Tag Archives: Nixon’s ghost

Nixon’s Crimes Seem Positively Quaint Now

I’m not sure what to say here. The Nooz is getting very dark, indeed. We need to buckle in and be ready for what is coming.

But that doesn’t mean we won’t make fun of it.

Pretty sure my grandparents didn’t escape from Russia 100 years ago so we could do this all over again.

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Nixon’s Ghost is Really Not Amused

What is the ghost of who, up until now, was the most criminal president in US history supposed to do with our current state of affairs?

Sigh…cancer on the presidency, indeed.

I don’t know..maybe it’s an option?

Panda On
Bob T is not amused either Panda

Nixon’s Ghost is Feeling Morally Superior

It only seems fair that Nixon’s Ghost would want to take a victory lap after You Know Who received 34 guilty verdicts in his Manhattan fraudulent business record/election jiggery pokery trial that ended last week. Who knew the jury would return a grand slam worth of guilty verdicts? To be fair, no one KNEW, but we all hoped.

I’m going to take it as a good sign

If you need more Pinky stickers (or any of the other stickers I have over at Redbubble), they are 50% off 10 small stickers and they have free shipping for sticker only orders right now!

Be the Bear!
Bob T is not guilty Panda

Nixon’s Ghost Has Indictment Envy

I mean, who wouldn’t? What with the potential of Georgia election interference and possible RICO charges landing on the sculptured fluff of TFG’s head, is it any surprise that Nixon’s Ghost has made yet another appearance?

Honestly, it is a mystery to me on how we are going to get out of this mess. Naively, I thought when Mittens lost in 2020, he would blow off some steam and then fade into oblivion. Hoo boy! What the hell have I been smoking? Nothing, that’s what. I’m not sure how I am going to survive this next two years. Pass the cake!

Birthday week is coming up for Pinky, Bubba, and Bikkie! I have not figured out what I will do to celebrate, but I might run some of my favorite ‘toons of the early birthday seasons of the three younger DC cubbies over at my Substack installation.

Be the Bear
Bob T we will get through this somehow Panda

Mehitabel Continues to be Late

I just can’t quit this cat…or Nixon’s Ghost

I also have a new thing I wrote over on Substack! Go read it for a laugh and to feel morally superior to my pathetic housekeeping abilities.

Be the Bear
Bob T I told you I don’t have any classified documents Panda

Geez, Not Again!!!!

If only we would stop discovering new crimes by the 45th former guy, maybe Nixon’s Ghost could have a little peace and quiet.

Hey! I started a New Thing!

It was suggested by one of my most faithful readers that I start a newsletter over on Substack. You can find such wonderful newsletters, like Heather Cox Richardson’s Letters From an American, and Joyce Vance’s Civil Discourse. They have helped me keep my sanity, as well as let me know when to start running around with my hair on fire. I’ve also been reading Steve Schmidt’s newsletter, The Warning, although most of his is only available by paid subscription. Since his hair is usually on fire, the shorter, free posts are about all I can handle. A little bit of truth goes a long way.

Mine is called Finding My Inner Panda. I think I will do most of my pontificating over there, keep posting new ‘toons HERE on Tuesdays and Thursdays, as I have been doing for several years now. I’ll also post ‘toons from the archives over there, as relates to my pontificating, or weeks that I don’t have anything to pontificate about.

I hope you’ll subscribe to Finding my Inner Panda. It’s free to subscribe, and because I have often been of limited means in my life for those extras, I will always keep it as a free version. However, I am working towards setting up paid subscriptions as well, so that those that are inclined and are able can send a little $$ my way. Once I’ve done that, the newsletter will show you that as an option, with instructions for becoming a paid subscriber.

Thanks to all who have signed up so far!

Originals from the Panda Cub Swap

Meanwhile, for those who have expressed an interest in acquiring originals of the illustrations from The Panda Cub Swap, I’m still figuring out pricing for the different sizes. They will be sold unframed. All are watercolor on archival illustration board. If you have a favorite from the book, send me an email or use the contact form and I’ll hold that one for you.

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Oh, did you mean THESE Classified Documents?

I realize I left you kind of hanging, what with PPJ poofing in to Frank and Mikey’s (borrowed) car, but …


We will return to our regularly scheduled pandas as soon as the NooZ quits…ya know…noozing.

Be the Bear hanging onto your seat…
Bob T Panda

It Seems Inevitable That Nixon’s Ghost Would show up for the January 6th Hearing

I mean, right?

I’ve been listening to the hearing as I feverishly finish my last painting for my upcoming painting show! All I can say is… THEY DID IT! THEY DID IT! I feel like this is rather a hair on fire kind of moment.

I think Bikkie thinks it is too.

Keep listening to the hearings, check your voter registration and VOTE.

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Move Along, Nothing to See Here

There wasn’t anything important happening today, was there?

I definitely considered not posting anything today, being the day that democracy almost went down the golden toilet, but then I decided we needed a little humor along with remembering that day, one year ago, it could have ended up a whole lot worse.

At this point, it is good to remember that the Republican Party didn’t think that shooting and killing 20 school children and their teachers was a sufficient reason to institute any kind of gun control, so why would we think that if members of Congress had been killed, that the GQP would have had any qualms about about tossing democracy in the dumpster.

I watched the commemoration of the anniversary as I worked today. Combined with the new information that has been released and what I watched in real time, it is clear that we came this ][ close to living under a vindictive dictator.

As I watch the GQP attempt to dismantle democracy, defund public libraries, constrain what teachers can teach their students, dismantle women’s reproductive rights, and deny a global pandemic, not to mention TFG’s role in allowing it to rage out of control and causing the deaths of almost a million Americans, I have to wonder what they think they will ultimately gain.

One thing you learn living on an island, is that everything is connected and we are all dependent on each other. Every once in a while I think about what would happen if the ferries stopped running and the bridge went down. within a week (probably less) we’d be out of gas, grocery store shelves would be stripped clean, and once the first wind storm hit, we’d lose electric power and we’d would descend into anarchy. The mainland could probably survive for about 2 weeks till it all went to shit.

Well…that took a dark turn…

What do you say we cut the first rant of the year short and get to the new ‘toon?

Nixon’s Ghost has some feelings

I promise we’ll have more fun here at The Panda Chronicles this year. Just maybe not today!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda