With apologies to Deborah Underwood, whose series of picture books inspired by her cat, Bella Underwood, features a character called (appropriately enough) Cat. Among the titles is Here Comes Easter Cat, and if you’re looking for a book for the favorite child in your life, I can recommend this series wholeheartedly. Although, if you wanted to write a book about the Easter Panda, Deborah, I think I know some people who would enjoy it. And speaking of the Easter Panda ….
The panda kindergarten has been very, very good….mostly.
What’s Black and White and carries cuppycakes in a basket?
A tiskitt a taskitt , a great big wheelie basket!
Alas…Easter is not the only event on the horizon…Tax Day approaches, as well….
Uh oh…it’s the Pinky Revenue Service!
Will Bob ever learn? will Mehitabel ever get the better of the panda kindergarten?
Along with everything else that’s been going on in the world, (stop bombing stuff, Donny! Making things go BOOM is not especially presidential!!!!) Last week marked to 3rd anniversary of the death of my very dear friend, Jude. It definitely adds insult to injury that she’s not here to talk us down off the ledge during these trying times. I wrote this cartoon for her, to make myself feel better (as if!!!!) and in hopes that in heaven, everyone gets their own panda.
As you know, pandas are big fans of Shakespeare.
And one last note…maybe they could get the panda kindergarten to show the White House how to have an Easter Egg Hunt….
Panda On!
Bob T Panda