Tag Archives: panda kindergarten

It’s Official! Pinky is More Popular Than…

We now have absolute proof that Pinky is more popular than…

Any. Other. Animal. At. The. Smithsonian. Zoo. I bet you thought I was going to quote John Lennon.

At least any that have their own animal cam. The elephants were the closest contenders, with over 600,000 views. Pah! Chicken feed!!!! Do you want to guess how many views the panda cam had in 2014? Oh…you already looked. Well, if you were waiting for me to tell you, the panda cam had in excess of 38,000,000 views. Rumor has it, the panda cam takes more than 60% of the zoo’s bandwidth (whatever that is). Well… do you really want to watch anyone other than Pinky?

editors note: We just received a clarification from a reader who actually knows this for a fact (because she works for the Smithsonian) that the panda cam actually takes up 60% of the ENTIRE SMITHSONIAN bandwidth (19 museums and 9 research centers), not just the Zoo. Ahem.  Pinky IS an icon. Just sayin’

I thought not.

Proof positive of Pinky's persuasive popularity!

Proof positive of Pinky’s persuasive popularity!

Which leads to me to my other “truth is weirder than fiction but provides great inspiration for panda satire” news story: Pinky Money! Okay, it’s really just a commemorative coin, but a small bear can dream, can’t she? (Note: this is NOT an endorsement for Pinky Money.)

BTW, we apologize for not adding any more of the WeREndangered mug series that we promised. We were “away” (no, not in prison!) for a few weeks and then got sick on our return, so the new mug program is set back a bit. I’m going to get right on it though! Bee the Bear and Mr. Wu are not waiting very patiently, and neither are the Meihems. Stay tuned to the Panda Channel and we will let you know when they are on the shelf.

Be the Bear and vote Pinky Pinky Pinky in 2016!
Bob T Panda

Money for Pinky!

I know you want to just cut to the chase and go see what Pinky has up her paws to raise money for Pinky and her presidential campaign, but just bear with me a minute.

Oh. You can’t wait…read a few of my thoughts, it’s just but what is Pinky up to NOW, you want to know!

Oh, all right. Go ahead a look. I’ll be right here.

Are you back?
So I was listening the National Panda Radio the other day, and I heard a story about how paper is making a comeback. And it’s not just about books. There are recent studies that suggest that students retain more relevant information by writing, rather than typing on a laptop or tablet. Artist and writer Lynda Barry (now Dr. Lynda, thanks to a honorary doctorate from my alma mater The University of the Arts in Philadelphia) suggests that ideas and memories can be triggered and stimulated by the actual act of putting pencil to paper.

This is encouraging and validating for a luddite such as myself, who refuses to get a Waccom tablet to draw and paint digitally, and insists on drawing with pencil and india ink with a dip pen (a dip pen, for crying out loud!!!!) to bring you all the panda satire you can stand. Many is the day when  I started a cartoon without an idea, but I would draw a nose, and then some ears, and before I knew it, pandas were doing stuff and it was funny!

Okay… Well, I thought it was funny.

Just in case you were wondering how Pinky came up with the idea to do this:

I really had no idea what she was up to.

I really had no idea what she was up to.

I’m sure there will be some consequences both for Pinky and myself.
See you next time!

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

We are not done yet

We are not done yet, talking about the power outage that happened some time back in Washington DC (Known around here as the “other” Washington). Princess Pinky has some ‘splainin’ to do, I think.

Zoonooz is on the job. Can you say "cover up"?

Zoonooz is on the job. Can you say “cover up”?

Bob has always turned a blind eye to anything Princess Pinky might be getting up to, but developments are developing that he may not be able to ignore!

Stay tuned to this here station!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday Returns

What would we do without Fridays? That gateway to the weekend and relaxation…or maybe you work weekends or have saved up all the chores you don’t have time for during the week, so really, wouldn’t it be better if you could just sneak back to the office so you could watch panda videos of Fezbook, when you think no one is looking?

Not of course that I am suggesting that you do that. I’m just saying….

From a true story!

From a true story!

this old den 2nd episode

The panda kindergarten is so very helpful.

You know we're just kidding about this, right?

You know we’re just kidding about this, right? And besides…you can never have too many cartoons about cats!

Aren't you done yet?

Aren’t you done yet?

Thanks for joining us for Fabulous Furry Friday!

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday: the classics….

what to do, what to do….why don’t I present some of the ‘toons from the way-back machine, when panda satire was young….

Oh those polar bears! What jokers they are!

Oh those polar bears! What jokers they are! This remains one of my favorites!

And then there is um….cake.

yoga for pandas

All salute the sacred cuppycake!

What do you mean, "Other guests?"

What do you mean, “Other guests?”

can't I have just one more cuppycake?

can’t I have just one more cuppycake?

And love of cake is not limited to pandas….

Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story

Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story

Have a fabulous furry friday!

Be the Bear
Bob T Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday presents…Tales of Wu

Oh heck…I don’t know! lets just do something random….maybe Wu related, since Princess Pinky has many of the new featured spots in the coming weeks…

Let’s have some Wu-wu-wu-weally good times for Fabulous Furry Friday!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of boo beer!

Who can forget Mr Wu’s first adventure with the Panda Kindergarten?

episode 11

And what about when he met Bee, the Bear, when he ran away to Join the circus?

Mr Wu speaks out!

And then there was his reaction when he learned about the birth of the Meihems!

(Thanks to one of my FB friends…was it you Debbi Z? who quoted Mr Wu’s line ” Dis. Is. A. Travesty!!!!! last week over on FB….if it wasn’t you, maybe someone will correct me. :o))

it's a wonderful life

And, yes, it IS a Wu-nderful life!

We're in for it now, Binky!

We’re in for it now, Binky! Who could forget The Wizard of Wu?

If you wish you could read the whole of these tales of Wu, hop on over to my book page, where you can order the Book of Wu, with a handy link to Amazon. You know you want to.

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda


Fabulous Furry Friday

Fabulous Furry Friday wants to enlighten all those enquiring minds…

The Panda Season of Love is in full swing, but soon we will all be waiting to hear the pitter patter of little paws. Will they or won’t they? The thing with pandas, is, that you never know for sure until a cub drops out onto the floor, and sometimes even then you don’t know whether it will be one or two cubs.

Pretty cool, huh?

Meanwhile, we have no idea if Lun Lun is interested in staging a repeat performance, or if Mei Xiang, mom to Princess Pinky will want to do it all again.

we are still hoping for a panda cub trifecta

we are still hoping for a panda cub trifecta

And then there was that whole scandal about pandas pretending to be pregnant in order to get “special treatment”…

Prevaricating pandas perceived in pregnancy pastry ploy

Prevaricating pandas perceived in pregnancy pastry ploy

It was dark...there were men in masks....

It was dark…there were men in masks….AND NOW IT’S HAPPENED AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

And then there is that whole business of what sort of cub you are going to end up with. If Mei Xiang had know what her little princess would be like, would she have continued the project?

Bao Bao is unhappy

I can hardly wait to see what Mei Xiang thinks of her daughter’s latest aspirations….

By the way, thanks to all of you who have ordered #WeREndangered coffee mugs from our Pandyland store on Cafe Press! I’ve added two new designs in the #WeREndangered series, one starring Mehitabel (she does have a lot of fans, you know!) and one for Princess Pinky. During the entire month of April (that’s right now) I’ll be donating a percentage of the profits from the sale of these three mugs to Pandas International! Huzzah! Remember, without pandas, there can be no panda satire!

You are really going to be endangered if I don't get my coffee soon!

You are really going to be endangered if I don’t get my coffee soon!

I can't be responsible for the consequences if you don't vote for Pinky!

I can’t be responsible for the consequences if you don’t vote for Pinky!

Be the bear and have a Fabulous Furry Friday!
Bob T. Panda

Triple Trouble Part 1

I think it’s high time that Princess Pinky developed a little bit of responsibility, don’t you? Her mother has a job for her, but perhaps it’s not quite the one she has in mind…



Oh No! Triple trouble for Pinky!

Well, it’s really poetic justice, isn’t it? Not that I would want to be the one to mention it to her….

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday: #WeREndangered!

Sunday’s cartoon was a lot of fun for me, and not just because of my coffee slinging history. I like it when Mehitabel has a chance to wig out and give the pandas a little what for.

Several people wrote in their comments that they would love to have a #WeREndangered coffee mug too, so I got right on it. I have a very neglected Cafe Press store, where you can buy things with various members of the Panda Chronicles on them. I know it is really time for some updated inventory, but only so many hours of the day and all that, you know.

I’ve long been wanting to design something with the Pandy Kindy in their Fez Mobile (or as I like to call it, their mobile fez-book app) and it occurred to me that this was the perfect place!

What could be more endangered than joyriding pandas NOT wearing seat belts?

What could be more endangered than joyriding pandas NOT wearing seat belts?

Because I love the idea that people can find my pandas here and read them for free, I try not to lean too heavily on the potential money making aspects of panda satire, because, that would be …um…annoying. However, making a little filthy lucre from selling books and panda satire products, does make it possible for me to keep doing this. At least until I get a MacArthur Genius Grant for Panda Satire, at which time I will just leave piles of my books on street corners for anyone who wants them…

And lest we forget that there STILL is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire....

And lest we forget that there STILL is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire….

So head over to the Cafe Press Pandyland store and order a couple of #WeREndangered coffee mugs! Heck! order a bunch for all your friends, and remember, without pandas, there can be no panda satire!

And to support pandas further, for every #WeREndangered mug that is ordered during the rest of April, we will make a liddle donation to Pandas International, because they are actually doing stuff to support pandas (and not just making fun of them like some people!)

Thanks for being the bear! Stay tuned to this station for some exciting announcements in the very near future, about panda princesses political perpetrations!

Bob T. Panda

OMG It’s Tax Time!

The Panda Revenue Service wants YOU! Because once again, at least in the United S of A, it is tax time, which means hand over that wallet!! Fortunately, the Panda Kindergarten Accounting Service is ready, willing and…um…well, while not exactly able, they do have an adding machine…to help you with your calculations.

They will be looking very closely at the returns of any known cats, as you may well imagine, because …um CATS!!!!!!

Will Bob ever learn?  will Mehitabel ever get the better of the panda kindergarten?

Will Bob ever learn? Will Mehitabel ever get the better of the panda kindergarten?

And because it is good to have something to laugh at through your tears, here are some of our other favorites to help you procrastinate just a little longer this weekend!

And it was ever thus....

And it was ever thus….

Much better to take a selfie with pandas!

Much better to take a selfie with pandas!

Princess Pinky helps with new years resolutions

You say you want a resolution, well, you know, it is hard to change a bear….I love Pinky when she is sorry she did something.

And if you want to get into some serious procrastination this weekend, wouldn’t it be a good idea to order all the http://www.yourbrainonpandas.com/book-table/ for your very own? They contain HOURS of procrastinatory panda goodness!

Okay then….where did I put my income records?

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda