Tag Archives: National Zoo

The January 6th Hearings start TONIGHT!

I hope you are making your popcorn, gathering all your stuffy pandas, and mixing up a Sister Mary Fluffy sized pitcher of adult beverages. We’re going to need it. We already kinda know what happened: TFG went into overturn the election/overthrow democracy mode even before the election was called for Joe Biden.

The House Select Committee on January 6th has been gathering the receipts and the stories of those involved, of those who were on the scene of the greatest (and by “greatest“, I mean WORST) debacle in US history.

You’re going to hear from many people during these hearings, and as hard as it will be to watch, I think we must watch or listen to as much as we can bear. History is being made and we have no idea if justice will prevail.

Maybe we should just watch the panda version of this moment in history.

Bikkie is on the job and so are Frank and Mikey! What could possibly go wrong?

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

It’s all how you see it…

I’ve been on a little journey these last two weeks…not an actual journey, mind you. More of a healthcare journey. Don’t panic. All is well. But my vision has been dimming and clouding these last couple years, and while the pandemic is not exactly on the run, it felt safe enough to consider….

Cataract surgery.

Just thinking about getting to the point where I needed cataract surgery made me feel very old. But it was time to suck it up and do it, as the last time I had my eyes examined last year, the doctor was saying he didn’t know how much more he could improve my vision with glasses.

I opted not to get the kind of lenses that meant I would no longer need glasses. I’ve been wearing glasses since I was 8 and I like them. If nothing else, I am much less likely to poke my eye with a branch when gardening, if I still wear glasses.

Even though my eyes are still recovering, I can see much better. One of my old pairs of glasses seems to be working generally, but not so well for close up. So, I will henceforth blame all typos on this for the time being. Heh!

One thing I can see quite clearly is that the GOP (Guns Over People) Party would rather see more people shot than to either offend the NRA or have President Biden get any credit for doing anything good.

And now, for some PANDAS!

Just in case any of you are about to acquire a swimming pool…you know who you are!

Perhaps a THIRD chance is in order?
Bears are on the ball!

Am I sensing a theme here?

Love the hobby horse on a spring (inspired by a REAL photo of a REAL panda on one.
After all, the playings the thing….

…and among the other fine offerings of August 2012….we celebrate graduation season!

Today, you are a bear.

Everybody sing!!!!

…if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da- AAARGH! I can’t stop!!!!!

I hope these ‘toons from the archive brighten up your day a little bit!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Baby Panda Season is Upon Us

And it’s a damn good thing.

This has been a hard week. When 20 children were murdered in Sandy Hook, I thought surely, now would be the turning point when something was done to get guns off the street and out of the hands of violent people. Are those people suffering from mental illness? No doubt. Killing large numbers of innocent people is not a normal response to an unhappy life.

But the truth is that mentally ill people are more likely to die from violence than to perpetrate it. There are studies.

Write to any of your representatives you can to let them know your views on this. Take to the streets in protest. Donate what you can to groups that are trying to move the needle on instituting more controls on guns and getting guns (especially assault style rifles) out of the equation. Oh yeah…and VOTE. Vote for people who are not happy with the status quo. You know who I mean.

What we do need more of is baby pandas.

I am here to answer that need…

The first appearance of the twinkies on The Panda Chronicles
It’s Shark Week at the panda kindergarten! Roar!!!!
PP: um, dis is not going to interrupt my presidential campaign, is it?
Mr Bun has a question, daddee.
See? I told you it was broken!

More babee pandas to come!

Panda on!

Bob T Panda

And now, a Poem from your Preferred Panda, Ping

Pandas like the letter “P”

Sorry for the late posting. I’ve been burning the midnight oil, the dawn coffee, and all the hours in between as I get ready for my painting show in July. where oh where did the time go?

Panda on!
Bob T Panda

Pinky Triumphs Again!

Never doubt the Power of the Poof!

Rumor has it that there was a large flash of light over the continent of Australia yesterday, as people headed to the polls to vote in their elections. We can neither conform, nor deny that Pinky and PPJ had anything to do with the outcome. After all, magical wands are prohibited within 50 feet of a polling station.

Bao bao changes panda cub gender
Pinky is VERY powerful. Be afraid, be very afraid, Mr Wu.
Princess Pinky helps with new years resolutions
You say you want a resolution, well, you know, it is hard to change a bear….
deleted footage from press conference
Pinky answers difficult questions from the press in her own way.
Never say “No” to a Pinky!
do the right thing.
The Power of the Poof

What have we got to lose? Everything. That’s what. It’s not too early to check your voter registration (primaries are happening, y’all!) and make a plan to vote. Remind your friends to vote too.

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Time to spin the Wayback Wheel and see what turns up!

Some weeks I have a time to expound upon, and then I look for archived ‘toons that illuminate that theme. Other weeks I have no idea what I’m thinking of and then I just have to spin the wheel and see what pops up.

One thing you can be sure of, it’s likely that Pinky will be involved!

On my honor, I will try…to eat as many cookies as I possibly can….

Well…no Pinky in that one! let’s try again!

Mei should not be getting all excited like this in her condition!
And what better talk show is there, than Mehitabel Tonite!?
I really had no idea what she was up to.
Make sure Pinky doesn’t try to steal Bubba and Ping’s candy!

Well as Pinky all says, you can never have enough ‘toons about Pinky!


Till next time,

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Bubba goes all Shakesbear for his Dramatic Reading!

I always felt that Bubba was something of an intellectual. Perhaps he will major in English Literature in college!

Here’s his poem!

Meanwhile, Pinky is all “is dis a dagger I sees before me right before I stick it into your…” just before Mommee Mei sends her to her room for a time out. Meanwhile did you you hear something go “poof”????

I hope you have been able to forget for a few minutes, while you read this ‘toon, the live action 3-D full immersion via the GQP, into the Handmaid’s Tale.

Yeah…me neither.

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda