Tag Archives: panda kindergarten

My Checkered Past…

Sometimes folks ask me where my ideas come from. They come from all over the place TBH. They come from the news, they come from actual pandas, and they are all at least tinged with my own past history. Today’s Sunday Funday takes a trip down memory lane….

Here’s how it works:

Panda Satire Made Easy

Panda satire explained for you!

The origins of Panda Satire…well, it started with cats!

Ever wondered where all these pandas came from?

But my years in the coffee mines of Starbucks have inspired more than one ‘toon over the years. I have mostly repressed the long ago memories from my days at the roasting plant. And before you ask, no I did not get rich on stock options: that happened after I left, after Howard “don’t call me a billionaire” Schultz bought it from the actual founders. (Want to read the low down on this man who would be president-or more likely help HWMNBN re-elected? Read This. I was able to supply some choice quotes.)

I hope Howard comes to think of me as the annoying splinter that gets stuck in your sock, that keeps poking your foot, and no matter how often you take off your sock, you can’t find it and it sends a sharp pain with every step you take. Don’t make Pinky mad!!!!!

This was way too much fun. :o)

whipped cream

Can I have EXTRA extra whipped cream?

But who knows what is floating around in my brain?

inside Bob's Brain

What’s that stuff getting all over my paws? Oh…it’s frosting!

Panda on
Bob T double binkacchino with extra whippy cream Panda

Bears Will Be Bears!

I just heard a news story on the radio the other morning about grizzly bears still being on the endangered species list. This, of course, made me think about everyone’s favorite grizzly bears, Frank and Mikey! Be assured, I am working on some new ‘toons for them which will show up in a few weeks, because, as you might imagine, they have opinions about this development!

While generally speaking, we are all on team panda, rumor has it, there are OTHER bears out there too!

So to celebrate our upcoming ‘toons starring Frank and Mikey, here are some Sunday Funday ‘toons about bears!

Today, you are a bear.

Oh those polar bears! What jokers they are!

another cartoon inspired by real news!

Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story

Lookee! It’s Frank and Mikey!

Send in the bears!

Helloooooo bears!

I like bears.

Be the Bear, ebbryone!
Bob T Panda (smarter than your average bear!)

It’s Super (Panda) Bowl Sunday!

If you’re like me, you probably don’t have any idea even who is playing in the (Non-Panda) Super Bowl! I did read somewhere that the Super Bowl people don’t want ANYONE besides them using the words “Super Bowl” but I don’t know what they are going to do about it.

And it’s almost time for the Lunar New Year celebrations, but Banky Pig is nowhere to be found! I guess we will have to wait for a new ‘toon celebrating the Lunar New Year until Banky Pig comes back from…um…an undisclosed location!

But until then, let’s revisit some of our favorite ‘toons from Lunar New Years past!


Huzzah! it’s the year of the Dragon!

The year of the bunny…..

Oh that panda kindergarten!

panda cubs on rocking horses

Huzzah! It’s The year of Pandas on Horsies!

Look out!!!! Oh, those triplets!


It’s the year of the WUster!!!!

How much is that doggie in da window…

I hope everyone has a festive new year, and what better way to celebrate the holiday, than with a Pinky Pin over at our Kickstarter page! Only 2 days left!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

It’s Sunday Funday! Let’s have Fun with PANDAS!!!!

The sky is gray, but it’s all black and white at the Panda Chronicles!

Yes, it’s Sunday, which is now our day for Encore Presentations of all of my (and I hope your) favorite ‘toons. I spent yesterday at the American Library Association Midwinter Conference in Seattle. It was fun and overwhelming and I came home with piles of new books to read, saw many of my writer/illustrator buddies from SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) and was in the presence of more people than I usually see in a year.

If I find books in my now huge to-be-read pile that I love, I’ll be sure to pass these titles along as I know many of you love to read things that aren’t even about pandas!

But now, let’s have some of those pandas you love!

I just saw another news story on Twidder about this…

“I’ll have one of these, and one of these, and one of these, and one of…”

what fresh horror

…and she ate the just right cuppycake all up!

31 days

Oh come on…hasn’t that ever happened to you? One minute there are two dozen cuppycakes just sitting there, and the next minute they’re gone?

let there be cake!

Inspired by a TRUE story!

I need to go have some cake!

Panda on!

In case you might be interested….

Sunday Funday!

…I have a new Kickstarter campaign running since this past Thursday. For those of you who don’t know about Kickstarter, here’s how it works:

and that’s what it’s all about!

Some of you may remember some earlier campaigns: (Not to mention what the panda kindergarten did to Mehitabel!)

Get ready…….


Think of the next couple weeks like NPR and their pledge drives!

There was my campaign to raise funds for a trip to see pandas in China…


Isn’t it time for a cuppycake?

Of course, Pinky was happy to help!


Pinky: what’s wrong wif dis cookie?


Did Bubba eat the cookie?

But this time, it’s ALL ABOUT PINKY!!!!! (Or, at least a pinky pin!)

Pinky pin! #ClapLouder Final size approximately 1.25″x1″

Panda on (over to my Kickstarter site!)
Bob T Panda

Update!: We’ve already reached funding minimums! Huzzah! I’ll be posting some stretch goals TOMORROW!!!!

31 Days of Pandas: Day 30~It’s almost over!

What a great 31 Days of Pandas this has been! I hope you’ve had fun and that at least for a few moments you forgot about the complete s*#*show was going on in our nation’s capitol. Oh…um..sorry. I didn’t mean to remind you.

Hey! Look over there! Pandas!

Sad Turtle, Too Much McConnell has much to answer for.

Wasn’t there something during the campaign of 2016 about NOT using private emails and devices?

Love in the Time of Mittens (which, quite frankly, is a lot like the time of cholera)

And finally, we end up where we began this panda-fun month!

31 Days of Pandas. You know you want this!

We all kind of feel like this, Pinky.

Panda like it’s 1999!
Bob T Panda

31 Days of Pandas: Day 6…We now return to…

Yes! We now return to Pinky in Wonderland! If you need to refresh your memory, you can read the first episodes HERE, and the second group HERE!

It’s okay…we’ll be right here waiting for you to catch up!

So now, let’s continue with Pinky in Wonderland!!!!

I don’t know if I would eat that mushroom, Pinky!

Just a reminder that tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday, we will be doing our Year in Review, with more episodes of Pinky in Wonderland resuming on Monday!

Ho Ho Ho!
Bob T Panda

OMG Tomorrow is the beginning of 31 Days of Pandas!!!!!!

Nothing is more exciting than the beginning of 31 Days of Pandas, unless of course, it is finding out you just won the MegaGazillionsPandaPaloozaLottery!!! (BTW, I did NOT win this, so don’t ask for money, okay?)

So, as I gather up pandas from hither and yon, let’s warm up a bit with today’s Fabulous Furry Friday Encore Presentation! (It is not good to enter an endurance event like 31 Days of Pandas without doing a little bit of training! Cuppycakes, anyone?)

Get ready…get set…LET’S PANDA LIKE IT’S 1999!!!!!

In honor of the blue wave that just swept in…TSUNAMI PAINTING!!!

You say sumi-e, I say Tsunami

Always read the directions…

The panda kindergarten in las vegas hotel room

What happens in the panda kindergarten, STAYS in the panda kindergarten

This looks kind of dangerous, doesn’t it?

this old den 2nd episode

The panda kindergarten is so very helpful.

And what would the holiday season be without a gingerbread house competition?

You left the panda kindergarten alone with my house?


Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

And while you’re shopping on line, why not hop over to the Panda Chronicles Books page, for links to places to buy Panda Satire! Tis the season, Ho Ho Ho!

It’s Black and White Friday!

Join us as we attempt to push away from the table (no! Really, I couldn’t…oh, well, maybe a fifth piece of pie would go down nicely) and gather around the computer to enjoy a few vintage ‘toons as we gear up for 31 Days of Pandas, starting a week from Saturday.

The news just keeps getting newsier and newsier and I am thankful that my friends in north central CA home was spared, but so many were not. Perhaps the panda kindergarten could be enlisted to rake the forest floor. Sigh….

But enough about reality! Let’s have some pandas!

pass the beans!

More literature of the panda!

Bob, Bob, Bob…when will you ever learn?

Last Supper, Cupcakes, DaVinci

Princess Pinky says, she is thankful for cuppycakes and da panda kindygarten and her magical wand!

It’s beginning to look a lot like pandas….too soon! too soon!

Zank hebben…for leettle bears!

comics history

Maybe Bubba is having a Halloween SEASON! Did you ever think of THAT, Pinky?

Also, in the future panda file, I just found out 2019 is The Year of the Banky Pig! Huzzah!        Be sure to tune in on Sunday for the final episode of “Bears will be Bears!”

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Have a Fabulous Furry Friday! (burp!)

Get Ready for More Stories About Bears!

I have a little series coming up, that I wrote to make myself feel better about the recent Supreme Court Nomination Debacle. I’m thinking that this series had it’s roots in an exercise our Nevada SCBWI Mentor class had in a session during our final weekend. Our leader for the class, Timothy Travaglini, (@DevilWrsBowTies on Twidder) had everyone write a couple sentences about someone who had done something really awful to us, for which we would like revenge. We then exchanged the papers and pared up with another writer in the group to write a story of revenge.

I’m just saying: do not make writers mad. The story they will write in retaliation will be very scary.

Just keep that in mind when you read our little series starting on Sunday!

Oh those polar bears! What jokers they are!

because…misery bear!!!!!

The irony of Mehitabel criticizing Pooh Bear for his wardrobe, does not escape me.

I’m not sure Mehitabel has anything to talk about.

Today, you are a bear.

…if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da- AAARGH! I can’t stop!!!!!

Bob still likes to get out in the field once in a while.

Panda On!
Bob T Fabulously Furry Panda