Yes, and technically speaking, 31 Days of Pandas is over, but as I ran out of month before I ran out of verses, (and certain, shall we say, impatient, members of our audience wanted us to just get on with it and post the whole darn thing) we bring you the last three days of Crisp-Moss all at once.
And now, The Institute of Contemporary Panda Satire presents:
The 12 Days of Crisp-Moss!!!!!
On the twelfth day of Crisp-Moss, My Panda cam Did See….
MX: no, Pinky, you may NOT have a Bamboo-tini!
I can’t hear you….
F-F-F-FI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-VE Cuppycaaaaaaakes!
Once more with feeling….And a Pinky in a Hemlock Tree!
Everybody sing!
Okay, is everyone ready to sing? (and personally, I think that the NZ Panda-Nanny staff would love, love, love it if you serenaded them with this song, tomorrow when you go to visit Pinky and Mum and Dad at the zoo.)
On the Twelth day of Crispmoss, my panda cam did see:
Twelve Pinky Presents,
Eleven Bamboo-tinis,
Ten Pandas Leaping,
Nine Pandarinas,
Eight Santa’s sleigh bears,
Seven pandas chasing,
Six pandas driving,
Four pandas sneaking,
Three triplets napping,
Two Meihems plotting
A Pinky in a Hemlock Treeeeeeeeeeeee!
Huzzah! And because as I type this, it is New Year’s Eve (well, except in the places where it is already the New Year) I leave you with the panda kindergarten, celebrating New Year’s Eve in their own very special way.
Happy New Years, from The Institute of Contemporary Panda Satire!
I can’t tell you enough times or how much it means to me, that you have chosen to be the bears. Thank you all, and the happiest of New Years.
Bob T. Panda