Tag Archives: National Zoo

The Plot Thickens…or Something

Please enjoy this brief moment of peace before all the bad stuff begins to happen. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

(Is she talking about Pandyland or in the real world?
Both are true, I think!)

I think I need a cookie too!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Teller of Tales Panda

Pandarella Part 2

Just a reminder, “these things” happen in fairy tales. Don’t @ me, okay?

We apologize to Mommee Mei for having such an abbreviated appearance in our fairy tale. Maybe she will be back with another part.

Be the Bear
Bob T, you call THAT Grimm! Panda

A New Story Begins Today!

Let’s see if I I do a better job of figuring out what this story is supposed to be!

It is a sad truth, among we who figure out stories by the seat of our pants, that sometimes what seems like a good idea at the beginning, sometimes collapses in a heap of “well who cares what happens next?” This happened in the last story I attempted. You never know, so you head off with great anticipation, only to lose all your excitement a few episodes in.

Hopefully, this will not be the case here.

Truth is, there are already so many interpretations of various fairy tales, that there are almost infinite parody possibilities, as opposed to a story that was already perfect as it is, with The Phantom Toll Booth. Other than my idea of casting Six and Sebben as the Princesses of Rhyme and Reason (I know, right???) and having Bikkie, Pookie and Frank drive off in a little car, I really didn’t know where to take it.

So here, I offer yet another take, on the tale of Cinderella!

I hope you will enjoy this ongoing distraction from the Nooz, Pandarella!

Josie has graciously agreed to be our omniscient narrator! (Josie: I did not!) And yes, there are some excellent parts for Six and Sebben, and PPJ!

Be the Bear!
BobT your fairy god-panda Panda

Return to the Panda House

Maybe I couldn’t get my heart into Bikkie and Mister Poppee’s latest adventure story, or maybe the potential implosion of democracy has me too nervous to concentrate, but, at least for the time being, I have brought Pookie, Bikkie, and Mister Poppee home to face to Mommee music.

Needless to say, it did not go particularly well.

Of course they are all grounded.
Pinky: even me? I didn’t have anyfing to do wif dis!
Mei Xiang: especially you!

Meanwhile out in the real world, Bal’mer Bridges falling down, TFG mouthing off to the (various) judges and prosecutors, Ronna McRomney finding a job then losing it again, (and rightly so: How can a nooz organization hire a KNOWN prevaricator, who will say whatever whoever is paying her to say it?) , and we are trying to keep one step ahead of the blackberries here at the headquarters for The Panda Chronicles!

I hope your week is off to a better start than Mitten’s is!

Be the Bear
Bob T am I grounded too? Panda

March Madness Panda Style!

I am not a sports person. I have heard of the so-called March Madness of (I think) college basketball tournaments. I have never watched said contests, or bet on them and have no interest in doing so. Don’t ask.

But as you may recall, Pinky won a bracket sort of competition back when she was Baby Pinky, and beat out a whole bunch of things for the Smifsonian Icon of the year.

Pinky thought it was time to win at everything again. Or something like that.

Things are heating up in politics land. It’s going to be a challenge to keep our sanity. Remember, when the going gets tough, you need pandas or cuppycakes or maybe both!

Be the Bear!
Bob T pass the frosting Panda

Spring Has Sprung!

Happy first day of Spring, here in the northern hemisphere. Up in the upper left hand corner of the continental US, we are having what we like to call “fake spring”. That is when we have up to a weeklong stretch of days in the mid 60’s and the sun shines and gentle breezes blow, and everybody shrieks when they see how dirty their windows are, and all the things that need to be done in the yard…you get the picture.

2 days later, it will start to rain and temperatures will drop back into the 40’s and 50’s and we will remember those warm, halcyon days fondly and pining away for their return. If we are lucky, they will return just in time for the 4th of July, when we transition into Seattle Summer.

Enjoy it while you can!

I love the Spring Equinox, as the days grow longer every day till we reach the Solstice. We need to take some joy where we find it.

Be the Bear
Bob T with flowers in my fur Panda

It’s PI(E) Day!

For the mathematically challenged among us, why can’t we have a day for PIE? In fact why can’t we have pie every day? Pandas do not live by cake alone. They must also have pie!

Enjoy! (Especially the extra whippy cream!)

What kind of pie will YOU have today?

Be the Bear!
Bob T I’ll have a cherry pie Panda