Snort…..Okay, okay, I’ll use any excuse to rerun this series of ‘toons about how Pinky closed the highway to Zoo Cublanta right during the Panda Scout cookie sale, in what has become known as the HighwayGate scandal! And now that the Sainted Governor of New Jersey, (the “What Exit” state,) is back in the news about the BridgeGate scandal...well! Seems like the perfect opportunity to me!
What did they know, and when did they know it?

Princess Pinky Bao Bao…what have you done now?

Time to call in …Inspector panda!

Inspector Panda is on the job!

“Hello, Bai Yun? this is Lun Lun…about that detective you suggested…”

…of course Boo-mints are pretty good too.

Will the twins get a merit badge for their road trip? will Lun Lun fess up to where the girls are? will Inspector Panda get a clue, or at least more twitter followers. Stay tuned!

Oh, Pinky…what have you done?

Howdy, Mr Kitty, kindly tell us where a tired old cowpoke can get a boo beer and a cuppycake.
Of course, you could read this story anytime you wanted, if you had Book 5 of The Panda Chronicles: Pandapocalypse Now! Just saying.
Hope this has helped make your Friday Fabulously Furry!
Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda