Tag Archives: panda kindergarten

Day 28: 31 Days of Pandas

Only four more days of pandas! Oh my! But never fear, we will still be here when the clock chimes midnight on the 31st, with new ‘toons for the New Year! Huzzah! Before long, the resolutionists* will be clogging up my yoga class (*people who resolve to start going to yoga again, after 9 months or more of not showing up), crowding the vegetable and health food aisles at the grocery store and leaving the cookie aisle vacant. (Bwahahaha! More for me!!!!)

So here are the things that I resolve for the new year:

  1. Eat more frosting. There is no reason not to if we are all going to die in a nuclear apocalypse; our healthcare is gone, as is all government support for those in need.
  2. Resist  evil where ever it lifts it’s ugly head.
  3. Eat more frosting.
  4. Keep drawing pandas, and letting them speak their minds.
  5. Eat more…um…frosting.
  6. Get to yoga on time so a resolutionist does not take my spot.
  7. Eat more….you guessed it! Frosting!!!!!!

The panda kindergaten knows where you live.

social media for pandas

Princess Pinky helps with new years resolutions

You say you want a resolution, well, you know, it is hard to change a bear….

annoyed moviegoer allegedly shoots two for texting in movietheater

Don’t try this at home….

The countdown to the New Year has begun! And not a moment too soon!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda


Day 26: 31 Days of Pandas

It’s Boxing Day, which is the day that, by tradition, Pandas all sit in boxes! Interestingly enough, cats like to sit in boxes too, which is why pandas are also referred to as “bear cats.” Um…you might want to check some other sources, as science is not my forte. (neither is math, just so you know.)

Meanwhile, It’s time to share more pandas from the archives for 31 Days of Pandas!

Huzzah! Sometimes it’s also about cats!

The irony of Mehitabel criticizing Pooh Bear for his wardrobe, does not escape me.

I’m not sure Mehitabel has anything to talk about.

…except when it is about Pinky.

Can you believe those Meihems? blaming everything on Pinky?

Happy 100th day Birthday! More frosting!

And this is where we were at, at the end of 2015!!!!

Consider this my Werld Peez Pandifesto

Panda On!
Don’t let us down, Mr. Mueller!
Bob T Panda

God Rest Ye Merry Gentle Bears: Day 24: 31 Days of Pandas

Well, I was going to wait until tomorrow to share this ‘toon’s tune with you, but Mr. Badger pointed out that Christmas Eve is the time more associated with singing Christmas carols, so, in order to encourage you to add this parody of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen to your repertoire, I share it here, both in the ‘toon (which is abbreviated both by space and by the fact that the 4th verse came to me after I’d already drawn the ‘toon) and in the unabridged text so you can print out the words and share it with your caroling friends!

Huzzah! Strike up the band and sing along…

Oh curse ye vile trumpy men,
You’re causing me dismay,
The world went dark, I lost all hope
On last election day.
What you don’t like you call fake news, the truth has gone astray,

Oh tidings of treason and greed
Treason and greed,
Oh, tidings of treason and greed.

Oh curse ye vile trumpy men,
The western world’s appalled.
While you distract the Congress acts
to impoverish us all.
You sold us out for Putin’s power
and you come when he calls…

Oh tidings of treason and greed,
Treason and greed,
Oh, tidings of treason and greed.

Oh curse ye vile trumpy men,
Your reign is going to fail.
In time your crimes will all come out
No matter how you flail
Bob Mueller’s going to find the truth
and you will go to jail…

Oh tidings of treason and greed,
Treason and greed,
Oh, tidings of treason and greed.

Oh curse ye vile trumpy men
Your heartlessness astounds.
When taking healthcare from the poor
Your joy it knows no bounds,
and white supremacists and nazis are the friends you found…

Oh tidings of treason and greed,
Treason and greed,
Oh, tidings of treason and greed.

You’re welcome.

And now, sing along with the panda kindergarten!

Oh tidings of treason and greed. (To the tune of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen)

Tune in tomorrow for the next episode of 101 Bebe Panda-Nations!

Be the bear
Bob T Panda



Day 23: 31 Days of Pandas

Wowee! We are already up to day 23 of 31 Days of Pandas!

It’s really tempting to want to focus on the ‘toons of last year so that we can keep the pain and horror of the events of the last 12 months alive, but somehow, I need some kinder and gentler pandas today.

Well, until Monday when the cubbies sing their straight from the hip version of God Rest Ye Merry Gentle Bears for you all. 

I hope you enjoyed our encore production of It’s a Wunderful Life, starring the Wu Self and Bee, the bear, my favorite holiday classic! Tomorrow we return to 101 Bebe Panda-Nations for another episode!  Meanwhile, let’s spin the dial of the panda way-back machine and see what ‘toons pop up! Welcome to some new readers who found us by way of Twidder. We hope that they have a wonderful time rummaging through the archives and catching up with panda satire history!

Should Pandas pay their own way?


We should note that they really don’t let you do this anymore. I wonder why.

Inspired by my discovery of the San Diego Zoo website!

Keep being the bear! And tomorrow is Crispmoss Eve! Huzzah! let’s have cookies!!!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Day 12: 31 Days of Pandas

We’re not even halfway through the month, so there are many more pandas to come!

This is a good thing, because we need LOTS of distractions this month. Between the disaster tax bill (email or call your Congress folks and ask them to vote NO!!!) the slide into the darkest days of the year, and all the craziness in the news, we need all the laughs we can get.

On top of all the nonsense coming out of our nations capitol, recent news of the illness of one of my long time panda fans and supporters has been on my mind. ALS is a devastating disease for which there is no cure. If it seems strange to be concerned about someone I’ve never met in real life, consider this: the people who read my ‘toons here and in books, and who frequently comment here or in conversations on Twidder and Fezbook, have become real to me. They have become real friends.

I’ve gotten to know them through our conversations in these cyber meeting places. They share pictures and stories of their lives. They cheer me on in my various Kickstarter projects. They have embraced these funny panda characters that have sprung forth from my head and they believe in them. They believe in me.  I am so very honored and grateful that you come here and tell me that the day’s ‘toon lifted your spirits, or made you sad, or pushed you to the edge of your seat in anticipation of the next episode.

So, Sandy H, if you are reading today’s post, please know that I have been grateful for the time you’ve been with me. I’m glad you have your family and puppies close at hand to see you through this. You will be missed.

Meanwhile, Let’s Get Some Pandas Out Here…

episode 14

episode 15

…and it all ends with Mr Wu’s Birthday party! Huzzah!

Tune in tomorrow for the next installment of 101 Bebe Panda-Nations! Huzzah!

Bee, the Bear!
Bob T Panda


Day 8: 31 Days of Pandas

On with our encore presentations for Wu: This is Your LIFE!!!! What’s up next for the adventures of Wu? Well, let’s just pop into the old archives and see what has frosting on it!

But first, I wanted to let you know that I’ve just started writing a monthly (or so) blog for our own Whidbey Island Arts Council. It is more of an “arts on Whidbey” sort of venue, but if that interests you, I hope you’ll check it out. Here is my first post for them!

But Meanwhile…what about the Wu Self???

Fanmail from some Flounder?

Uh oh…is this the beginning of another adventure for Mr. Wu?

Voices in the night, a ladder, a letter…adios…

“Are we there, yet?”

This is a case for…Inspector Panda!

Oh Boy! Tune in again tomorrow for the next installment of this story. And while we’re here, consider subscribing to this blog so you never have to worry about Fezbook deciding that this is not important enough to show up in your news feed! Pandas will arrive at your door and demand cookies! Well, okay, they’ll show up in your email inbox, but that’s kind of similar, right?

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Day 7: 31 Days of Pandas

Oh my! It is hard to read the Twidder News these days! Better head over here and catch up on some vintage panda stories.

Nothing like a snappy graphic to um…solve a problem!

So much for those new navigation systems…or is it “nagagation systems”?

I just had to include something with that provocative “rear panda view” you know!

I might have left a few of the segments out but if you had The Panda Chronicles Book 4: The Book of Wu, you’d have the whole story! Huzzah!

And just to remind us of what’s been going on around here this last year…

It is too much to BEAR!

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

“You are all Losers!” – Mittens the Cat

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Day 5: 31 Days of Pandas

Oh what a tangled web Wu did weave,
When with the panda kindergarten
He did deceive
His mom, who took such good care,
Ot the adorable Wu Bear

I’m ready for my Nobel prize in poetry!

Whatever could be in the box the panda kindergarten is delivering to Mr. Wu?

Will the panda kindergarten get it put together before Bai Yun gets home?

“Up in the Air, Junior Pandas…”

And what better gift for the Wu lover in your life than the collected stories of Mr. Wu, Volume 4 of The Panda Chronicles: The Book of Wu, available right here at this link! Tis the season to give the gift of pandas!

Panda on,
Bob T Panda

Day 4: 31 Days of Pandas

Yes, yes, I said 31 Days of Pandas will be ALL about Mr. Wu, but Things are Happening and they must be commented upon! So I hope you will forgive me for sharing some of last years ‘toons from around this time, if only to remind ourselves that we saw the train wreck coming and did not get out of the way.

But not too many, because, you know, it will make us sad and scared.

people are saying

Pay us enough money and we’ll say just about anything!

cat came back

Is it just my imagination or does Mittens look even more crazed than before?

Okay, Okay! Now as an antidote, we move on the the adorable Wu Self!!!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

“You are right and Wu is wrong…I’ll never do it again, mommy.”

Did we mention you could visit Mr. Wu at the 2018 Panda Convention?

And since it is the Season to Give the Gift of Pandas, may we respectfully suggest that nothing makes people happier than pandas, and what could be better than a seasonal Panda mug?

Have yourself a Pandy little Christmas…


Panda On, as best we can!
Bob T Panda


Part 4: 101 Bebe Panda-Nations and day 3 of 31 Days of Pandas

The Internet may become the playground of the wealthy and the republicans may have already passed their most inhumane tax “reform” bill, so all I can do is keep drawing pandas until they drag me off to whatever subversive artist’s prisons they can devise.

But meanwhile, trouble is afoot, because where Babette steps her fashionable paws, chaos and infamy are sure to follow.

It’s time for the next episode of 101 Bebe Panda-Nations!!!

Uh oh.

Panda on T(till our last breath)
Bob T Panda