Really, if you want to know the future, read The Panda Chronicles. Everything happens here first.
Proof positive of Pinky’s persuasive popularity!Butter wouldn’t melt in her adorable little mouth….Minion security: you can’t be too careful.Thanks a lot, Leslie. I think you gave Pinky this idea.
Will Pinky’s minions testify at the next January 6th hearing? Tune in on Tuesday and find out. (We also might find out where Bikkie has disappeared to!)
It’s the 3rd of July here on Whidbey Island. I’m happy to say, that it has been raining all day and the temperature has not topped 60. What’s that you say? Shouldn’t I wish for warm summer weather?
Well, as last year, most of June was in the 80’s, with some temps above 90, even out here on the island (Seattle went above 100 several times, even before July arrived) AND as Island County has not seen fit to put provisions in place banning fireworks when fire danger is high, last year at this time I was completely stressed out in fear that some moron would burn down my neighborhood and me along with it.
So, this year, as we have had a very cool start to summer, I was happy when I woke up to rain, which has continued through the day.
The show of my (serious non-panda) paintings opened last night, with a well attended reception and a few sales. If you’d like to see it (and you don’t live within range of Langley) your can see it here. I got a very nice comment form an artist friend who had come into see the show. I hope she won’t mind me sharing it here: ” …the light feels brave, like something fighting the darkness that is trying to overtake us…”
That is exactly what I have been feeling these past 8 months as I worked on these paintings. That I am desperately clinging to some shard of optimism in the face of the evil that still is trying to take us down.
There are glimpses of hope: people speaking up for the January 6 committee that we might not expect, testifying to events we feared and now are confirmed. While it is true that we haven’t gotten everything we want from those we have elected, I can pretty much guarantee that we won’t like ANYTHING the republicans inflict on us should they regain power.
And here are a few panda-‘toons commemorating the holiday:
I would point out that this ‘toon was drawn in 2019, and take no credit (or responsibility) for giving the idea to attack the Capitol to Mittens and his band of thugs.
Made by the same highly scientific company as the Cute-o-Meter!
I have many thoughts and maybe some of them should come out of my mouth, but for right now, I am exhausted. All I will say is this:
Solutions like SCOTUS expansion should happen, but can’t happen quickly to relieve this assault on women/pregnant persons Filibuster reform is also needed, but again, it’s not going to happen with the Senate we have at this moment Tell your Senator and Congressional reps what you think. Clearly, concisely, and as often as you can Vote for Democrats up and down the ballot Don’t listen to the naysayers or give up hope We won’t get everything on our lists from a Democratic Congress & president, but I can GUARANTEE we won’t like ANYTHING we get from a Republican one
Now here are some pandas and random bears
Frank is off on a new adventure!Wait…we get paid?He’s small for now, but Bubba Bei Bei is shaping up to be a whole lot of panda!
Yes, it’s that time of year! The grizzly bear equivalent of the Oscars, The World Cup, and The Great British Bake Off, all rolled into one! It’s almost time for the annual Bear Cam!
In honor of this annual display of fish catching excellence, we share from the archives, the story of Frank and Mikey’s trip to their ancestral homelands!
And yes, Mikey, we know. You don’t like fish.
Mr Poppee would never disappoint Bikkie!
I hope this extended visit with Frank and Mikey gives you what you need to watch this weeks hearings for the Crimes of Mittens!
I’ve been listening to the hearing as I feverishly finish my last painting for my upcoming painting show! All I can say is… THEY DID IT! THEY DID IT! I feel like this is rather a hair on fire kind of moment.
I think Bikkie thinks it is too.
Keep listening to the hearings, check your voter registration and VOTE.