Bai Yun’s newest offspring, affectionately known as #6, is started to crawl about in anticipation of becoming the latest media celebrity west of the Rockies.
It’s Monday! Time to Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda
The pandasphere is buzzing with the news that Mei Xiang of the National Zoo in Washington D.C. has just exceeded expectations and produced a brand new bouncing baby panda! She has not had a cub since her first little miracle bear 7 years ago, when Tai Shan, darling of the pandaratti, was born. He moved to China in January of 2010 and we have been waiting and hoping ever since that Mei would rise to the occasion once again! Huzzah!
Here’s the thing about panda reproduction: It’s really kind of tricky. A female panda is only in season for between 24 and 72 hours in a YEAR, and then you can’t distinguish between a real pregnancy and a pseudo-pregnancy until, HEY! look at that! there’s a cub! Top that off with the fact that pandas are really …well…chubby to begin with, and a cub at birth weighs about 1/4 pound. Could you tell if a panda was preggers just by looking at her? I don’t think so….
Congratulations, once again to Mei Xiang, husband Tian Tian, and of course all the nanny keepers at the National Zoo! It is a happy day indeed.
Meanwhile, back at the Kickstarter ranch, we need at least $434 to make our goal by this thursday at noon. If you were waiting until the last minute, that last minute is here now! If only 18 more people pledge $25, the first book of the Panda Chronicles will be a reality! Huzzah!
This is a day to be the bear!
Bob T. Panda