writers who are saying the things that need to be said, about fairness and inclusion and corruption and just plain evil. Twitter has been where I find those people and subjects that I need to explore further.

But with the takeover of Twidder by He Who Must Not Be Encouraged by Naming Him, I see dark times ahead. I think about my cousin Ruth’s husband Bill, whose family sent him and his sister to live in England as children in the 1930s. They left Austria while they still could. I believe some of his family was not so lucky. The tyrants and thugs who smashed the windows of Jewish merchants in 1930’s Germany have their contemporary counterparts today. HWMNBEbNH plans to let those whose transgressions on Twidder were so bad that they were suspended, back on as early as next week. He has already invited TFG back on.

As vulnerable people begin to suffer assaults by these trolls, can I really sit by and try to hide in my pleasant little corner of Twidder? I kind of don’t think so. So in the not too distant future, I will be packing my twitter posts and heading for kinder lands. Some of us have already landed on Mastodon. You can, of course, still find me here. You can even subscribe and get your panda ‘toons sent directly to your email inbox. (Signup is on the upper right of the main page, and maybe on the bottom if you are reading this on your phone.) You can also read my weekly blatherings on Substack.

I hope we don’t lose touch. Know that your support means a lot to me.

And hey! Don’t you want to find out who called Mommy Mei?

Be the Bear!
Bob T don’t forget me! Panda

Poot’er is Progressing…Or So We Believe!

When the Panda House gets quiet…

Things are starting to get weird over at Tweet nation, but you know you can always find me here (and also over at Substack!)

Be the Bear
Bob T a ringing phone is never a good thing Panda

To Poot or Not to Poot

If you think what Pinky is doing over at Poot’er is wild, you should get a load of what’s happening at Twidder!

One minute He who must not be Offended is firing all the people who actually know how to do anything, and the next minute he is trying to hire them back because he doesn’t know how to the run the joint. Hard to decide whether to stay or go. So many people and pandas that it’s my only avenue of contact, weighed against knowing how abusive he is being to the people who work there.

I’m sure Pinky would never behave like that.

Have YOU been bearified?

Be the Bear!
Bob T tweet ya later Panda

Things are Getting HOT HOT HOT over at Twidder

Will Twidder survive? Will it burn to the ground? Nobody knows!

Fortunately, Pinky is working on an alternative!

Because of course Pinky never misses an opportunity to cubpaign! After all, 2024 is just around the corner!

Be the Bear!
Bob T did you have to remind me Panda

Don’t forget to check out my weekly rant over at Substack!

Six and Sebben are IN DA HOUSE!

You know that scary part of the movie when the main character realizes the monster/villain/creepy supernatural being is in the house?

Well this is when that happens!!!!

Hopefully by next week I’ll be back on my regular schedule. (if there are no more wind storms where the power goes out for day)

Be the Bear
Bob T keeping my fingers crossed for Democratic control of Congress Panda

Don’t be a ZomBEAR!

I had a whole thing about Election Day thought up for yesterday’s post, but the windstorm last Friday laid waste to all of my plans! But I KNOW all of my faithful readers are voters so I really didn’t need to nag you, right?

So without further ado, here is the ‘toon I was not able to post yesterday!

The good news is there will be a new ‘toon tomorrow too!

Did you guess the movie reference in the first panel?

Well, gotta run. It’s amazing how far behind you get in your email and everything else when the power has been out for 4 days.

Be the Bear!
Bob T is holding out hope for the House remaining blue Panda

Don’t forget to check out my Substack thingie!

Now it’s Time for the Exciting Conclusion of…

A Halloween Carol!

The ghosts of Halloween present and Halloween future have entered the building! The tension m mounts! Will Pinky finally see the error of her ways? (Pinky: as if!!!!)

Uh oh, the ghost of halloween present just caught up with Pinky…
Was that list in small type, single spaced?

More Pouty Pinky!

The Spirit of Halloweens yet to come is not a spirit to be messed with, right?
Surely you didn’t think she would totally reform, did you?

We hope you enjoyed this year’s Encore Presentation of A Halloween Carol. If you haven’t yet seen The Wizard of Wu, you can find it on our Substack Nooz channel!

Be the Bear!
Bob T has been on assignment Panda