Tag Archives: panda kindergarten

Princess Pinky Bao Bao has a birthday…

Yes, we are heading into what we like to call “high birthday season” around here, which is the week of your actual birthday.  While Pinky Bao Bao’s ACTUAL birthday is not till next Saturday, you can excuse her (and us) for getting a little excited about it, and getting an early start.

So, to get you in the mood, here are some of her feature presentation cartoons from her first year of life in The Panda Chronicles.

Such a little darling!  How could her big brother resist spoiling her?

Such a little darling! How could her big brother resist spoiling her?

Pinky tests her powers....

Pinky tests her powers….

National Zoo cub makes mom Mei Xiang disappear


Princess Pinky is fooled by Mei Xiang at the National Zoo

Oh Princess Pinky, mom has a trick or two up her paw, I think…

Princess Pinky helps with new years resolutions

You say you want a resolution, well, you know, it is hard to change a bear….

Stay tuned for more Pinky next week (sort of a Pinky film festival, you know?)

Meanwhile back at the panda ranch, we were inspired by the upcoming Dot Day celebration on September 15th to create a new ‘Celebridot.” Don’t know what Dot Day is? International Dot Day is a celebration of creativity that was inspired by Peter H. Reynolds’ book “The Dot”. This site is filled with other authors, illustrators, and celebrities who share in the dream of a more creative world. (from the Celebridots website) You can learn more about Dot Day here.

There has been much on the news and in social media this week about depression, in the wake of Robin Williams’ death. Creative people are often prone to depression.  While engaging in creative pursuits cannot stop or eliminate depression and despair, having a creative outlet can help to  channel these feelings, and give a person a little breathing space till the blackness lifts. I am here today, partly because I had a creative outlet, and my creativity was encouraged to grow by some teachers and other adults in my life.  Do check out the Dot Day website, and then see if there is something you can contribute. Even encouraging one child you know makes a difference in the world.

My dot for 2014. What a great tradition!

My dot for 2014. What a great tradition!

Be the bear!
Bob T. Panda

What a Fabulous Furry Friday It Is…

Today, Fabulous Furry Friday brings you more Great Moments in History! Today is the 40th anniversary of Richard M. Nixon’s resignation from the presidency, as a result of, well, some really bad stuff he did.  But as much as we might like to think otherwise, we do have a few things for which to thank old Tricky Dick , the most important being….

Hello? Pandas?????

The first "official" pandas that came to live permanently in the USofA

The first “official” pandas that came to live permanently in the USofA

And while we are talking pandas and politics, a faithful reader and supporter sent me a link to this story of a NY Congressional representative who is going trolling for pandas (and perhaps votes?) on the extremely long recess that Congress is now on. Feast your eyes on this editorial on the NYC-Panda question.

And then, of course, the first men walked on the moon during Nixon’s first (and only completed) term:

One step for a small bear....

One step for a small bear….

But the Watergate burglars had nothing on the panda kindergarten!

Mr Wu speaks out!

“What did dey knows, and when did dey knows it?”  Fuggedabout da %7^$## tape!

And who says panda satire isn’t educational?

Meanwhile, yet another alert reader told me that today is national Cat Day.  frankly, it feels like every day is cat day around my house, but what do I know? Mehitabel is celebrating the day by relaxing with a good book:

What cats are reading at the beach this summer!

What cats are reading at the beach this summer!

Meanwhile, if you haven’t already done so, don’t waste another second without checking out my latest books, Pandamorphosis and The Panda Chronicles Book 4: the Book of Wu! (Mebbe you might want a copy for your very own!)

Well, we’ll see you all next week. Um..is this conversation being taped?

Be the Bear,
Bob T. panda

Inspector Panda is Back!

Oh yes, a week without Inspector Panda is a sad thing indeed.  But he is back!

For those of you who are just joining this tale of mystery, intrigue, and cuppycakes, here are links to earlier episodes:  Episode 1: hereEpisode 2: here, and Episode 3: here. Episode 4 & 5; Episode 6; and Episode 7 & Episode 8.

Now! On to episode 9!

Oh that Babette!

Oh that Babette!

Inspector Panda: the bear with the clues...

Inspector Panda: the bear with the clues…

I can hardly wait! Tune in next week, same time, same place, for the next exciting episode! But don’t forget Fabulous Furry Friday, not to mention Some Panda-or-other Sunday! A person needs more than one dose of panda satire to get through the week, don’t you think?

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

If a Cuppycake Falls in the Forest Part 2

Once again, we return to the story of a bear that loved cuppycakes not wisely, but too well.  So, what happens after a bear becomes famous for behaving badly?

He goes on a talk show, of course!

Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story

Thanks again to Henry Nicholls for alerting me to this story

As luck would have it, one of my faithful readers actually knows the people this happened to! No, really!!!! So here’s an email that they sent to all of their friends, to tell them of the incident:

“Hi All~
“Don’t know if you caught this in your local news, but we had an exciting first birthday party for our son Jackson!  Minutes before guests were arriving at our house, a black bear climbed on our roof and fell through our skylight!  
“Thankfully no one was hurt.  Glenn and the bear had a bit of a stand off   The bear ate some cupcakes and then I was able to shoo him out the back door.  This crazy stuff only happens in Alaska!

You can read the real news story here. And special thanks to another faithful reader who suggested that maybe the party Mr Bear crashed was one of the panda kindergarten’s birthday season parties. (I lost track of who that was…please comment here so I can give you credit -or blame. :o) )

Keep being the bear!
Bob T. Panda

A Fabulous Furry Friday Salute…

…to Mr Wu!

Oh Mr Wu,
So now you are two,
You live at the zoo
And we’re glad that you do.

Mr Wu got to celebrate his 2nd birthday, and all his Pan Diego panda friends were there to watch him blow out the candles on his cake. One of Mr Wu’s particular friends, Helene Hoffman, took a most fabulous picture of Mr Wu and she kindly allowed me to share it with you here:

Mr Wu, turning two, (c) 2014 Helene Hoffman, used by permission.

Mr Wu, turning two, (c) 2014 Helene Hoffman, used by permission.

I mean, what did I tell you about pandas and cake? Do you believe me NOW???? As you can see, Mr Wu is quite excited about his cake, and also that he doesn’t have to share it with anyone.

And now, as a special treat, and in honor of the Wu self, we bring you the entire start to finish Mr Wu Joins the circus!!!! Huzzah! Happy Fabulous Furry Friday! (and we would be extremely negligent if we didn’t point out that ALL the Mr Wu adventures, starting with his earliest days in the nursery right up until and including when he battles the forces of panda popularity domination [aka Princess Pinky] can be found in The Panda Chronicles Book 4: The Book of Wu.)  Get one today for your very own!

And now, I hope you have your popcorn and bootinis ready because here we go!

Fanmail from some Flounder?

Fanmail from some Flounder?

Voices in the night, a ladder, a letter...adios...

Voices in the night, a ladder, a letter…adios…

"Are we there, yet?"

“Are we there, yet?”

This is a case for...Inspector Panda!

This is a case for…Inspector Panda!

episode 5

episode 5

episode 6

episode 6

episode 7

episode 7

episode 8

episode 8

episode 9

episode 9

episode 10

episode 10

episode 11

episode 11

episode 13

episode 12

episode 13

episode 13

episode 14

episode 14

episode 15

episode 15

...and it all ends with Mr Wu's Birthday party! Huzzah!

…and it all ends with Mr Wu’s Birthday party! Huzzah!

I hope you have enjoyed this presentation of Mr Wu Joins the Circus, (so like, now will you go buy my book?)

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

Happy Birfday, Mr Wu!



A Friday so Fabulous and Furry…

…that we can hardly contain our excitement!  We are in the run-up to one of the most exciting days of the year!

Yes, I am referring to Mr Wu’s SECOND BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Will he take a bath to celebrate the occasion? Don’t count on it. But it’s not a problem, since we are on the interweb, and Mr Wu is happily, if fragrantly, in Pandiego!

Here are a few of my favorite cartoons about Mr Wu. If you want more Wu, more of the time, I suggest you acquire a copy of the fourth Panda Chronicles collection: The Panda Chronicles Book 4: The Book of Wu!

Yo ho ho and a bottle  of BooBeer!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of BooBeer!

"Wu calls his dance, 'Ode to a Weaf' "

“Wu calls his dance, ‘Ode to a Weaf’ “

Mr Wu speaks out!

Mr Wu speaks out! Huzzah for our now year old twins in Zoo Atlanta!

Fanmail from some Flounder?

Fanmail from some Flounder?

Hope you are getting lots of cuppycakes ready to celebrate with Mr Wu on his actual birthday on Tuesday July 29th! And BTW this week is National Zookeepers week, so let’s put our paws together for all of Mr Wu’s girlfriends, and the nannykeepers that keep Pinky and the Meihems in line.  A special mention should go out to the panda house folks at Zoo Atlanta, for their totally awesome  animal care that they accomplished when Lun Lun surprised them (and apparently herself) with twins!

And a further bit of news from the Panda Publishing front, get a first look (not to mention first taste,) of what we have up our sleeves…er…paws with The Panda Chronicles Cuppycake Cookbook, coming to you…um…eventually from the paws of panda aficionado and chef du cuppycake, Vicky Vladic over at her blog, V Something Speaks. She shares the first recipe from the book, celebrating our very own birthday girl-to-be, Princess Pinky.

If you want to know when this book will be a reality, subscribe to this blog (and/or V Something Speaks too!) and you will know before anyone else! You could really help us out if you test recipes as she shares them, and let us know how they worked for you. You can also follow me on twitter @pandachronicle where I’m sure I will be telling all I know!


Be the Bear and have a fabulous cuppycake filled weekend!
Bob T. Panda




Episode 7: A Suspicious Document

The plot is thickening, no question about it. Babette du Panda has presented the alleged will of Minette, in an attempt to convince Inspector Panda that she is the rightful owner of the prized painting.

But first, here is the previous episode for those who have just tuned in!

Oh, that Mr Wu is a clever little bear! Is Madame du Panda trying to pull a fast one?

Oh, that Mr Wu is a clever little bear! Is Madame du Panda trying to pull a fast one?

and now, our story continues!

Is this plot thickening, or what?

Is this plot thickening, or what?

I don't know about you, but I think this document is VERY suspicious!

I don’t know about you, but I think this document is VERY suspicious!

Mr Wu observes an interesting detail....

Mr Wu observes an interesting detail….

Oh my! here we are on the edge of our seat, and what’s with the tape on Mr Wu’s ear, anyway?

“Fuggedabout da bleeping tape!”

Tune in next time for our next episode. A suspicious document, indeed!

Bears of Mystery!
Bob T. Panda



They are watching you!

Once again, news from the real world inspires me with tales of pandas doing stuff that they shouldn’t be doing.  Thanks to Panda-spondant Charlene J. for alerting me to the story on unmanned drones being used to track wild pandas. We are still working on the story about the bear that fell through a skylight in Alaska, (NOT a panda, I might point out) in a brazen attempt to gobble up cuppycakes at a birthday party.  Dude! Just ring the bell! I’m sure they would ask you in if you would just ask politely!

Every move you make, we'll be watching you!

Every move you make, we’ll be watching you!

This is an excellent learning opportunity for the panda kindergarten! I mean learning about science and wild pandas. What did you think I meant?

Be the bear!
Bob T Panda

And be sure to tune in next time when Inspector Panda returns!


Fabulous Furry Friday returns!

Friday already? Where does the week go? There has been lots going on and much of it has been stories from the real world, that make us wonder how the human race has survived for this long. (And you thought pandas were endangered!)

Not only have people been taking selfies in perilous situations, apparently some people have torched their homes in their attempts to kill spiders or get rid of snakes.  One fire official commented, “Fire is not the method to use to kill spiders.” You can be sure that the investigative team here at The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire will be looking into this.

For now, let’s revisit some of the …um..questionable situations the panda kindergarten has gotten into.

the year of the dragon, panda kindergarten

Huzzah! it’s the year of the Dragon!

What do you mean by "was?"

What do you mean by “was?”

Always read the directions...

Always read the directions…

have a great weekend, and remember, be careful while taking selfies!

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda




Selfies at The Running of the Bulls

Oh, this “selfies in perilous situations” craze is getting totally out of hand. First tiger selfies, then selfies at the Tour de France, and now, oh…i can barely bear to think about it.

Selfies at the running of the bulls.  I am not making this up.



Maybe it would be better to take a selfie at the running of the pandas.

What makes a panda run?   Cuppycakes, of course!!!!

What makes a panda run? Cuppycakes, of course!!!!

I smell frosting!

Meanwhile, I’ve made another guest post appearance, this time over at VSomethingSpeaks.  Check it out for more insight into the Way of the Panda (Satire). (sorry, Henry!)

Hope you enjoyed the Meihem twins special birthday ‘toon yesterday! I suppose I will have to do something special for Princess Pinky now, huh?

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda