Tag Archives: panda kindergarten

Fabulous Furry Friday salutes…

Halloween and Daylight Losing time!

But first, a word from the serious side of the mirror.  Last week another friend passed away suddenly, much too early, too much loved by his friends and family. I didn’t know him well, but he and his wife are dear friends of a dear friend of mine. The several times I met him, I felt as if I was instantly accepted, so warm and caring was his personality.  Life is so short, too short for some; too short for those who love them and are loved by them. You want to say that it will be okay, but really, this will never be okay.

It is by going on that we heal ourselves, our bruised hearts. And laughing. Laughing helps, and pandas help with that.  I like to imagine that all the people I loved who are gone, meet in the afterlife. For someone who doesn’t subscribe to any religion, it is kind of funny that I imagine a hereafter. These people may not have ever met on this earthly plane, but that doesn’t matter. They are all connected by my knowing them, and this gives me comfort.

I hope it gives you comfort too.

This one's for you, Jude.

For my departed friends….

And now for some Fabulous Furry Friday encore presentations!

Fabulous Furry Friday KNOWS that this is one of your favorites!

Fabulous Furry Friday KNOWS that this is one of your favorites! Don’t forget to turn your clock back…or is that forward.?..this weekend!

Panda Kindergarten halloween party

Trick or Trick!!!!!!!

Darn those Meihems!!!!

Darn those Meihems!!!!

Peace through pandas…..
Be the Bear

Bob T Panda


A Halloween Carol – Part 8

That is quite some list Mei Xiang has clutched in her paws, isn’t it? A Halloween Carol is approaching it’s climax, and I still don’t think Pinky has repented her past misdeeds. Is she ready to be president?

Why not vote for Bob?

Was that list in small type, single spaced?

Was that list in small type, single spaced? And it’s “present” not “presents.”

Not to mention that Pinky is doing some serious eye-rolling in panel 3, plus what a pouty face in panel 2. Is this what you want from your president? Just saying. Hey! Why not vote for Bob?
Be the Bear!
Vote for Bob!
Bob T. Panda

A Halloween Carol Part 4

Yes! at last! here it is! The next episode of A Halloween Carol, starring that precious peripatetic panda, Princess Pinky, in her most challenging role to date, that of a mean, demanding, panda that… oh yes, that’s true. This is not a terribly demanding role for Pinky.

But meanwhile, she has been wreaking havoc in Washington DC by coloring the White House Pink. OK, sure, they may SAY that it is to celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness month, but we know better, don’t we?

So now, without further ado, here is the next episode of A Halloween Carol (staring you know who!)

Hey! who said Wu could poof things?

Hey! Who said Wu could poof things?

And for those who haven’t yet heard, Book 6 of the Panda Chronicles has arrived! Huzzah! Check it out and order your copy here! And if you already have received your copy, consider writing a review on Amazon, good, bad, or otherwise. Pandas are standing by!

Be the bear and support the Cake Party! Remember, if there is no cake, it isn’t a party!
Bob T Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday

Today, Fabulous Furry Friday celebrates WOOZPAH* and all those who want to bring pandas to Washington State. Yesterday this news story crossed my path, thanks to alert pandanista Diana Sutton! I say go for it! Washington State NEEDS pandas. and while I would rather they be in Seattle, than Tacoma, It’s all a heck of a lot closer than any other pandas!



Huzzah! Bring pandas to Washington State!

Huzzah! Bring pandas to Washington State!

*Woodland Park Zoo Project Panda

Hope your Friday is Fabulous and Furry!
Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Book 6 Cover Reveal!

It has been a longer time than usual between new editions of The Panda Chronicles collections, since Book 5: Pandapocalypse Now!!! came out about this time last year. I published the first book, Your Brain on Pandas, in the fall of 2012, and had enough cartoons in reserve to put out a book about every six months. Eventually I used up my reserve cartoons, and now I write/draw enough new ‘toons so that I can put out one book a year, in addition to other projects I am working on. More about that later!

But now, the moment that you have all been waiting for, (unless of course you supported one of my earlier Kickstarter campaigns and have received an update!) The title and cover reveal of the latest book, without further folderol:

The Panda Chronicles Book 6: We R Endangered

Note the serious black cover!

Note the serious black cover!

And obviously, with the way pandas drive and that they stand up in an open car with no seat belts, it’s no wonder that they are endangered!

Fans of Pinky will be delighted to know that she has managed to hog commandeer around 75% of the stories in this book. Her rise to fame and presidential campaign thus far are included in this book, so get ready for Pinky, Pinky, Pinky.

Thank you for being the bears and coming along on this panda palooza! I wouldn’t be here without you all! The book will be available sometime in October. I am now awaiting my proof so that I can be responsible and make sure all the pages are turned in the right direction! Huzzah! Meanwhile, do peruse the other books in the collection, if you don’t already have the full set, which you can do on the Panda Chronicles: The Books page of this website. Huzzah!

And don’t forget, lots of stuff with pandas on it is available at the Pandyland store on Cafe Press, including lots of Pinky for President goodies! I hope to get some Hey, Why not vote for Bob? things up later this month. Pinky can’t have all the attention, can she?

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Update: Once again, the MacArthur Foundation Genius Grants committee overlooked the field of Panda Satire. Sigh… Maybe next year.

And lest we forget that there STILL is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire....

And lest we forget that there STILL is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire….

A Halloween Carol, Part 2

As with most of the panda adventures, I have no idea how many episodes this one will have, as they are written…um…somewhat on the fly, maybe 2-4 episodes at a time. But A Christmas Carol just called out to me, because of its themes of self interest and redemption. (What? a panda with extreme self interest? Who could you be talking about?)

So, join us for this next episode of A Halloween Carol, ‘kay?

you...is...not...da...yawn...boss of...pinky...

you…is…not…da…yawn…boss of…pinky…

And isn’t Bubba doing well in his first cartoon adventure? In case you noticed that I just slipped a name in there for our nation’s youngest panda, it’s true! I have. I had been struggling with a name for him and nothing was coming to mind. He has been growing quickly from his butterstick origins, already reaching three pounds, ahead of his older siblings at this age.

Alert and faithful Panda Chronicles reader and panda watcher Anne Lane Witt started calling him Bubba a few weeks ago, and I think the name fits, especially in light of his…um…girth. So congratulations for being the first to name that panda (at least with a name that will stand the test of time! He won’t be “little” anything for long!) Hmmm… wouldn’t Name that Panda! be a great game show on the Panda Channel/ZooNooZ network? The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire salutes you, Anne!

Be sure to tune in to Fabulous Furry Friday, when we reveal our cover and title for Book 6 of The Panda Chronicles! And don’t forget to come back next Sunday for Episode 3 of A Halloween Carol!


Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda


A Halloween Carol*

With profuse apologies to Charles Dickens. *
Yes, it is time for a new adventure/ fractured (some might say bamboozled) literary classic! Princess Pinky stars in her first feature length adventure,

A Halloween Carol*

Has Pinky been a naughty panda? I think that goes without saying!
The dramatis personae (pandasonae?) is as follows:
Pinky as, well, as Pinky
Mr Wu as the ghost of the panda kindergarten
Mei Xiang as herself
Bubba as Tiny Panda (his first role!)

and more to come!

Bubba's first feature role!

Bubba’s first feature role!

Stay tuned for the next episode!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday Returns!

Yes, it is Fabulous Furry Friday once again! Huzzah! This week we look back on some of our favorite moment with the panda kindergarten.

Let’s start with one of the most important events in a young panda’s life, the Bear Mitzvah!

Today, you are a bear.

Today, you are a bear.

...if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da- AAARGH! I can't stop!!!!!

…if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da- AAARGH! I can’t stop!!!!!

And what would you get if you put an infinite number of pandas (highly unlikely, We ARE endangered, after all!) in a room with an infinite number of typewriters?

After all, the playings the thing....

After all, the playings the thing….

And what happens in the panda kindergarten, stays in the panda kindergarten….

The panda kindergarten in las vegas hotel room

What? Pandas are ALWAYS naked.

Bob, Bob, Bob...when will you ever learn?

Bob, Bob, Bob…when will you ever learn?

Is it any wonder that Princess Pinky was a first round draft pick for the panda kindergarten?

Bao bao changes panda cub gender

Pinky is VERY powerful. Be afraid, be very afraid, Mr Wu.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend, and remember, it’s never too late to have some cake! And…um… you could read ALL of these cartoons, any time you wanted to, by buying all of the Panda Chronicles Books! Book 6 coming soon! Just Sayin.’

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

More Loyalty Oafs

As I sit here, trying to type with big furry paws, it has come to my attention that that some of the human candidates are having a debate tonight. I am not looking forward to debating Princess Pinky. I think she will fight dirty. and then there is the matter of the “leftover Christmas decoration” in the back of my closet. I am sure I did not decorate there last year. Pretty sure, anyway. Could this have something to do with why she knows everything I have been planning?

Meanwhile, I think I am beginning to see why the Two Timing Political Consulting Agency has not finished my video.


Pinky: I will build a really, really big wall around your zoos if you don't sign my oaf.

Pinky: I will build a really, really big wall around your zoos if you don’t sign my oaf.

Meanwhile, I am making progress on compiling Book 6 (!!!!!!!) of the Panda Chronicles! Stay tuned to find out the title and see the cover! I hope to have it available no later than the end of October!

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

Talk Like a Pirate Day Returns!

Yes, It’s back! Actually tomorrow has TWO festive celebrations! Not only is it International Talk Like a Pirate Day, it is also Red Panda Day! Huzzah!

So Fabulous Furry Friday is thrilled to rerun Mr Wu’s pirate adventure with the pandy kindy! Huzzah!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

Can you say "Yaaaar!!!"?

Can you say “Yaaaar!!!”?

uh oh!

uh oh!

The penguins save the day!

The penguins save the day!

I promise i will always be a good panda....

I promise i will always be a good panda….

Huzzah! Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day to everyone! You can find this adventure (as well as all of Mr. Wu’s other adventures) in Book 4 of the Panda Chronicles: The Book of Wu!

And of course, we don’t want to forget International Red Panda Day!

"They'll never catch me!"

“They’ll never catch me!”

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda