Tag Archives: National Zoo

Life in the Panda House continues…

I’m listening to a podcast story (What a Day!) and they are relating a news story about a guy who was so rude on an airplane (physically assaulting two flight attendants) that the flight crew duct taped him to his seat.

I have questions!

Did they gag him too? If so, was it before or after he yelled something on the order of “Do you know who my parents are?” And can we do this to certain members of Congress who insist on saying stupid things, while interrupting the legislative process?

Hey! I’m just asking questions!

But meanwhile at the Panda House…

For more about why they need a fresh set of sheets on the guest room bed, see Tuesday’s ‘toon!

Stay ‘tooned next week for the next exciting episode of The Panda Chronicles!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

It’s Been a Week

There is so much going on, most of which I really don’t even want to think about: the ongoing surge in coronavirus, brought on, at least in part by the unwillingness of a sizable portion of the population that could get vaccinated, but won’t. The cancer death of another acquaintance, the continuing (and escalating) dangerous lies about the election and subsequent attempted coup.

And MAYBE I did not acknowledge a certain little panda princess’s birthday on the actual day…


Meanwhile, it is now birthday month for the trio from DC, the offspring of the Xiang Tian Clan, so I guess all of the Sunday roundups for the entire month will have to be about them!

Gee…I wonder if I have any ‘toons about Pinky...#ClapLouder

Pinky tests her powers….
National Zoo cub makes mom Mei Xiang disappear
Princess Pinky is fooled by Mei Xiang at the National Zoo
Oh Princess Pinky, mom has a trick or two up her paw, I think…
Bao bao changes panda cub gender
Pinky is VERY powerful. Be afraid, be very afraid, Mr Wu.
Princess Pinky helps with new years resolutions
You say you want a resolution, well, you know, it is hard to change a bear….

And, of course, one of my personal favorites…

deleted footage from press conference
Pinky answers difficult questions from the press in her own way.

Maybe by the time this hits the cyber waves, Huan Huan will have gifted us with a pair of cubby siblings to BeBe Maurice! If not, this will give you some reading material while you wait!

Be the Bear!
Bob T#JoeBidenIsThePresident Panda

Chaos continues!

We’re back in the Panda House, but also…


So, as a special treat, one of my favorite Wu-toons ebber!

Dose gurls just wanted to has dere way wif wu!

I wanna have my way wif WU!!!!

And now, on to today’s feature…

Is six batting her eyelashes at BeBe Maurice?

Apologies once again for late posting…better get used to it, I think.

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

Aren’t We Glad We Can All Gather Together Again?

Well, MAYBE we are…

So many moving pieces to figure out! A Mother Panda’s job is never done!

Sorry for the delay in posting. For the last mebbee…I don’t know, 5 years, I’ve done really well posting to a schedule. For some reason I am lately a day late and a dollar short. Yesterday there was a terrible fire in my neighborhood, about 3/4 of a mile from my house. Maybe less. It was really traumatic, because, as you might know, I lost a house to fire about 26 years ago. It is so dry here, and without the fast action of our local fire department (which has been stressed because of the dry weather) it could have been a lot worse for our whole community. All humans and animals are okay. The house not so much.

So, I might be using someone else’s disaster to excuse my tardiness, but then again, I did have to take a walk to see if the woods were on fire. (they weren’t.

So, anyway, Mei is having her own disaster. enjoy!

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

July 29 is not only the Wu Self’s birthday…

It is also the birthday of the actual Princess Pinkie’s own little princess, Princess Pinky Junior, also known as Dou Ban, who has joined the family of Xi Dou, along with her brother Chao Tianjiao.

Since she is just turning a year old, I don’t have the deep archive that I have for Mr. Wu, but I DO have her introduction story for The Panda Chronicles!

So get some poppy corn, mebbee a bootini, and sit back to enjoy a little story we called “Pinky’s Dream!”

This isn’t a dream…it’s a nightmare!

We shall see what we shall see! Till next time!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

It’s Birthday Month for The Meihems and Mr. Wu!

I thought we’d start out with one of my favorite stories of the Meihems (which, of course, include Miss Pinky Panda!) Inspired by the real life drama that took place concerning a certain bridge between NJ and NY, and involves a certain governor…

WE call it: HIGHWAY GATE!!!

George Washington Bridge lane closure satire.
Princess Pinky Bao Bao…what have you done now?
zoo atlanta, bao bao, national zoo
Time to call in …Inspector panda!
Mei xiang and bao bao try to cover up highway-gate
Inspector Panda is on the job!
“Hello, Bai Yun? this is Lun Lun…about that detective you suggested…”
…of course Boo-mints are pretty good too.
Inspector panda
Will the twins get a merit badge for their road trip? will Lun Lun fess up to where the girls are? will Inspector Panda get a clue, or at least more twitter followers. Stay tuned!
Bao Bao, washington DC cover-up
Oh, Pinky…what have you done?
Howdy, Mr Kitty, kindly tell us where a tired old cowpoke can get a boo beer and a cuppycake.

Oh that Pinky! (Plus you will notice how she managed to hijack this ‘toon series celebrating Meihem Month!)

Toon in this week to see if I actually get any new ‘toons done for this week!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Putting the “Zoo” in “Zoom”!

I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner, but you can’t have “Zoom Meetings” without the ZOO!

Six and Sebben have gotten their first Panda Scout merit badges!!!

There are so many stories to get to! And I’ve left Frank and Mikey wandering around Alaska, looking for their family. Sigh…I’m sure I’ll track them down…eventually.

Meanwhile, western Washington is experiencing record temperatures! Stay cool, everyone!

Panda on,
Bob T Panda

There Were Never Such Devoted Sisters!

I love it when Mei Xiang and her southern belle sister Lun Lun get on the phone together!

Could there be movement from Pandalanta to the DC Panda House? We shall see!

Six and Sebben are always ready to ride!

Summer is coming and the living is easy!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Are We Having Fun Yet?

I thought I would be having a lot more fun by now: Biden in the White House, Covid Relief checks out to the people, majorities in the House and Senate…but no. Fascism still is rearing it’s ugly head and making me tired. And as we all know, it’s all about me!

Wait…was that Pinky talking in my ear?

This week we’ll have a report from Frank and Mikey as they travel to Alaska to spend some time with their family, and Mei Xiang checks in with her sister! I bet you know what (or who!) is coming next!

But now, let’s dive into the archives for a little of that debonair French panda cubby!

Zank hebben…for leettle bears!
The world swoons….
Of COURSE he would be an artist!
We are pandas of mystery!
What grace! What form! Bebe Maurice is a painter to be reckoned with!

Did I hear the Bebe Maurice was going to be making a visit to the Panda House in DC? perhaps he will paint a family portrait!

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

Try to hold off the end of democracy for at least another week!