Tag Archives: panda kindergarten

Panda Art History…Who Knew?

I would hate to think that all those years of sleeping through paying rapt attention in Art History classes had gone to waste. Inspector Panda’s current case has therefore taken an extremely art historical turn, as if it hadn’t been traveling those roads already.

The panda kindergarten has more facets than a dodecahedron, and it turns out that they all have degrees in panda art history. Who knew? And if you are just tuning in, don’t forget to check out all the previous episodes here:

What you don't know about your favorite art museum....

What you don’t know about your favorite art museum….

And look at those stacks of paintings! Did you realize there were so many fine art pandas in existence?

And look at those stacks of paintings! Did you realize there were so many fine art pandas in existence?

Next time you are at the National Gallery, go and ask at the information desk if you can be taken to see the secret stash of paintings of pandas by all the greats of the 16th through 20th centuries. The National Gallery has a lovely Mary Cassatt that Minette modeled for. And the “Little Panda Dancer” by Edgar Degas is exquisite! Just ask at the front desk, and don’t take ‘no’ for an answer. They’re just being modest.

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

Our Story so Far: Inspector Panda…

…has an omniscient narrator! If you are just tuning in to our story, you can see links to all the earlier episodes here. Of course certain pandas who shall not be named here were a little bit (just the tiniest bit, you understand) miffed that they had not been included in the story, so we had to make someone the omniscient narrator.

And who gave Pinky her wand back?

And who gave Pinky her wand back?

Does Pinky know too much?

Does Pinky know too much?

As you can well imagine, we are pretty excited over here at the International Headquarters for The Institute of Contemporary Panda Satire, as we anticipate publication of The Panda Chronicles Book 5: Pandapocalypse NOW! starring none other than Princess Pinky and the Meihem twins! We are awaiting our proof copies, to make sure that the pictures aren’t put in sideways or anything like that. And because enquiring minds want to know, we will reveal the cover FIRST to my long suffering newsletter subscribers, so if you want to be the first on your block to know what the cover will look like, do sign up for the newsletter!

Read on, MacDuff, and Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda





Pandas Celebrate Banned Books Week

Can we make this kind of stuff up? No we cannot. It is Banned Books Week, those scandalous literary tomes that send some people scurrying for their zippo lighters, and no books make censorious individuals fan the fierce flames of fascism more, than  books that celebrate….

The Literature of the Panda?????

Yeah, right.  But to celebrate all banned books, we bring you an encore presentation of some of Bob T’s works of literary genius! Huzzah! Where’s my zippo?

Bob's first foray into the realms of literature ...

Bob’s first foray into the realms of literature …

What could be more fun than blobbing...I mean blogging?

What could be more fun than blobbing…I mean blogging?

If any book should be banned....

If any book should be banned….

And lest we forget that there STILL is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire....

And lest we forget that there STILL is no MacArthur Grant for Panda Satire….

In my non-panda-satirizing time (what little there is of that,) I’ve been reading the new book by Elizabeth Bird, Julie Danielson, and Peter D. Sieruta, Wild Things: Acts of Mischief in Children’s Literature, which is a great read in honor of Banned Books Week. It’s full of untold scandals, books that were banned (and burned!) quite often by people who hadn’t actually read them, they’d just heard there was something naughty about them. It’s quite an eye opening read, especially if you thought children’s literature was all fluffy bunnies and sleepy kitties.  Not only that, but it is giving me a great reading list of books I want to read. I highly recommend it…um…when you are done reading The Panda Chronicles, anyway.

Hope you are having a happy banned book week! Read something naughty today!

And speaking of Books to be Banned, the fifth book in the Panda Chronicles series will be coming out next month! Huzzah! If you want a sneak peak at the cover, make sure you are signed up for my newsletter which I swear I am going to write and send out next week. Look for the link at the top of the right hand column that says:


and add your email address to the growing list of panda satire fans!

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

Oh Come On. That’s Not a Panda

Yesterday was International Red Panda Day! And no, we don’t mean that pandas are communists. We’re talking about those cute little guys called red pandas and while they are from the same neighborhood and do have that sort of thumb thing going on, they are not closely related to giant pandas. (“Yeah”, say’s Wu. “We’re much bigger, maybe even GIANT”)


We were invited to come on board over at V Something Speaks for her celebration of Red Panda Day, but in case you didn’t go by there, here is the cartoon starring Rusty, the Red Panda who escaped from the National Zoo in Washington DC, until they finally caught up with him at Georgtown Cuppycakes have a little afternoon repast.

"They'll never catch me!"

“They’ll never catch me!”

I think Rusty is a excellent candidate to join the panda kindergarten, don’t you?

Hope you had fun on Talk Like a Pirate Day and International Red Panda Day!
Pandi-darity forever!
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda


It’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Huzzah and avast, me hearties! Swab the decks, batten the hatches, and pour me a boo beer, you scurvy wags! It’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and as a special treat, we are going to have an encore presentation of the entire Mr Wu Pirate adventure!

Huzzah and AAARRGHHHH!

And Now, On With the Show!

Yo ho ho and a bottle  of BooBeer!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of boo beer!

Yo ho ho and another bottle of boo beer!

An explorer's work is never done.

An explorer’s work is never done.

Mister Wu and his new friends.

Mister Wu and his new friends.

"You are right and Wu is wrong...I'll never do it again, mommy."

“You are right and Wu is wrong…I’ll never do it again, mommy.”

Have a most excellent International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and I hope you enjoyed our encore presentation!


Be the Bear!
Bob T. Cap’n Boo Panda

Uh Oh- The Panda Kindergarten Has Arrived!

…But before we let the panda kindergarten loose in Inspector panda’s saga of mystery and intrigue, I thought it was time for a recap, especially for those of you who are just joining the story. Here’s a link to the last recap, with episodes 1 through 10 . Here are episode 11, episode 12,  episode 13,  and episode 14, before moving on to today’s exciting episode!

Could that be the mysterious Babette de Panda? What does she want with Wu's tape?

Could that be the mysterious Babette de Panda? What does she want with Wu’s tape?


Will Mr. Wu be safe with the panda kindergarten? And just what's with that tape, anyway?

Will Mr. Wu be safe with the panda kindergarten? And just what’s with that tape, anyway?

How can we wait till the next exciting episode?

It may be some consolation that this Friday is International Talk Like a Pirate Day AND Saturday is International Red Panda Day! The panda are participating in ITLPD by featuring the Mr. Wu Pirate adventure in its entirety!!!!! Is that exciting, or what? And head over to V Something Speaks to see the special cartoon we did for Int. Red Panda Day, and learn more about red pandas! Huzzah!

See you Friday!
Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

What will Scottish Independence mean for


Oh yeah, you just know we couldn’t ignore this issue.  Fortunately for our readers in the British Isles, we won’t even pretend to know what any of the facts and sides of the issue are, but we can’t resist revisiting Lady MacBear and the Scottish Panda Kindergarten, now could we?

What could be more scottish than Pandas?

What could be more scottish than Pandas?

The Scottish pandas

Save some pie for me!

pandair flight of the scottish pandas

Pand-Air…it’s the only way to travel

Sunshine and Sweetie arrive in Scotland

Sunshine and Sweetie arrive in Scotland

I hope people haven't had enough of silly love songs!

I hope people haven’t had enough of silly love songs!

Have an excellent weekend, and don’t forget to tune in Sunday for the Zoonooz in-depth coverage of the Scottish (Panda) Independence Issue!

Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda

What New Madness is This? Pandas in Turmoil?

Oh, Inspector Panda! To where is Mr. Wu running off? How has this happened?

I must digress, for a moment.

I have to blame it on a Payless Moment. Payless is one of our neighborhood grocery stores, and because we Islanders tend to hide out in the woods, sometimes we only run into each other at the grocery store, where we clog up the aisles, catching up with our friends whom we have not seen all summer. (That’s what we call a Payless moment. Mr. Badger hates them.)

So, there I am in Payless, when I catch sight of my good friend, Deb Lund, who is the very talented author of a pile of books (my favorites being the DinoSailors, All Aboard the Dino Train, and Dino Soaring…dinosaurs that could give the panda kindergarten a run for their cuppycakes) and she is  the person most responsible for my launch into kiddie-lit and without her, Pandamorphosis most likely would not exist.

In addition to being a writer, Deb is also a teacher and creativity coach. Some years back she developed these cards, which she used in her teaching, and over the years refined them and developed them as a tool for writers. They aren’t exactly writing prompts, more like things that you can use to shake up the status quo, in your life, in your story, in your painting. She finally developed them to a point where her students and writer friends were clamoring for a set of their own, and so with the help of an extremely successful Kickstarter project, she raised enough money to publish them.

Here’s how Deb describes what her cards are all about: Fiction writers are troublemakers. We create characters and get them in trouble. We’re also magicians. We pull rabbits out of hats, heroes from certain death, and stories out of thin air. We make magic by making trouble. Fiction Magic.

As one of her happy supporters, I’ve been waiting for my very own set of Fiction Magic Cards and guidebook. So, when I ran into her at the grocery store, she told me that she had just gotten a few advance sets to send out for reviews, and did I want my set now?

As luck would have it, I was stuck in a bit of a blind alley as to what was going to happen next in The Inspector Panda Case of the Picturesque Panda. I mean, I could only throw in so many Edward Hopper references, before something else would actually have to happen in my story. Thankfully, I now have my very own supply of fiction magic.  Watch out Mr. Wu! The card I pulled was Lose the Prized Possession.

Uh oh.

The panda kindergarten arrives on the scene, and...

The panda kindergarten arrives on the scene, and…

Not the tape!!!!!!

Not the tape!!!!!!

Uh oh, indeed. The cards made me do it.

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda



Thank Goodness Fabulous Furry Friday isn’t on Monday

…because then it would have to be something like “Marvelous Munchie Monday” or something like that.

We are having a burst of summer like weather, which, if I was still in school, I would be looking longingly out the window, wishing I could frolic in the sunshine…Wait a minute…I am inside, looking out the window!

OK, well, here are some ‘toons to get your through the weekend! Then I’m going outside!

No nonsense to be found here!

No nonsense to be found here!

enquiring minds want to know....

enquiring minds want to know….

excessive photoshopping of celebrities

I’m ready for my close-up…um..I am, aren’t I?

Don't Touch My Stuff! (this means you, Gail.)

Don’t Touch My Stuff! (this means you, Gail.)

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

The Cat Came Back…

…and reclaimed her rightful place in the world. Actually, Mehitabel was never gone, but she recently was invited over to the blog called Cat Stories and was invited to share her views. Thanks again to Cat McMahon for recognizing Mehitabel’s contribution to the Panda Chronicles.  You can read Mehitbel’s words of wisdom here.

***Please note: I had inserted bad links for Mehitabel’s story at cat Stories, but they are now fixed! That will teach me to hit the old publish button before I check the links (or the lynx.)

In honor of Mehitabel’s trip to another blog, I’ve gathered some encore presentations of some of her greatest moments.

Cats wearing collars on whidbey? get real!

Cats wearing collars on whidbey? get real!

Will I never learn?

Will I never learn?

Mehitabel thanks you!

Mehitabel thanks you!

The panda kindergarten is "busy" ...can you call back later?

The panda kindergarten is “busy” …can you call back later?

Mehitabel wishes you a fabulous weekend, a long one if you are in the US, and just the end of august for those of you other spots around the globe.  Be sure to check out her story over at Cat Stories!

Have a Great Fabulous Furry Friday!.
Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda