Sometimes I have ideas, and sometimes I don’t necessarily know where they are going. In the way of pantsers* everywhere, I will just start writing and drawing and see where it goes. (*Pantser: a writer who writes with no plan or plot in mind)
Over on #PandaTwitter Six and Sebben are on the loose! Who knows what they will get up to, or where they will turn up. Mama Lun Lun bought them around the world tickets, paid extra for their passports, turned up the music and locked the door. Not necessarily in that order.
Sometimes Twitter #PandaImprov turns into ‘toon story lines. Sometimes we are just having fun!
But meanwhile, Babette de Panda has turned up like a bad penny!
Today is the first day of Spring, the Vernal Equinox, a day of equal day and night (in theory, any way!) It is also the 50th anniversary year of pandas at the Smithsonian National Zoo, in the other Washington!
So, of course, we must celebrate the Nixon pandas!
Let’s see what other Spring ‘toons might be lurking in the archives…
And, as the unionization effort ramps up at Starbucks, I am reminded of my experience in the coffee mines, lo these many years ago!
Solidarity forever, guys!
There are still about 12 felted kitties left! Check out the Felties Revisited page for details!
If you didn’t set your clocks back last night, you are already late! That’s right! Most of the country goes on Daylight Saving Time today! I know I posted the following ‘toon. last week, but I love it so much I’m posting it again!
I was informed by some very pedantic grammar person, that it is “daylight saving time” and NOT “daylight savingS time.” Sigh…there is no spell check in the inkwell!
Tomorrow is the favorite holiday of mathematicians everywhere: Pi Day (3/14)
Pandas, of course, think of it as “Pie Day” Because…who wouldn’t?
Or was it “The Life of Pooh?”
A reminder: The Felty Cat project is still going strong!
Check the felties revisited page to learn more about the project, and to fill to the form to order your felty kitty. At the moment there are still about 20 felty kitties remaining.
When I don’t have a planned theme for Sunday’s panda ‘toon Palooza, I sometimes randomly spin the date listing wheel and see what comes up. Maybe that will suggest a theme, or maybe I’ll just find some of my all time favorite ‘toons! Next week we return to Daylight Savings time, so that is a good place to start…
Maybe it’s an all Panda Kindergarten day!
Don’t you want to hire…
Available as a t-shirt and other items on Redbubble!
It’s been a week, hasn’t it? Poot’n has invaded Ukraine, but the Ukrainians are fighting back hard and have no f**ks left to give. Europe has stepped up with aid and so has NATO. We are going to have our first female African American SCOTUS Justice, it the GQP can get its head out of its a** long enough to admit she is more qualified than the last 3 they rammed on to the court. Cue the “But maybe she is TOO qualified” chorus to start whining in 3…2…1…
Texas, Floriduh, and Oklahoma, oh and let’s not forget Virginia, are all trying to out do one another for the most regressive and cruel legislation on woman’s reproductive rights, health care for trans children, and education. I can only conclude that they want a beaten down, uneducated populace. No wonder Barker Carlson sings Poot’n’s praises.
Let’s have some pandas! Time to spin the random ‘toon archive generator!
Even though we no longer have any participants in The Panda Season of Love in the US of A, we are still interested observers (Not like THAT!!!) of the season! Here are some ‘toons from the archives celebrating this season of Love amongst the pandas!
To celebrate the Panda Season of Love, all feltie panda orders (or any other kind of feltie) will come with a complimentary roll of Panda Season of Love Washi tape. Want to see what we have in the way of Felites? Fill in the comment form below and I can send you pictures of available felt creations.
I’m working on a collection I’m almost ready to launch, which are NOT pandas! What could they be? I just need to make a few more and then I will announce them!
The 2022 Olympic Games have begun, so while Team Panda ties their skate laces, finds their way to the ski slopes and loads up the front of their Bob-sled..oops…I mean bribe the judges…um…that wasn’t us…
So let’s take a look at the panda performances in past Olympic competitions…
We’ll be back next Sunday with more highlights from the past panda olympics! Stay ‘Tooned!
We thought this would be a better year than 2020…ha ha…joke’s on us! Sigh…we did get the vaccine, but thanks to certain people who were all in on “personal bodily autonomy” (for this, anyway) who yelled (often right in people’s faces) “MY FREEDUMB!!!!” we have had to cope with ever more contagious and more deadly mutations of the virus. Probably the next one will spread just by reading about it on the inter webs.
But here we are. We have (hopefully) survived (this far). We will be back in the new year with more panda satire and more pandas to introduce. Bebe Maurice’s tiny sisters Fleur and Snowy will be making their debut in these pages. We will have our annual Year in Review where we look back at the ‘toons of last year. It’s always very interesting (to me, anyway) to see what ‘toons leap out at me as the most consequential or interesting or funny.
There is another Olympics for the pandas to compete in. They kind of missed this year’s Olympics, not really remembering that it was happening at all. But this is the Winter Olympics, and those are the Olympics that pandas like best!
The New Year is the Year of the Tiger, and Pinky is ready for it! Don’t tell Mommee, okay? Pinky has an upcoming campaign to start raising money for, so fire up the selfies with tigers! Really, don’t tell Mommee about this!
And now, let’s see what New Year’s Eve has in store for us at the Panda House…
And because it is still one of my favorite New Year’s Eve ‘toons…