Tag Archives: National Zoo

It Feels Like Spring!

It feels like spring today (despite the fact that I just woke up from a nap!) and now as the days get longer, I can still go outside!

So here is a little random collection, of ‘toons through the years that I have done in the spring. Do I have a theme? Um…not really! I’m just going to rummage through the ‘toons and see what amuses me today. I hope it amuses you too!

Naughty bear or cuddly menace? You be the judge!
I am only making some of this up.
Perhaps a THIRD chance is in order?
Never underestimate the power of a good “fart joke”

It must almost be time to select the Torch Bears for the next Olympic Games!!!

So much for those new navigation systems…or is it “nagagation systems”?

My recent operating system upgrade and new printer brought along another round of technical difficulties!

Lamentations of Luddites lay waste to Linguini.
Did I just see what I thought I saw?

It’s always a good day to dump on Barker Carlson!

The only sure things are Pandas and taxes.

Are your taxes done?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda!

Mei Xiang’s Fantasy, Pinky’s Nightmare!

So, back in the real world, Princess Pinky Bao Bao lives in China, and she has had a cub. We don’t know exactly why her cub is being raised by a foster mother, but she seems very well cared for and lives a happy cubby life. But in the world of The Panda Chronicles, all the pandas live at home with their parents…
And Ping…
And Frank and Mikey…

It’s getting a bit crowded in the panda house!

But that’s all to the good, for all the story possibilities that go along with a large cast of characters! (And that doesn’t include when Lun Lun sends all the girls up to visit their aunt and cousins!)

But the idea of Pinky having a cubby was too good to ignore, and so, we are having another one of those dream sequence thingies, which hopefully everyone will wake up from! As Mommee Mei says….

“Someday you’ll have a cubby just like you, Miss Pinky Bao Bao!!”

Yes, it’s another Panda Chronicle exclusive fantasy story!

Where is this story headed? Well, to be honest, I really don’t know! I think you can be sure there will be some payback for Princess Pinky!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

You know you should never ask Pinky!

Thank you to my talented web guru, I once again have the Classic Editor to set upon my posts. He put in a different plugin to allow me to have my luddite tendencies a bit longer. It does seem to be doing this strange thing once again. where I lose the connection temporarily, but it does seem to allow me to keep typing.

I don’t know. It’s all a mystery to me.

But Meanwhile, here is Pinky, once again, with all the answers!

Will Mei ever learn that it doesn’t pay to ask Pinky anything?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Maybe I Should Ask Pinky How to Fix the Computer….

I seem to be having some technical difficulties, but hopefully, they will sort themselves out (and by themselves, I mean my very capable and accessible web guru, Nate Hoffelder who writes The Digital Reader and has a web guru business)

I wonder if some of my problems are due to my reluctance to give up the old editing interface that I’ve been using for the past 10 years, and move on to the new WordPress way of doing things….sigh…

Anyway….Pinky still has more questions to answer!

I wonder “who” the mysterious advice seeker is!

I am trying the newfangled editing thingie, and I guess I don’t totally hate it. Maybe I will even get used to it in a few weeks!

Till then…

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Beware the Ides of March!

Oops. The Ides of March (whatever the heck they are) were yesterday. I’m more concerned with the Ides of April (aka tax day)! Maybe we should be more worried about the Ides of Pinky!

But fast on the heels of the Ides, comes National Panda Day! No, I am not making this up. (Some people would say that EVERY day is panda day, and you know? They might be right!)

Let’s Ask Pinky!

Pinky has another great idea!

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

You Know What Today Is!

Yes, it’s the beginning of Daylight Savings Time, here in most of the USA, and you know what THAT means!

Yes, it’s time for THIS ‘toon!

Sunday Funday KNOWS that this is one of your favorites!

I crack me up!

There are more ‘toons to come, but first…Last week the world of children’s literature lost one of it’s greatest practitioners, Norton Juster.

If you don’t recognize the name, run, don’t walk to your favorite bookstore, and buy your very own copy of The Phantom Tollbooth. TPT is one of those books. Published in 1961, I read it for the first time a few years after that. For years afterward, I could remember little snippets, but could never quite remember the title, or when I had read it, but the magic of this book never quite let go. When I found it again, it was as if I had been shown the entrance to a magical place, not unlike tasing through the tollbooth itself.

There are so many great books being written for children and teens right now. But I re-read The Phantom Tollbooth every year or so, because it never fails to reveal something new, that I really need to know. I hope you already love this book, but if you don’t know it, what are you waiting for?

And now, more pandas! (Expect the Panda Kindergarten!)

Well *bleep* and take your *bleep* and stick it *bleep*!!!!

Twinkies 2.0

Twinkies 2.0 put on a show!

I have extra frosting!

Today, you are a bear.

…if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da- AAARGH! I can’t stop!!!!!

After all, the playings the thing….

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Bikkie Goes Outside!

It has been so much fun watching Bikkie go up and down trees, playing and sleeping in the hammock, and following Mommee and making practice pounces. Bikkie is a very good pouncer.

But all tree climbing pandas have to start somewhere!

Bikkie: But why can’t I climb da big tree?

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

It’s the Year of the…um…

We often get to things later, rather than sooner, but we usually get to them sooner or later! So p[ut your paws together, and give a warm Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire Lunar New Year HUZZAH! for…

The Year of the Ox! ( As presented by the Panda Kindergarten!)

Moooove it along, little cowpoke!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda