Tag Archives: National Zoo

A Salute to Mom Pandas!

It’s Mother’s Day in the US so I thought it would be good to salute the panda moms that sometimes…um…don’t get the respect they deserve from their cubbies.

I will try to NOT have it be all Pinky all the time

“Howdy do! I’m Mr. Wu! Who are you?”
Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!
Pinky tests her powers….
Those girls are a force to be reckoned with.
I just love Mei’s little chats with her sister Lun Lun.

It seems like I should include at least ONE ‘toon with Mei yelling at Pinky! (I tried really hard not to have ALL of them be yelling Mei!)

uh oh…

I hope you enjoyed our Mother’s Day Salute to Panda Moms!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

School Days! (or was that “daze”?)

How is it May already? School seems like it just started and here we are rolling up to summer. Have the panda kids learned anything from Beary Poppins?

The Nooz continues to be grim. Mittens won’t shut up and go away. The Supremes are ready to take away the rights of women, and that doesn’t seem to be where they will stop. The rights of anyone who is not a christian, white, straight, male are being challenged everywhere you look. Abortion and the right to choose has been the law of the land since I became an adult. It’s time to raise our voices, show up and vote these jerks out of office. (I realize we can’t vote SCOTUS out, be we can vote for Democrats up and down the ballot.)

I wish Pinky would just poof the bad people away.

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

One More 50th Pandaversary Post!

The Month of Pandas is coming to an end…

Who am I trying to kid? It will ALWAYS be the month of Pandas!!!

And who better to celebrate this 50th pandaversary at the national Zoo than the ENTIRE panda family in residence!?

Well, who didn’t think that Pinky’s family would track her down?


Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

And don’t forget, there are now products at Rebubble with The Moods of Pinky!

As the 50th Pandaversary at the National Zoo Scampers to a Close…

I thought I’d share some of my favorite ‘toons from the Panda House over the years since I started following the pandas…

But First, A Word from our Sponsor!: Buy stuff with Pandas!

Our newest design over on Redbubble features none other than her most Royal Pandaness, Princess Pinky!

Beware the moods of Pinky!

Available on a whole bunch of stuff on Redbubble!

And now, for some of our favorite Panda House ‘toons which might all feature Pinky. we don’t know. Moods, you know?

National Zoo cub makes mom Mei Xiang disappear
Princess Pinky is fooled by Mei Xiang at the National Zoo
Oh Princess Pinky, mom has a trick or two up her paw, I think…
Princess Pinky helps with new years resolutions
You say you want a resolution, well, you know, it is hard to change a bear….
deleted footage from press conference
Pinky answers difficult questions from the press in her own way.

Okay, Okay… I guess there are a couple OTHER pandas living at the DC Panda House!

I didn’t THINK that Pinky knew the “share” word.
The Mommee Security Agency is always watching
I think Biscuit and Beary Poppins are forming a real bond!

I hope you enjoyed our celebration of the 50th Pandaversary of Pandas at The National Zoo! Keep watching the panda cams and don’t forget us at The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

The Moods of Pinky

The 50th Pandaversary celebration of all things PANDA would hardly be complete without an examination of every thought that has ever passed through the magnificent brain of the most important panda that ever resided at the Smifsonian National Zoo!

Oh sure, you might think Ling Ling and Hsing Hsing were those most important pandas, since they were the first to reside in Washington DC. Or maybe you might think that the well loved Tai Shan (aka #1 son), being the miracle cubby who arrived in 2005, is that most important panda.

But only 1 panda was VOTED an icon in a national campaign by the Smifsonian! Guess who!!!!!

A tip of the tiara to Pinky’s twidder typer for this idea!

Soon to be available on my Redbubble shop as a T-shirt and some other things!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

It’s Pandaversary Celebration Weekend!!!!

50 years ago, the Nixon Pandas arrived in Washington DC to great fanfare!

I am only making some of this up

Since that momentous occasion, pandas have participated in many events in our Nation’s Capitol!

Whats a protest without pandas?
Hey, save some cuppycakes for me!
Memorial day
Don’t be endangered, be dangerous
Do we HAVE to go?

Yes, pandas have become a part of every day life in Washington DC!

What do you say to another 50 years of panda diplomacy?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Pay no attention to those reports of Ling Ling biting one of her keepers! I’m sure it was just a little panda nip!

It’s Sunday Funday!

The Pandemic really isn’t over is it?

Yesterday one of my pandemic ‘toons popped up in someone’s time line, so I thought I would revisit the pandas experience of the Panda-demic.

It’s nothing that a little cocoa can’t fix!
You can’t get more socially distant than sending everyone to their room!
Is FEMA stealing marshymallows too?
Well, bless her heart!
Here comes Meihem!

There is always excitement in store when Six and Sebben show up. Mei must have been desperate to suggest this. I bet she won’t make that mistake again!

I just sent a check for $500 off to the Whatcom Humane Society, thanks to everyone who ordered a felty support kitty! There are still 6 more available, so check out the Felties Revisited page for information on ordering!

Till Tuesday (when I WILL have a new ‘toon)
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

This is one of those weeks…

I’m afraid this is one of those weeks when time got away from me, so there is no new ‘toon today.

But just so you don’t feel left out of panda fun, here are a couple of my favorite ‘toons!

See? I told you it was broken!
Well, it is kind of funny, isn’t it?
Well *bleep* and take your *bleep* and stick it *bleep*!!!!

Hopefully next week will be better and the ‘toons will flow!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

The Essential Pandaness of Being

I just came home from a small memorial gathering for a friend who died earlier this year. He was a sweet man who definitely should not have gotten cancer and died, because he was one of the nicest men I ever met, and his wife is a lovely person who did not deserve to lose her best friend.

As you might imagine, I have quite a list of people who definitely would not be missed should they vanish from the face of the earth. I suspect you could guess who at least some of those people are. I suppose it is not very charitable of me to have this list, but after the last 5 years, I am not concerned with the justice or fairness of my list.

I thought of this ‘toon, made for a dear departed friend 8 years ago…

This one’s for you, Jude.

It’s hard not to think about justice or fairness when you watch even a little bit of the hearings for the SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson. I admit to wishing that a piano might fall on the head of some of her interrogators. Why is it that an eminently qualified and compassionate individual like Judge Brown Jackson should be rudely condescended to by people who have less integrity than something I scraped off my shoe? To quote (with a slight paraphrase) the SNL parody of the Justice Beer Keg hearing, “You give her a damn robe and let her do what ever she wants, and put her on the court NOW!!!”

I hope that when she returned home each day from this circus, that she was met at the door by her husband and daughters, with a pitcher of martinis, confetti and balloons, and a stack of plates to smash on the back patio. I will be so proud when she takes her place on the court.

And if we need a reminder of what we have endured these last 5 years…

day after
Remember the song “The Eve of Destruction”? That’s what today feels like.
Whats a protest without pandas?
Hey, save some cuppycakes for me!
Clear as mud!

I’m about to send a nice big check to the Whatcom County Humane Society because you, the panda (and cat!) fans have supported my Felty Cats for Actual Cats project. Thank you for all who have chosen a little felty companion (and helped to make a little more space on the windmills in my felty studio). I still have 10 kitties left if you were waiting (for some reason). If you order before the end of March, you will get an extra surprise!

Be the Bear! (or cat)
Bob T Panda