Tag Archives: panda kindergarten

31 Days of Pandas: Day 16

Late yesterday, so I could be early today. It’s always a juggling act trying to keep up with every day posting, especially after the events of the weekend. Living in a rural area, power outages are part of the package. Fortunately there are not nearly as many, nor do they usually last as long. Depending on where you live and the number of people affected, your power could be restored sooner or later. Mine just happened to be later this time.

OK, quit whining and give us some pandas. Okay! Okay! On with 31 Days of Pandas and the Case of the Picturesque Panda!

Uh oh, the panda kindergarten forgot to wear their seat belts.

Uh oh, the panda kindergarten forgot to wear their seat belts.

I just love drawing excited pandas! Well, time to get busy on tomorrow’s cartoon. This is getting really exciting!

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

31 Days of Pandas Returns!

Here we go with days 12, 13, and 14, delayed by the windstorm and power outage (which was finally over at about 1 AM this morning) that commenced Thursday evening, of December 11th. All is well here at headquarters of The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire. Well, now it is, anyway. The sun is shining and it was a lovely day to go out and move fallen branches from the yard and driveway to spots that are less inconvenient for them to exist in.

But enough about you and your problems, I hear coming from the cheap seats. Where are all these panda cartoons that you were allegedly working on by candle light while you had nothing better to do, since you couldn’t check your twitter feed ad infinitum?

OK, OK, already. Here’s the next episode of The Case of the Picturesque Panda:

Oh, Inspector Panda! What a surprise!

Oh, Inspector Panda! What a surprise!

And for those of you who follow the antics of Bob T. Panda and his Junior Panda Friends on Facebook, you may have seen a notice that Princess Pinky has something dastardly in mind, to perhaps skew the voting in the Giant Zoo Panda Awards.

Pinky, I thought we agreed you wouldn't do anything naughty.

Pinky, I thought we agreed you wouldn’t do anything naughty.

This will not stand!

This will not stand!

A big pandy thank you to all of you who have ordered books this month. Remember, I will make a donation to Pandas International for each copy of Pandamorphosis or any of the Panda Chronicles series books that you buy this month, so now’s the time to buy, buy buy!

We’ll be back sometime tomorrow with the next episode of Inspector Panda and then I have a special Holidays with Pandas surprise (that just popped into my head a few days ago!) Huzzah!

See you tomorrow!
Be the Bear<
Bob T. Panda


Day 11: 31 days of Pandas

The panda kindergarten (with the impressionable young Mr. Wu in tow) is speeding towards the exciting conclusion of The Case of the Picturesque Panda, but we are going to stretch this out a bit. BwaHaHa!!!!! And as one of our faithful readers has commented, “the only thing scarier than a panda driving a car and not looking where he’s going, is a panda driving a car not looking where he’s going and eating a cuppycake!”

So, on with the show! Not to mention, 31 Days of Pandas!

Look out for that car!

Look out for that car!

Don’t you hate it when the driver turns around to talk to someone in the car while they are speeding down the…um…sidewalk?

See you tomorrow for the Friday cliffhanger. Bwahahahaha!

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Day 10: 31 Days of Pandas

Are you having fun yet? I know I am, and the pandas just keep on coming your way, with  31 Days of Pandas and all the panda fun you can bear.

Today’s cartoon was inspired by one of my favorite “motifs” in Calvin and Hobbes. I’m talking about the ones where Calvin and Hobbes are rocketing along in Calvin’s sled or wagon, over some impossibly steep, rocky cliff, all the while having a philosophical discussion with Hobbes, who is looking on in horror, just before they crash.

Look out for that....

Look out for that….

I think even the car is horrified by the pandy kindy driving style.

See you tomorrow!

Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda

Day 9: 31 Days of Pandas

and more from Inspector Panda…or at least the pandy kindy, erstwhile art historians and…um…daredevil drivers!

what could be better than small pandas driving cars?

what could be better than small pandas driving cars?

And now, a word from our sponsor, WOOZPPAH! Did you know that the elephants were going to be leaving Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo? So, enquiring bears want to know, “why not pandas?” Pandas are cute and cuddly, and bring smiles to the faces of everyone who sees them. Well, maybe some grouchy people might not like pandas, but I bet if they spent some time looking at pandas, they wouldn’t be so grouchy, would they?

Here are the main points we would like to share with the-powers-that-be-at Woodland Park Zoo:

1. The Western Washington climate is perfect for pandas!
2. Bamboo grows really, really well here. (just ask someone whose neighbors planted it on their fence line.)
3. Edinburgh Zoo also has limited parking in a residential neighborhood, and they have created a timed ticket reservation system so that a regulated number of panda fans can visit each day.
4. Pandas are cuter than any other animals.
5. I would buy a membership and so would a lot of other people.
6. Panda tourism!
7. um…Pandas!

I’ll be writing more about this in days and weeks to come, but it’s never too early to start asking the zoo, “why not pandas?”





Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda


Day 8: 31 Days of Pandas

Inspector Panda is back, and he’s loaded for bear! I can’t believe I used that joke, and actually, while the esteemed Inspector Panda’s story The Case of The Picturesque Panda has returned, those rascally darlings of the art history department, the panda kindergarten, has seized center stage, with Mr. Wu along for a very wild ride! But the very Inspector Panda will be along shortly.

Of course, we need our omniscient narrator to bring us up to date. It is Monday, after all!

Let's ride like the wind! Away, pandas, away!!!!

Let’s ride like the wind! Away, pandas, away!!!!

Huzzah! Princess Pinky has inserted herself into the narrative, but who will protest? Not I, not I.

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

Recap #12 We are Thankful…

…that this is the next to the last recap of our story so far, The Case of the Picturesque Panda. But a little gratitude about a few other things is in order, so here goes:

I am thankful for my friends who have encouraged and supported me all these years, in all of my many creative pursuits, even when they thought I was being a little nutty (pandas). I am thankful that there are still pandas on the earth, and while I wish there was more undisturbed habitat for pandas to live wild and free, I am glad there are safe places for pandas to live among the people who love them, with all of their needs taken care of. I am thankful that so many people have found my cartoons and stories amusing or entertaining or life affirming and even that these bits of panda silliness help them survive the hard and sad events that are a part of everyone’s life.

I am grateful that I met my dear friend Jude Bulman, and that I was one of her many friends who loved her and depended on her to help them with all sorts of stuff. The world is a grayer place without you and I need pandas more than ever. Wherever you are, I hope there are pandas there too, and that they are making you laugh.

the last cuppycake supper 100 res

Personally, I’m planning on eating my weight in Dinner Rolls today.

And now, on with our story:

I didn't get a decoder watch when I graduated from art school!

I didn’t get a decoder watch when I graduated from art school!

Why that Babette is nothing but a scoundrel!

Why that Babette is nothing but a scoundrel!

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Recap#10 PandaWriMo approaches!

Yes, it is the month we all wait for all year long, Panda Satire Writing Month, also known as PandaWriMo or 31 Days of Pandas! Huzzah! It is the month when all panda satire writers (I’m sure there must be others, aren’t there?) pull out all the stops and it’s panda, panda, panda all month long.

But before we bring you the next episode of The Case of the Picturesque Panda, we’d like to bring to your attention again, that next Tuesday (one week from today, in fact) has been declared “Giving Tuesday” (don’t ask me who declared this…probably the Associated Amalgamation of Organizations) and our charity of choice is Pandas International. (well, duh!) Buy any of our Panda Chronicle series books or Pandamorphosis from Amazon, and for each book purchased on Tuesday, we will donate $1 to Pandas International.

Because (wait for it) without pandas, there could be no panda satire.

And now, on with our story!

And who gave Pinky her wand back?

And who gave Pinky her wand back?

Does Pinky know too much?

Does Pinky know too much?

You just knew that Princess Pinky would weasel her way into this story, didn’t you? Well, you have not seen the last of Pinky! We will finish our recap this week on Friday and on Sunday bring you a brand new cartoon (I swear!) and so begins PandaWriMo! Huzzah!

Until tomorrow,

Be the Bear!
Bob T Panda

Recap # 9: Our story so far

Oh we are getting close to the beginning of 31 days of Pandas and…um…I am hoping to have a spurt of energy in the next couple days…Hmmmm….we’ll see how I do.

Meanwhile, here is the next recap of our story so far.

Will Mr. Wu be safe with the panda kindergarten? And just what's with that tape, anyway?

Will Mr. Wu be safe with the panda kindergarten? And just what’s with that tape, anyway?

See you tomorrow!

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

It’s beginning to look a lot like…

We could save you all the trouble of going out to the Black Friday Sales, but then you might miss this experience:

pass the beans!

pass the beans!

We could be completely self serving and suggest you head over to our page of books and buy copies of The Panda Chronicles or Pandamorphosis for all your family and friends. We could do that, if we were a different sort of panda. Oh wait…we are that sort of panda.

Be the bear,
Bob T. Panda