Tag Archives: panda kindergarten

We Now Paws Our Programming…

..as we count down the clock to our Kickstarter campaign! But don’t worry, Pinky and the Meihems will be back in their new story at The Institute for Inner Panda Studies Panda Camp (whew! that’s a mouthful! Should we just call it the IIPSPC?) We are working on a fun story within the story starring not only Pinky and the Meihems, but also Bubba and the newest Cublanta sensations, Six and Sebben! But now, let’s put our paws together for Bob and Mehitabel!

Don’t hit that PAWS button now!


Isn’t it time for a cuppycake?

…and do you remember what happened the LAST time Bob was going to be a Pandward Bound counselor?

Nothing like a bit of the great outdoors to straighten up the panda kindergarten.

Be the bear and Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Pandas Are Standing By

Yes, this is a little like those endless pledge drive on public radio and TV. My Kickstarter project will go live next week, on Wednesday, June 7th, tentatively at noon. I thought it would be fun to share some of the Kickstarter and other panda fundraising ‘toons I’ve done in the past. If nothing else, the first one explains how Kickstarter works, as told by pandas because….

Pandas are standing by to take your call!

and that’s what it’s all about!

Oh, Mr. Kitty!

Poot Poot! (This was for you, Cami)

Says Babette de Panda: “It’s all about MOI` “

Our lack of taste is only exceeded by our sense of the absurd.

fundraising on Kickstarter

Ha ha! George Clooney… where do those little pandas get these ideas?

I hope this trip down memory lane of Kickstarter projects past gets you excited about this project, since it’s been a couple years since my last one, to publish Pandamorphosis.  If you’d like a sneak peak preview of what’s in store, check out this preview link!

Be the Bear and Panda On
(we spare no panda cliche!)
Bob T Panda

Mei Watch and the Pitter Patter of Little Paws

Oh, it is that time again! The first cubbies (twins!) have been born at a zoo in China and the Smithsonian just announced in their email that Mei Xiang has entered the Panda Season of Love! And now it is baby panda season!!!!

To celebrate, let’s revisit some classic toons about baby pandas, but first… Mei Watch!

Soooo….you are saying no pandas in bikinis?

#6 is getting ready to make his move!


will the pitter patter of little paws soon follow?

…if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da- AAARGH! I can’t stop!!!!!

Stay tuned for more Mei Watch news (however we will not be posting videos such as the 2012 video at the Pan Diego Zoo!) as it becomes available.

Pseudo thumbs crossed!

Panda On!
Bob t Panda

Have a fabulous furry Friday!

It’s worth a mention here, that my secret password only page about the China trip won’t go live until June 7th, when I launch my Kickstarter campaign. If anyone here wants a sneak peak at the campaign, send me a message on the contact page, and I’ll send you the preview link. You won’t be able to pledge yet, but you can see what the project is about and what the rewards are!

Banky Pig is Not Going!

Oh, that Pinky…while Bob and Mehitabel work on doting the “I’s” and crossing the “T’s” on their Kickstarter project, Pinky is busy packing for her summer adventure. Bubba had better keep an eye on Pinky, to make sure there are no unauthorized packing of a certain Banky Pig or there will be trouble for sure.

When the real life Pinky Bao Bao went to China, I had to make a decision about whether she would stay in the Panda Chronicles. I mean, who would be there to torment Bubba if she left? Plus it would have made me sad. But I started thinking about possible story lines with Pinky and the Meihems in China, and I’m just giving them summer jobs, okay? It’s not like this is reality, right? I can have them live anywhere I want! Take that reality!

And now, our story continues….

Banky Pig

Unhand my Banky Pig!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

What I did this summer …

…an essay by Pinky Panda… Yes, Pinky is starting to make plans for her summer vacation, or maybe Mommee Mei is making those plans, because if there is one more summer like the last one, bootinis are not going to be enough to quiet the pounding in her head.


But first, a very Happy Birthday, to friend of the internet, soon to be friend IRL Vicky Vladic. Somehow your birthday was written down in my calendar, so even though it will be the day AFTER your birthday by the time you read this, let me say, a very happy birthday to you. I hope there will be lots of cuppycakes!

And now, a summer adventure for Pinky Panda!


What could be in a letter to Pinky?

Meanwhile, I am beginning to gear up for my Kickstarter project! Stay tuned, oh panda fans! And look out Mr. Kitty! The panda kindergarten is on it’s way!

Panda On
Bob T I am not a crook Panda

Finale: KittySue and the Three Pandas

Oh my! What a dramatic ending after a wild ride! Do not mess with pandas! You will be sorry. Pandas are not joking around (or so I’ve heard.)

Nothing like drying laundry in the sun to get rid of …um…unpleasant stains and odors. Pandas take note.


What a lovely day for the 3 pandas to relax at home!

If you want to read all of the KittySue and the Three Pandas story from the beginning, start here!

Panda Satire update!

I want to give you, my long suffering  most loyal fans a heads up. In barely a months time I will be launching a Kickstarter campaign to raise some of the money for a trip to China, that has been in the… what if…should we,… hey, do you want to… stages of planning for going on about 2 years. Yes, Bob T Panda is going to go to China and frolic with toddler pandas.

This will be both a fine art and panda satire expotition, and besides frolicking with baby pandas, I will be busy sketching and photographing not only pandas, but also the landscape, architecture and people of China. I generally come back from a trip like this with renewed creativity, and a barrel full of source material.

Stay tuned for project launch news! I’m expecting to be ready to launch the project by June 7th.

One of my traveling companions having lunch with a friend. Picture me, Bob T, doing this very thing! Thanks Cami!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Episode 8: You are getting sleepy

There are many similarities between cats and pandas, not the least of which is that they both spend a lot of time sleeping. In fact, I feel a bit sleepy myself, and think maybe it is time for a nap, don’t you think?

If you are just joining our story now, here are some quick links back to the earlier episodes. If you’re anything like me (and why wouldn’t you be???) you prefer binge watching a series rather than having to wait a week for the the next episode to air. Not to mention, I’m way too cheap to pay for cable, or even Netflix, so I get most of my TV series and movies from the library.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7

But now, on to Episode 8 of KittySue and the Three Pandas! Don’t get sleepy on me now!



Don’t go away now! There are five more episodes yet to come, not to mention several Fabulous Furry Friday round ups! And then I have to figure out more things for pandas to make fun of! Huzzah!

Panda On!
Bob T panda


Episode 7: KittySue has boundary issues

Oh my! KittySue does appear to have some boundary issues doesn’t she? Well, you know how cats are! Although she does have a point about the sleeping arrangements. In defense of the pandas, even though panda rental is very expensive, the pandas generally do not have discretionary access to these funds. What’s up with that?

But let’s get going on our story! What is KittySue up to NOW???

boundary issues

unauthorized search and seizure is SOOOO tiring!

Meanwhile, if you are interested in the fine art doings of the panda clan, the spring awakening of the Froggwell Blog is here! You can head here to find out all the fine art news that is happening in this corner of the bamboo forest!

Panda On!
Bob T Panda

Here Comes Easter Panda!*

With apologies to Deborah Underwood, whose series of picture books inspired by her cat, Bella Underwood, features a character called (appropriately enough) Cat. Among the titles is Here Comes Easter Cat, and if you’re looking for a book for the favorite child in your life, I can recommend this series wholeheartedly. Although, if you wanted to write a book about the Easter Panda, Deborah, I think I know some people who would enjoy it.  And speaking of the Easter Panda ….

The panda kindergarten has been very, very good….mostly.

What’s Black and White and carries cuppycakes in a basket?


A tiskitt a taskitt , a great big wheelie basket!

Alas…Easter is not the only event on the horizon…Tax Day approaches, as well….


Uh oh…it’s the Pinky Revenue Service!

Will Bob ever learn? will Mehitabel ever get the better of the panda kindergarten?

Along with everything else that’s been going on in the world, (stop bombing stuff, Donny! Making things go BOOM is not especially presidential!!!!) Last week marked to 3rd anniversary of the death of my very dear friend, Jude. It definitely adds insult to injury that she’s not here to talk us down off the ledge during these trying times. I wrote this cartoon for her, to make myself feel better (as if!!!!) and in hopes that in heaven, everyone gets their own panda.


As you know, pandas are big fans of Shakespeare.

And one last note…maybe they could get the panda kindergarten to show the White House how to have an Easter Egg Hunt….

Panda On!
Bob T Panda


What do Pandas do on Friday ?

That’s for us to know and you to (try to) find out. Fabulous Furry Friday brings you the best in recycled  encore presentation panda humor, every Friday! Huzzah!

But first, you might want to hop over to Whidbey Life Magazine and read my post about meeting my on-line panda friends in real life! Huzzah again! You can read other articles there too, but since they’re not about me, you don’t have to.

Pinky made me say that.

Now, hurry up with those ‘toons, okay?????

Varooooooomba! Thanks to Lynnie Ness for alerting us to the “off label” use of the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner.

Did he really have to tell them THAT???? Getting ready for the Panda Season of Love!

And then there was Henry Nicholls’ article about wild pandas….

Thanks guys! No, really.

But what do we really know about wild pandas?

The secret lives of the wild panda!

No nonsense to be found here!

Panda on everyone!
Bob T Panda