Tag Archives: panda kindergarten

*F.F.F. Salute to Meihem!

* Fabulous Furry Friday is proud to present our…

Salute to Meihem!!!!!!

Yes, the darling duo turns TWO this weeK, and all things Pinky aside, we are delighted to celebrate the Meihem’s big week! (For those of you who are new to panda watching, the Meihems are the twin cubs of Lun Lun and Yang Yang of the Cublanta Zoo …um I meant Zoo Atlanta…deep in the southern belle state of Georgia.

I remember the day they were born. I was watching the Zoo Atlanta panda cam and Lun Lun was in the den, and wouldn’t you know it a little cub just slid out. of…you know…the cub slidey place, and then not even a half hour later, here comes ANOTHER one! I immediately called one of the panda faithful, knowing she would be watching as well, and we yelled into our phones and jumped around our respective kitchens.

What a day!

The first appearance of the twinkies on The Panda Chronicles

The first appearance of the twinkies on The Panda Chronicles

We started off calling them The Twinkies, but when they got their real names at 100 days, Mei Lun and Mei Huan, we began to call them the Meihems, because when you have more than one panda cub, you are bound to have Meihem!

But of course, Mr Wu had had a whole year of being the center of attention, and he. was. not. pleased at this development.

Mr Wu speaks out!

Mr Wu speaks out!

And then there was the old gender misidentification thing. For the first four months, we thought they were boys…

Atlanta Twins have a fight

Sweet dreams, little bears!

Atlanta twin panda cubs Mei Lun and Mei Huan and older prother Po

Huzzah! a guest appearance by little Po!

Bao bao changes panda cub gender

Well, you didn’t think Pinky would be able to resist showing up in the Meihem’s tribute, did you?

So, once they were determined to be girls, appropriate measures had to be taken!

downloadable paper panda upgrade

downloadable paper panda upgrade

school uniforms for pandas

Ready for panda kindergarten!

And in March of 2014, The Meihems joined the Panda Scouts, and have worn their uniforms proudly, ever since.

zoo atlanta, bao bao, national zoo

Time to call in …Inspector panda!

We hope you enjoyed this Tribute to Meihem, and if you would like to read ALL the cartoons about this dynamic duo, be sure to pick up a copy of The Panda Chronicles Book 5: Pandapocalypse NOW, starring the Meihems and Princess Pinky.

Be the bear!
Bob T. Panda

Be sure to stay tuned to our tribute to Mr. Wu later this month who turns THREE! Oh yeah, and um… someone else’s birthday is coming up in August… can’t quite remember whose…..


Shark Week at Pinky’s Pond

This past week was Shark Week on TV. It’s some big anniversary year for the movie Jaws, the movie that caused more loads of laundry than…oh…never mind. I don’t even watch TV, but you can’t step foot into the inter webs and not be bombarded with posts about Shark Week.

So be it.

Anyway…Princess Pinky’s minions are celebrating Shark Week in their own unique and adorable way. So…um… does anyone know if there are actually strap on shark fins available for smart-ass swimmers? Just wondering.

It's Shark Week at the panda kindergarten! Roar!!!!

It’s Shark Week at the panda kindergarten! Roar!!!!

Sharks have got nothing on Pinky, who is still hacking into my computer and messing up my headline graphics.

Sigh. This cannot continue.

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday Salutes Selfies

How time flies! This week the Tour de France has begun. Personally I think those bike riders are all nuts: three weeks of grueling cycling in hot weather, up mountains and down treacherous roads. And if that’s not bad enough, then there are those stupid people stepping out to take  selfies:

Hey! Get out of the way!

Hey! Get out of the way!

And yes, there is the occasional idiot who thinks selfies with a tiger would be a really cool thing to post on Fezbook.

Much better to take a selfie with pandas!

Much better to take a selfie with pandas!

New York state has put a stop to this! But did they think about all the implications of this ban?

You know we're just kidding about this, right?

You know we’re just kidding about this, right?

And as you recall, Pinky got in….um… a little trouble over this fundraising scheme: (Good thing she is not a New York State resident!)

I really had no idea what she was up to.

I really had no idea what she was up to.

And I thought this story was a load of bull:



So have a fabulous furry friday, and try to stay cool out there. Unless you are in Australia, and then you should stay warm.
Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

BTW: a recent report on NPR revealed that you can now take photographs in the white House. Hmmm, do we think a small panda might try to take a selfie in the oval office, just to, you know, see what she will look like in there?


Watch some more panda videos

I think I really need to watch some more panda videos. I am completely stressed out over this hacking business. I thought I had gotten the overlay bug out of my system, but now it is back again. How am I supposed to run for president using MY blog as a platform, if Pinky is over-riding everything from her command center?

Thanks a lot, Leslie. I think you gave Pinky this idea.

Thanks a lot, Leslie. I think you gave Pinky this idea.

Pinky wanted to thank her dear friend Leslie for contributing to Pinky’s campaign with purchases of Pandyland swag from the Committee to Elect Pinky Headquarters. Leslie thoughtfully photographed the actual goodies here, so you could see what they really look like!

Huzzah! Won't your coffee taste better in a Vote 4 Pinky mug?

 Hey! Rand Paul has a store with all his merchandise to raise campaign funds, why can’t Pinky?

Now, I just need to get Pinky’s mother on the phone to discuss her daughters escapades with my computer, but every time I call it goes to voice mail and she is NOT returning my calls.


Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda


Fabulous Furry Friday presents Mei Watch

A new report from panda nanny extraordinaire Nicole McCorkle reveals that while Mei Xiang may be doing a little decorating around her den, we shouldn’t start knitting booties for the new arrivals just yet. Pandas are notoriously coy when it comes to revealing if they are actually pregnant or not.

Therefore, it is time for our favorite show…Mei Watch!

we are still hoping for a panda cub trifecta

we are still hoping for a panda cub trifecta

will the pitter patter of little paws soon follow?

will the pitter patter of little paws soon follow?

This doesn't have anything to do with Mei Xiang, but I was looking for this one!

This doesn’t have anything to do with Mei Xiang, but I was looking for this one!

Will Mei have a new cub or two? Will Pinky take time out from her campaign to babysit? Will the minions be caught breaking in to Bob’s campaign headquarters? Stay tuned to this channel!  and remember, Vote Pinky, Vote often!

Declare your support for Pinky!

Declare your support for Pinky!

BTW, I’ve been having a little internet frolic (get your minds out of the gutters, people!) over on the blog Cordelia’s Mom, Still, and we have been doing a group post between Cordelia’s Mom and a few other bloggers. I even did a special cartoon for it, but the only place you can see it is here!

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Satire vs Direct Quotes

A recent commenter to this blog reminded me of something satirical folk singer Tom Paxton once said. “Some people you don’t have to satirize, you just quote ’em.”  ’nuff said.

There is something very funny going on here...

There is something very funny going on here…

Normally, I would give these lines to one of the feline candidates, but we haven’t gotten there yet.

On another disturbing note, I think “someone” has hacked into my computer. My normal graphic header for all my cartoons has been altered, and for some reason, I am unable to remove the overlay of text. I suspect Pinky is somehow involved in this. I better call her mother and see if she is monitoring Pinky’s computer usage.

Vote Pinky, Vote often!. Hey! that’s not what I meant to say! Stop that Pinky!

Meanwhile, my colleague in cuppycakes, Vicky Vladic,  has a great post about the sneezing baby panda video, not to mention full length movie over at her blog V Something Speaks. Go check it out! You will be rewarded by a yummy cuppycake recipe!

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

But First, a Word From Reality

We all love pandas. And we all love panda satire. (okay, I’m stretching the point a little, but just be patient with me.) So if you are here, and reading this blog, I think we can agree that we have at least one thing in common. Pandas.

But now, let’s have a word from reality…

I’m guessing that we all have differing opinions on some things and that’s okay. Every once in a while, I make someone mad because I put words in my pandas’ mouths that disagree with what the reader believes and that’s okay too.

Today, the Supreme Court agreed that any two people in this country can get married and that their marriage will be recognized throughout the country.  I think that’s marvelous. I myself have no intention of getting married, but that has been my right to get married or not for my whole life. I have friends and family who this has not been their good fortune, to have this as their decision to do or not. But now they have that right and I say huzzah!

The cynic in me says that as the years and decades go by, same sex couples will discover the rights of divorce, child custody and community property, but perhaps that’s as it should be. Why should heterosexual couples have all the fun?

The pandas  have nothing to say about this, at least not yet. The general atmosphere in the pandy kindy is one of celebrations. After all, it’s really hard to tell what sex pandas are, let alone whether they are the same sex or not.

This political season promises to be an even more acrimonious one than those that preceded it. I will do my best to only make fun of the things that people actually say and do, and so far it seems like this is going to be a bonanza year for satire. If I make something up, I will try to make sure that it is rooted in reality, and not just me saying something nasty about someone whose politics I disagree with.

Okay. enough of this serious crap. Let’s have fun with pandas! Vote Pinky 2016!

Vote for Pinky. Do YOU want to explain why you didn't?

Vote for Pinky. Do YOU want to explain why you didn’t?

Bring on the clown car!

Bring on the clown car!

BTW, you can show your support for Pinky by buying Vote  Pinky merchandise at my pandyland store. Huzzah!

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda


Fabulous Furry Friday

It’s hard to believe that 2015 is almost halfway over. Where does the time go? Any day now, the panda progeny season may begin. We are hopeful that there might be two new panda cubbies in the US, although we are hoping for a trifecta, which has not happened yet. Ms Lun Lun of Atlanta has not revealed whether she is interested in completing the triple crown of panda-dom, but we are ever hopeful!

We had no new panda cubs in the US last year, but in 2013, we celebrated the birth of the Meihems and…ahem…Princess Pinky, America’s sweetheart (“and icon! don’t forget I am a icon!!!!!”).

I think this would be an excellent opportunity for Fabulous Furry Friday to look back on the birth of our about to be two year-old reigning panda princesses, don’t you?

Mr Wu speaks out!

A look-back at the birth of the meihem twinkies would not be complete without Mr. Wu’s commentary.

The first appearance of the twinkies on The Panda Chronicles

The first appearance of the twinkies on The Panda Chronicles

Atlanta Twins have a fight

Sweet dreams, little bears! This cartoon was written before…um…Pinky poofed the twins into girls.

And just how did the panda kindergarten get her address?

And just how did the panda kindergarten get her address?

Such a little darling!  How could her big brother resist spoiling her?

When Pinky got her first tutu…

Tune in again next week, for more from the childhood of the Meihems and Princess Pinky!
(Not to mention more from the Pinky for president campaign! Vote Pinky 2016!)

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Sorry, You Are Not on the List.

Sometimes inspiration hits when you are least expecting it, and in today’s cartoon, I was inspired to give the 2013 born triplets (now heretofore in these pages to be known collectively as “the minions”) a very important job as part of Pinky’s campaign team.

If you’d like to see Pinky, you need to be on the list.

And Mommee, sorry, you are not on the list.

Minion security: you can't be too careful.

Minion security: you can’t be too careful.

I think maybe the little girl minion is still too star struck by Princess Pinky to really be taking her job seriously, but hey, who isn’t? Pinky Money, anyone?

Meanwhile, I am starting to think about the next book in the Panda Chronicle series….Huzzah! Stay tuned.

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda


Fabulous Furry Friday

It has been Pinky Pinky Pinky all the time around here lately. I do like to give the other pandas a chance to shine, but Pinky is so persuasive! What is a panda satirist supposed to do?

But a news story making the rounds of the panda faithful caught my attention this week, involving not Pinky but her mother! It turns out, that Mei Xiang had a very successful film career, long before Pinky or even Tai Shan was a gleam in their father’s eye. Yes, according to some research done by Pandas International, Mei Xiang (otherwise known as Pinky’s Mommee) was the sneezing baby panda, with over 200,000,000 views on and off youtube.

There will be a response to this news, in the pages of the Panda Chronicles, but not just yet. In the meantime, enjoy these cartoons from the archives for Fabulous Furry Friday!

Boopie and the pandas...

Boopie and the pandas…

a morality tale...

a morality tale…

...in several parts...

…in several parts…

...but Boopie and the pandas live happily ever after. Ben does not.

…but Boopie and the pandas live happily ever after. Ben does not.

Have a happy weekend, ya’ll!

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda