Tag Archives: National Zoo

Was it all a Dream?

Sometimes it’s hard to know what’s real.

Are we all having a mass delusion or what?

Meanwhile, back at the real SNZ, Bikkie seems to be taking the throngs of real life visitors in stride, or at least in cubby trot! So just remember, when real life gets too surreal, there is always the panda cam!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

One More Cubby, One More Broken Cute-O-Meter!

Yet again, Mei Xiang has given the world a little miracle! Xiao Qi Ji (which means little miracle) was born last August, completing Mei Xiang’s August trifecta. (I believe Tai Shan, her first was born in July)

Of course, Xiao Qi Ji (aka Bikkie in the Panda Chronicles) has been breaking the internet, not to mention the Cute-O-Meter, since his birth last August. Normally, the cubs have made their public debut in the late winter, but due to the pandemic closing, Bikkie did not make his public debut until mid-May of 2021. He was apparently unfazed by seeing his fans in person.

Perhaps Mei Xiang told him all about his fans, or maybe Pinky and Bubba clued him in via Zoom!

Leave it to Pinky to try and change the subject!

I hope everyone had an inspiring weekend!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

The Exciting Finale of Pinky’s Dream…

Or IS it????

when dreams become nightmares!

What does this mean for the Panda Chronicles! Has PPJ (Princess Pinky Junior) arrived out of an alternative future to live with all the pandas at the Panda House? And now Beary Poppins has gone off on vacation? Is Mei doomed to a never emptying nest?

Stay ‘tooned to the Panda Chronicles to find out!

This Doctor Panda is on the job at the Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus Ohio! As you can see, they have excellent credentials!!!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Our Story Continues!

You didn’t think I would leave Pinky in the middle of her nightmare, did you? Or just let her out of it…

So now, we return to Pinky’s Dream!

PPJ doesn’t know the “s” word either!

The dramatic conclusion is coming soon! Don’t forget to ‘toon in on Thursday for the next exciting installment!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

WE Need Some Fun! It’s Sunday Funday!

I WAS kind of hoping that once President Biden took office and started, you know, doing helpful presidential things, that the crazy insurrectionists would calm down, but no.

This is why we can’t have nice things.

But we CAN have some panda ‘toons! Here are some now! Just the thing for Mother’s Day! (I’m pretty sure this is what your mom wanted!)

Our lack of taste is only exceeded by our sense of the absurd.

I hope your taxes are done!

Will Bob ever learn? will Mehitabel ever get the better of the panda kindergarten?
I love a good art forgery, don’t you?
Oh dear, the Mei-hem twinkies have made Pinky mad. Uh oh.
Is this any way to treat our Nation’s most adorable icon?
The forces of Meihem are only barely in check.

Panda Birthday season is approaching! Order your cake now! (Don’t flunk cake!)

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Frank and Mikey Have Something to Say…

The Panda House is big, but with a couple of grizzly bears around, it’s starting to get a little…um…close. Sometimes a bear just needs to feel the wind in their fur, stand in a rushing 37 degree stream, and go for the gusto…

Know what I mean?

A bear’s gotta do what a bear’s gotta do! I’m sure they’ll be back…sooner or later!

I’m sure Mei hates to see the boys go, but I’m sure they’ll be back after they have their fill of fishing in a cold Alaskan stream! I hope they can get along with their brother and sister, Scooter and Josie! After that “incident” last year…

Be the BEAR!!!
Bob T Panda

A Brief Visit to the Non-Dream World of Pandas

SOME of you have expressed worry that Pinky is being distressed by her dream. I can assure you that Pinky is fully committed to her dramatic roles and intends to see this little drama to its end. She is a professional, after all! (Pinky: I hopes to win da best panda in a dramatic role at next year’s Oscar fingies!)

But meanwhile, if Pinky was awake, this is what would be going on in the Panda House right about…now…

There is nothing like a nap!

Well, now that Frank and Mikey have emerged from hibernation, we can go on with Pinky’s dream next week! Stay ‘tooned!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Hey, there’s a new bear on the block!

Calling Doctor Panda!
Of course Doctor Panda always remembers to wear his mask!

Doctor Panda is available for $65 +shipping