Tag Archives: Nixon’s ghost

Why won’t he go away?

So much for the hopes and prayers of GOP Senators, who thought that the impeachment experience had “taught HWMNBN a lesson.” At least Nixon’s ghost is willing to pretend that he learned from his crimes.


Now he’s moving on to the DoJ, overruling sentencing recommendations from Mueller’s prosecutors, regarding their sentencing proposals for Roger Stone, causing them to resign in protest. Pardoning Stone after sentencing would not achieve his aim. 45’s goal is denigration  and decimation of the Justice department.

Nixon looks like an amateur in comparison.

Won’t he just go away?

Wands out, everyone. The Dementors are swarming.
Bob T Panda

Oh geez…he’s back again.

Will our national nightmare ever end? Just when we think we MUST have hit bottom, we find out there are yet depths that HWMNBN can sink to. All I can say is, if I am to go into a dissidents camp for dissenters to the reign of terror, I hope I get to be in one with Joyce White Vance. She’s smart, she’s funny, and who would ever have thought that a former prosecutor would have groupies?

Of course, you know who had to drop in with more comments. In this case, I think he has a good point.

If Pinky wins the 2020 election, can we have panda-gate?

Be the bear, and keep the faith!
Bob T Panda