Tag Archives: National Zoo

Nixon’s Ghost Has a Few Thoughts

As I mentioned on Sunday, (did you read Sunday’s post? No? I’ll wait…) this April is the 50th anniversary of the arrival of pandas at the Smithsonian National Zoo. Long time panda fans remember the excitement of their arrival. And with the birth of Tai Shan to the second pair of pandas (also our current panda family) at the zoo, it seemed that the pinnacle of happiness had been reached!

And then in 2013 there was another arrival…

#ClapLouder for Pinky!

In 2015 bouncing big boy Bubba came along, and in 2020, one of the darkest years of the last several decades, our little miracle Bikkie arrived to cheer us all up!

Technical Trevails

I’m happy to report I finally got more ink cartridges for my printer. I never did figure out how to print with just the black and white ink when a color cartridge was empty. There are days when I really hate technology!

This means that little felted kitties will be headed out into the world this week! There are still 12 kitties remaining! Check out the Felties Revisited page for ordering information!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Spring has Sprung!

Today is the first day of Spring, the Vernal Equinox, a day of equal day and night (in theory, any way!) It is also the 50th anniversary year of pandas at the Smithsonian National Zoo, in the other Washington!

So, of course, we must celebrate the Nixon pandas!

I am only making some of this up.

Let’s see what other Spring ‘toons might be lurking in the archives…

The secret lives of the wild panda!
On my honor, I will try…to eat as many cookies as I possibly can….

And, as the unionization effort ramps up at Starbucks, I am reminded of my experience in the coffee mines, lo these many years ago!

This was way too much fun. :o)

Solidarity forever, guys!

There are still about 12 felted kitties left! Check out the Felties Revisited page for details!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Back in the Panda House …at Last!

It was 50 years ago in April when when the Nixon Pandas came to live in DC. They were not the first pandas to arrive in the US…that honor goes to Su Lin the first, who lived for several years at the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago.

40) Su Lin the first. From a a personal photograph that found it’s way to me.

But 50 years of pandas at the Smithsonian National Zoo is a big milestone to celebrate. The arrival of Mei Xiang and Tian Tian, after the deaths of Ling Ling and Hsing Hsing was cause for celebration. The pictures of Mei Xiang as a demure cubbie make my heart sing.

Who would have imagined the bounty of cubbies, from Tai Shan to our beloved miracle, Xiao Qi Ji (aka Bikkie), who arrived when we thought all hope had flown.

And now, the Panda House runneth over!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

PS there are still 13 felty kitties remaining!

Visit the Felties Revisited page for details!

It’s International Polar Bear Day!

Who doesn’t love polar bears? (besides seals?)

Felty Polar Bear and her cubbies! Want em? Contact me!

It’s been a week, hasn’t it? Poot’n has invaded Ukraine, but the Ukrainians are fighting back hard and have no f**ks left to give. Europe has stepped up with aid and so has NATO. We are going to have our first female African American SCOTUS Justice, it the GQP can get its head out of its a** long enough to admit she is more qualified than the last 3 they rammed on to the court. Cue the “But maybe she is TOO qualified” chorus to start whining in 3…2…1…

Texas, Floriduh, and Oklahoma, oh and let’s not forget Virginia, are all trying to out do one another for the most regressive and cruel legislation on woman’s reproductive rights, health care for trans children, and education. I can only conclude that they want a beaten down, uneducated populace. No wonder Barker Carlson sings Poot’n’s praises.


Let’s have some pandas! Time to spin the random ‘toon archive generator!

This is one of my earliest ‘toons and I dedicate it to James Fallows!
“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “
The panda kindergaten knows where you live.
panda movie
There…now do you see?
panda movie
Panda reproduction explained
Oh, Mr. Bun! Where have you been?


Sunflowers 3 plate Lithograph 17″x11″

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

You Know What Time of Year This is?

Why, it’s The Panda Season of LOOOOOVE!

Even though we no longer have any participants in The Panda Season of Love in the US of A, we are still interested observers (Not like THAT!!!) of the season! Here are some ‘toons from the archives celebrating this season of Love amongst the pandas!

I hope people haven’t had enough of silly love songs!
it’s the panda, the panda season of love!
The Scottish pandas have had a few disappointments…
A bear by any other name, would still smell pretty funky.
A panda by any other name, would smell…well, they would just smell…
“It was dark….there were men in masks….”
Um…pass the beer and poutine, please!

To celebrate the Panda Season of Love, all feltie panda orders (or any other kind of feltie) will come with a complimentary roll of Panda Season of Love Washi tape. Want to see what we have in the way of Felites? Fill in the comment form below and I can send you pictures of available felt creations.

I’m working on a collection I’m almost ready to launch, which are NOT pandas! What could they be? I just need to make a few more and then I will announce them!

Here is a picture of the actual tape! The Panda Season of Love tape is on the bottom. All styles of tape are available for a set of 4 for $18 including US shipping.

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

I was Powerless to Resist

I tried to ignore those enigmatic tweets, full of little black, yellow, and green boxes in up to 6 rows of 5. On further investigation, I was still clueless, because, well, Wordle has no clues!

Eventually I figured it out and now I am hooked. Lucky for me, they only let you play one game per day, and everyone gets the same word. The new days’ word drops right at midnight in your time zone. Out of 7 games so far, I have figured out all 7. My best is figuring it out in 3 rows, which I have done 3 times!

I’m not sure how Pinky’s game will work out. I think Mommee Mei might protest the paywall…

Play on!
Bob T Panda

The Year in Review Part Whatever

Yes, yes, yes, we are still in our Year in Review, but first, some ground shaking news from The White House:

There is now a cat living in The White House once again!!!!

I know Mehitabel is already making plans to have Willow here for an interview with ZooNooZ. I’m sure she is very busy getting settled in, as is to be expected! We will have her here as soon as possible. After all, there are the Lunar New Year’s celebrations as well as the Panda-O-Lympics to get through!

And now, on with the Year in Review, continued!

July 2021

Frank and Mikey’s trip home continued…
…and ended

Meanwhile, events at the Panda House are still a little…um…weird.

Here come’s trouble!

On to August! Bebe Maurice gets to work on the family portrait!

Will Mister Poppee return for Bikkie’s first Birthday?

That would be a yes!

There will be another Year in Review post to come. And some other things happening during the week, don’t ask me what!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Did Someone Say “Fraud on a Government Document?”

I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen to me if, for instance, I made up an important government document, signed my name to it, then turned it in to the National Archives. I mean, what if I said that the Presidential electors in Washington state all voted for Princess Pinky? Do you think I’d still be walking around free and easy?

I think not!

Then again, pandas can pretty much get away with anything!

Bikkie still has a lot to learn!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda