Tag Archives: National Zoo

Did You Know Today is National Voter Registration Day?

It’s not too late to register to vote if you’re not already registered. It’s also a good day to check your registration, even if you think you are registered. Do we have to remind you some states will cancel your registration on a whim, especially on days ending in “Y”!

Okay! We’ve made the important reminder! We want to vote to embrace JOY (although if your idea of “joy” is trampling the rights of women and minorities, what are you even doing here?)

But now for something REALLY important…

Episode 24 of Pandarella!!!!

Oh no! What will happen next? ‘Toon in next week to find out!

Be the Bear!
Bob T make a plan to vote Panda

It’s Time for Another Episode of Pandarella!

It’s been a heck of a week, hasn’t it? Auntie K kicked Mittens butt in a debate, we commemorated another anniversary of September 11th, and had a visit from Nixon’s Ghost on the 50th anniversary of his pardon.

But now we get to what’s REALLY important! another episode of…


How will we ever survive the suspense? Maybe it will distract us a little from that other suspenseful thing that is going on…

Be the Bear
Bob T we are all Swifties Panda

It’s time for another episode of Pandarella!

The day got away from me, so let’s just cut to the chase, as it were, with the next episode of Pandarella!

Hmmm…the King and Queen remind me of someone(s)…

Be the Bear!
Bob T better late than no ‘toon at all Panda

Pinky’s Cubpaign is in High Gear

Pinky has…um…drafted Bubba and Ping to help with her cubpaign. I guess they weren’t as fast as everyone else in their attempted escape.

What could possibly go wrong?

Darn that ear fluff!

Be the Bear
Bob T don’t make Pinky mad Panda

Pandarella Episode 18

Oh boy there has been a lot going on, hasn’t there? Might be one or two things…


I thought it was high time we had another episode of Pandarella!

Just when things are getting interesting….

Be the Bear
Bob T is all in for Kamala Panda

It’s a Wu, Wu Wu, Wu, Wu, Wu World!

Happy 12th Birthday to the one and only Mr. Wu!

Xiao LiWu the little gift that keeps on giving, Mr. Wu to his nannies and his friends has completed 12 trips around the sun today! Mr. Wu was the first panda I watched from the time he was a tiny cubby. While I was already a committed panda fan by then, he was the first real panda that I incorporated in to the stories here at The Panda Chronicles.

In honor of his birthday on Monday, July 29th, today’s presentation will be a little panda palooza of early Wu-toons! Pandarella will resume on Thursday!

Here we go!

“Howdy do! I’m Mr. Wu! Who are you?”
“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “
Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!
Whatever could be in the box the panda kindergarten is delivering to Mr. Wu?
Xiao Liwu and Bai Yun
Too soon, too soon, a Wu and his mom will go their separate ways…

I hope you enjoyed this little trip down memory lane with Mr. Wu! Of course, around this time Pinky and the Meihems had appeared on the scene, and Pinky’s quest for world domination had begun.

By the way, it is also the birthdays of the only surviving triplets, who served as Pinky’s minions during her first run for the White House in 2016.

What are Pinky and her minions getting up to?
Minion security: you can’t be too careful.
Thanks a lot, Leslie. I think you gave Pinky this idea.

Till next time!
Be the Bear
Bob T pass the cuppycakes Panda

Will ZooNooZ Endorse Pinky or….

What a roller coaster these last two weeks have been. It’s a good thing we have the brilliant political analyst team on ZooNooZ, isn’t it?

A tip of the cheesehead hat to Jenn D who reminded me of this important cultural phenomenon!

Uh oh….

Be the Bear
Bob T don’t make Pinky mad Panda

We’re Back with Episode 17 of Pandarella!

Because we absolutely need some fairy tales right now!

We’ll rant more about current events in our Thursday episode. Meanwhile, let’s see what Bikkie’s fairy god-pandas have been up to…

Six and Sebben will NEBBER recognize Bikkie in his red panda disguise!

Be the Bear
Bob T master of disguise Panda