Tag Archives: National Zoo

It’s Lesson Time at the Panda House!

But before we get to that…

I must sadly tell you that ONCE AGAIN I was not awarded a MacArthur Foundation Genius Grant for Panda Satire. Announcement day has left me a sad panda (but you get to see my favorite cartoon!)

In 10 Years There Has Not Been One Grant Awarded in Panda Satire!!!!

Why IS there no MacArthur Fellowship for Panda Satire, anyway?

Also, today is National Voter Registration Day. If you are not registered to vote, what are you waiting for? By not using your voice, you allow others to speak for you and you might not like what they’re saying. Please register and please vote. Even in little pesky local elections like school board! You might not think those are important, but we are finding out that they are. Even here on (mostly) true blue South Whidbey, there is an ongoing attempt to replace smart, caring school board members with anti-vaxxing, anti-equality right wing authoritarians.

I’m gonna be voting, I’m going to remind my friends to vote. Don’t let Mittens rule from the rear!

And Here’s Today’s ‘Toon!

Bikkie is still showing how smart he is!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

It’s Almost Time for…

We are in the tail end of September (How the heck did THAT happen????) which means that it’s almost October, and you know what that means! It’s almost time for our annual rebroadcast of The Wizard of Wu!!! Once upon a time, a long looooong time ago (when there were only 3 major networks to choose from!!!!) The Wizard of Oz was rebroadcast every year right around Halloween.

This was so long ago, that when I first started watching this movie, we only had a black and white TV, so even when they got to Oz, it was still all in black and white. Eventually we got a color TV and I was so excited to watch the annual encore presentation of The Wizard of Oz, because IT WAS GOING TO BE IN LIVING COLOR!!!! Imagine my surprise, when the first and last part WERE STILL IN BLACK AND WHITE!?!?!?!?!?!?!

WHAT THE ACTUAL F**K!!!!!!?????

I guess only Oz gets to be in color. Any of you who live in Kansas…is it still that way?

No matter…we just need to kill a little time until next Sunday when The Wizard of Wu will come to you in several parts, followed by A Halloween Carol (starring PINKY!!!!)

Let’s see what comes up from the archive wayback machine for today!

Will Bob ever learn NOT to turn his back on the panda kindergarten? No, we didn’t think so, either.
I have extra frosting!
another cartoon inspired by real news!
Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story
inspector panda and cuppycake pushers
Inspector Panda says, “Know the signs of cuppycake dependency”
Legalize cake today! Prevent illicit cuppycake activities.
yoga for pandas
All salute the sacred cuppycake!

A quick note about Fezbook: as you all know, on Fezbook, I am Bob T Panda, a claim I can not actually substantiate with any actual documentation. Should the powers that be ever find me out, or if I lose my account to some foul hacker, I will not be able to get my account back without revealing my true identity. I do not want to do this, since the powers that be have proved themselves to be soulless cretins who sell our private data to the highest bidder and allow actual trumpsters and fascists to spread misinformation and hateful rhetoric. If I should lose my account, I will not go back. You can always find me here or over on Twidder @pandachronicle

Stay tuned and have some frosting!

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

I Think They Need a Bigger Kitchen Table in the Panda House

There is a lot of evade the question going on here.

There is still time to order Halloween Pandas!

Pretty scary, huh?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Talk Like a Pirate Day Lands on Sunday Funday!

So, of course, I am legally obligated to rerun the Wu the Pirate series.

I don’t make the rules here!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!
Wu does not have any paddles
An explorer’s work is never done.
Mister Wu and his new friends.
“You are right and Wu is wrong…I’ll never do it again, mommy.”

I hope you enjoyed this first Wu adventure, just in time to celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day 2021! ARRRRRRR!

And remember, all felty orders through Saturday September 25th will include a Wu the Pirate embroidered iron on patch!

The Wu the Pirate patch! approx size 3.5″ tall

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

There is definitely something odd going on here

Is anyone going to believe what Frank and Mikey saw?

Move along please, nothing to see here!

Did I mention this Sunday (September 19th) is Talk Like a Pirate Day? What a fun reason to re-run Mr. Wu’s Pirate adventure.

As a special HUZZAH for Talk Like a Pirate Day, any felty orders between now and Saturday September 25 will get a bonus Mr. Wu the Pirate iron on patch! ARRRR!

Frank and Mikey want you to have it!

$58 each or both for $112 + shipping!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Frank and Mikey are IN DA HOUSE!!!

(The Panda House, that is!)

Yes, Frank and Mikey are home from their Alaskan adventure, (Mei Xiang: wait a minute…what do you mean by HOME????) Six and Sebben are back in PandaLanta, and Bebe Maurice has returned to France to meet his petite zizzies and turn them into internationally renowned painting models!

Never a dull moment!

You might be thinking: What could they possibly be unpacking?

Silly you! Their pajamas, of course! What! Do you think they sleep au natural???? We may be animals but we’re not SAVAGES!!!!

I just realized that next Sunday is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! So, of course I will be re-running the Mr. Wu the Pirate ‘toons! Prepare to talk like a Pirate!

Till Thursday,
Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

September Ramblings

While the panda birthday season continues (Yang Yang of Zoo Atlanta just had his birthday this week) we have finished with the major birthdays in The Panda Chronicles personalities, so that leaves me with a round up of ‘toons from Septembers!

But never fear! October is just around the corner and we will have our annual broadcasts of The Wizard of Wu and A Halloween Carol, two of my favorite stories!

So sit back, and enjoy while I rummage around in the past September ‘toons from the archives!

Do we have to count panda adoption fees?
Our lack of taste is only exceeded by our sense of the absurd.
Varooooooomba! Thanks to Lynnie Ness for alerting us to the “off label” use of the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner.
Pinky needs stuff and she needs it now!
We’re waiting…*tappity tap pity tap*

We’ll be back with new ‘toons on Tuesday!

BTW: I’m taking orders for halloween felty pandas, so if you would like to add to your themed holiday pandas, now is the time! Order by September 30th for arrival in October!

Order dates through September 30th for Halloween delivery

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

I Wasn’t Napping, I Was…um…Meditating…

Ever since I discovered that Mei Xiang and Lun Lun are half sisters, it has opened my eyes to the relationship between Six and Sebben. How is that, you might wonder…

Funny you should ask…

Now you know why I keep my old style dial phone/landline around! It comes in very handy for those annoying robocalls!

Oh those panda sisters!

A brief procedural note, I had to take down the felty panda page because it wasn’t working correctly. You can still request and order felty pandas. I will try to highlight some here on the main page I try to rebuild a page that actually works! Just remember, my tech knowledge is shallow yet narrow!

Till next time!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

The Bikkiesaurus! Available in 3 colors (I like the blue the best, but also available in Yellow and red- scale colors will vary)The red and blue fibers are custom dyed by me! The Bikkiesaurus is available for $64 including shipping all on his own, or for $85 with Bankypigasaurus and the Mr. Bunasaurus! (also including shipping)

It’s Six and Sebben’s 5th Birthday This Week!

Where does the time go?

Six: all da pressies are for mee!
Sebben: dat’s not troo!
Six: an only i get a cake
Sebben: nuh uh! mommee said wee each get one.
Six; yoo already ate yoors
Sebben: i did not!!!!
Six: well, yoors is gone
Six: prove it
Sebben: i’m telling mommee
LL: sigh

And now, the conclusion of Being Endangered is Such a Curse!

She who must be obeyed…
The hero of our tale emerges…
hit the fan
Won’t someone save these innocent little pandas???
Oh Bubba! Be careful!!!!
magical wand
Did Pinky just poof her little brother? Stay tuned!
But all the power in the world is nothing compared to the power of Mommee!
Bubba: wait! why am i in trubble?
I think I see a slight resemblance to a Pinky tantrum…just saying.
Everyone knows the party isn’t over till you can sit down and re-hash it!
All’s well that ends well, right? RIGHT????

I hope you enjoyed our Encore presentation of Being Endangered is Such a Curse! Have a Liddle cake to celebrate! (Not to mention all the propeller spinning on Bubba’s cap!)

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Don’t let the door…

Frank and Mikey are back, so Mei Xiang needs the guest room!

I guess it’s time for Six and Sebben to go…back…home!

Hey look! Six and Sebben earned their first Panda Scouts Badge!

I hope that all my friends in the eastern US and southeast are all safe and above water! This is one scary storm! Sleep on top of the rocks tonight, Bikkie!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda