Tag Archives: panda kindergarten

Y? Because I LIKE pandas, that’s Y

Yoohoo! here I am, having successfully made it to the penultimate day of the A to Z Bloggers Challenge, where I have worked my way through the alphabet, demonstrating the relevance of all letters to pandas.  Yes, you’ve had to yawn through my yackkety-yakking, yadda, yadda, yaddaing about pandas, but so what? It could be worse, couldn’t it?

Couldn’t it??????

Besides, what could be cuter than pandas wearing yarmulkes?

Today, you are a bear.

Today, you are a bear.

Or even better, pandas doing yoga:

yoga for pandas

All salute the sacred cuppycake!

And then we have the Year of the Rabbit…

The year of the bunny.....

The year of the bunny…..

Oh that panda kindergarten!

Oh that panda kindergarten!

The Year of the Dragon…

the year of the dragon, panda kindergarten

Huzzah! it’s the year of the Dragon!

I skipped the year of the snake, because…hello? snakes? and moved right on to the Year of the Horsie!

panda cubs on rocking horses

Huzzah! It’s The year of Pandas on Horsies!

And lest we forget, The Panda Chronicles operates under the banner of Your Brain on Pandas! OK, well maybe it’s my brain that’s on pandas.

I want to send a special shout out to a couple of the blogs that I really enjoyed and either was already following or am now following: The Art of Not Getting Published, The Ninja Librarian,  and The Pedestrian Writer. There are many more good blogs that participated, and I look forward to working my way through the list as what with writing a post everyday, I had less time to read other blogs than I had hoped I would.

Meanwhile, progress is progressing on Pandamorphosis, my wordless picture book. Stay tuned to this very blog for very excited announcements when it is ready to hit the street.  Meanwhile, my interview about Kickstarter on Whidbey Air Radio’s show Isle of the Arts, has been rescheduled for next Monday.  Don’t worry, I’ll remind you.

Till then, Be the Bear and Panda On!
Bob T. Panda

X marks the spot

What X-citement we have had the month! Despite the X-erable weather and heck…I can’t hardly find any words that start with X without cheating. X-scuses, X-scuses…

Meanwhile, we are recovering from our X-hausting bout with yet another version of this winter’s cold and flu season.  On Wednesday we will be back with a new cartoon (a REALLY new cartoon!) and hopefully, we will resume our normal schedule of a new cartoon every Sunday and Wednesday, as well as an “encore presentation” for Fabulous Furry Fridays.

Thank you to all the A to Z-ers who came to visit this month.  I hope you will stick around and say hi from time to time.  There are some new blogs that I am now following, as well as a couple that I already followed.  Posting daily did not give me as much time as I had hoped for visiting other blogs, but with the list still accessible (yes?) I hope to rectify that situation.

And now, here are some X-cellent encore presentations.  (I’m X-cited about tomorrow, Y? Because, duh, Panda Yoga, hello?)

hey, are dere any more cuppycakes?

X-cessively bad taste

Mr Wu tries to take charge

X-treme jealousy

mr wu speaks out.

X-treme angst

And to all you folks out there that are thinking of launching your own crowdfunding project out there in the real world, my radio interview on Whidbey Air got rescheduled to next week, due to my sore throat and fever that I was X-periencing this weekend.  I’ll post the link here next Sunday so you can tune in, because it gonna be LIVE!!! See ya then!

Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda

I’m Very glad this month is almost over.

Veritable verisimilitude and vice-versa, vis-a-vis this month of alphabet charms!  I vacillate between vast  and vacuous vacancies in my mind.

But what does this have to do with pandas? Verily, I say verbosely, these valiant bears are valuable, to the tune of a million dollars a year rent per panda pair. Well, better vamoose, before the vandals (aka the panda kindergarten) vanish with the cuppycakes!

Escape!  Come with me, little cake, so we can be alone together.

There is a cake in the vicinity!

See you tomorrow, hopefully with a little longer post. Time is vanishing today!

Be the Bear,
Bob T Panda

Under the influence…


Ultimately, we try to understand the ubiquitous appeal of Pandas. Is it their understated and unabashed cuteness that puts us under their spell? Is it their unadorned and unadulterated style that makes them the unanimous choice of untold millions of their fans? Such unassuming bears are uncanny in their unceasing, unbearable cuteness of being.

pandamorphosis illustration

Don’t you just hate it when your refrigerator is infested by…pandas? But it’s really cute, right?

Meanwhile, I’m making a few appearances around the interweb.  You can read my post comparing art to farming over at the blog of The Little Brown Farm (the place on Whidbey to meet all your cheese-y desires).

I’ve also made a recent visit to Cordelia’s Mom, Still, to talk about the inadvisability to use the excuse, but I’m too old, to start something new.

Legalize cake today!  Prevent illicit cuppycake activities.

Going Undercover! (And where did that little panda get that money?

Hang on to your hats, kids, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!

I should have posted this one yesterday, on the day of “T”, but I totally spaced it!

Keep being the bear!
Bob T. Panda

To bee or not to bee…

Oh, wait, I used the Shakespearian pandas yesterday and though I expected a tsunami of turpitude, I was not troubled by taboos while I tabulated more ways to be tacky.  It is a tribute to pandas that they are so versaTile, though rarely tactful. Occasionally they are tawdry and throw tantrums, but not terrible ones.

Today is brought to you by the letter”T” and that rhymes with “P” and that stands for “Panda”

You say sumi-e, I say Tsunami

You say sumi-e, I say Tsunami

I should tell you about Pandas around the cyber web! On Monday, April 28th, I (in the guise of my non-panda alter ego) will be on Whidbey Air Radio’s show Isle of Arts talking about Kickstarter with hosts Mary Rose Anderson and Annie Horton. The show airs LIVE at 1 PM PDST and you can tune in here.  I’ve had three successful Kickstarter projects, and assisted on about twice that many.

Meanwhile, the panda kindergarten  is up to their usual treachery, terrorizing poor Mehitabel…

Mehitabel thanks you!

Curse the panda kindergarten!

Run,kitty, run!

Run,kitty, run!

Thanks once again to the folks at the A to Z for hosting this blog challenge.  Um…how many more letters do we have to go?

Meanwhile, we pay tribute to Bee the Bear, one of the cutest pandas to ever come across my desk.

Bee, the Bear

Bee, the Bear

Ta Ta, and of course, today is brought to you by Bob T. Panda, with a capital “P” and that rhymes with “T” and that stands for “THE”

Be the bear!

A Salute to Pandas (What, you thought I was going to say “Penguins”?)

Salutations! Wow, here we are, all the way to “S” on the fun and fabulous A to Z Blog Challenge.  I don’t know what number “S” corresponds to, because I can only count up to four, having only four paws.

So, silly of me to suppose that a Salute to Pandas (please sound trumpet or saxophone every time I say, “Salute to Pandas” preferably with some sound effects) could be sabotaged  when everyone knows that pandas are sacrosanct. I mean, it would be sacrilegious to sacrifice the Salute to Pandas by subsuming it to some less salubrious day. We sacrifice the simplistic and saccharine in subservience to the satirical and the sarcastic. We see no schadenfreude nor schmaltz as we scamper and schmooze through our schedule.

Here’s a sample:

Sochi Winter Olympics, Pandas

I keep hearing the song “bears on the Run” going through my head…the ski run, that is!

And a day without the Dance of the Sugar Plum Pandas is just not worth starting.

sugar plum pandas


sugar plum pandas


I bet you smiled.
And what could be better than pandas recreating Shakespeare?

After all, the playings the thing....

After all, the playings the thing….

And of course, pandas have their secrets!

The secret lives of the wild panda!

The secret lives of the wild panda!

And last, but hardly least, who could resist the Scottish Panda Kindergarten!

The Scottish pandas

Save some pie for me!

Stay tuned for tomorrows A to Z installment!

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda!

Enjoy these Rabble-Rousing Pandas…

…while I rack my brain for recollections of words that start with the letter “R”

While ragamuffin rabble rousing renegades run rampant raising hell around the panda kindergarten classroom, I request that you recall your favorite reads of childhood.  Do you remember rambling tales of ransomed rascals? Stories of rebels rebounding through rebirth and revelation? Recall recalcitrant renegades rebuffing requests to rebuild? Rah Rah!

The letter “R” rejoices for the panda kindergarten!

The panda kindergaten knows where you live.

The panda kindergaten knows where you live.

to repeat…

The panda kindergarten captures Mr Wu

Evilness is one thing, but there must be snacks! An episode of “The Wizard of Wu”

Look out Mehitabel!   here comes the panda kindergarten!

Look out Mehitabel! here comes the panda kindergarten!

But sometimes, there is redemption….

Today, you are a bear.

Today, you are a bear.

Thanks again to the A to Z blog challenge for hosting all of us and bringing new readers to our shores, even if it is mostly each other.  Huzzah!

Be the Bear, Right?

Bob T. Panda

Happy Easter from the Panda Chronicles!

Today is an off day from the A to Z, but I always  (okay, most of the time) post a cartoon (a new one, no less) on Sunday and Wednesday, and today is no exception.

I did leave a wedding party early JUST so I could get home to post this.  Oh wait, “M” day (for martyr) was last week.  Anyway, I did want to post my salute to Easter today, a holiday celebrating chocolate, and some other stuff as well, which, were I not a complete heathen, I would know about.

A tiskitt a taskitt , a great big wheelie basket!

A tiskitt a taskitt , a great big wheelie basket!

I’ll be back tomorrow with more alphabetical atrocities.

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda


It’s P-P-P-P-Panda day!

I have been waiting

for today…this peripatetic population of pandas, these paragons of pageantry, pandas at parties, pandas in pairs, panda panda panda! Pandas with their palpable need to pampered, pandas in pursuit of pomp, pandas having pancakes while participating in panicked  PANDAMONIUM!!!!!

Here come the pandas!

What’s a little pandamonium among friends?

Princess Pinky, that paradigm of >Poof< , never paranoid nor parochial, permanently partaking of pop-overs, pretty as a picture.

Pandas….brought to you by the letter”P”

Never say "No" to a Pinky!

Never say “No” to a Pinky!

Pairs of pandas in pajamas…

Atlanta Twins have a fight

Sweet dreams, little bears! (editors note, this cartoon was drawn before Pinky poofed the Cublanta twins and turned them into girls.)

…pandas partaking in pursuits of the poetical….

panda poetry slam

The cake abides….

and last, but hardly least, perky panda pirates!

An explorer's work is never done.

An explorer’s work is never done.

Thanks again to the A to Z for hosting this monthlong panda-thon, not to mention Cordelia’s Mom, Still for inviting  the pandas over for a guest post.  (I swear I’ll have the carpets cleaned. Sorry about all that frosting and the picture window.)

And have I mentioned that “P” also stands for Pandamorphosis?  Just sayin. (stay tuned for news as it appears!)

Keep Being the Bears!
Bob T. Panda

“O” is for Optimism

Let’s face it, despite all the opposition that pandas face, they are pretty optimistic, or at least that’s what I observe. Some obdurate oafs opine that if pandas have such a hard time reproducing, they should just be allowed to go extinct. O-contraire, I object! I feel obligated to oppose such an obtuse viewpoint.

Consider: a grizzly bear will eat you as soon as look at you, and probably use your toothbrush to scratch places a toothbrush has no business being. Whereas upon meeting a panda on the trail, he will share his lunch, give you directions to the nearest coffee house and offer to carry your pack. OK I may be overstating the out of this world wonderfulness of pandas. But still, as the song says, We do not eat hikers in the woods, I don’t think a panda should!  Is it any wonder I am OBSESSED with pandas?

Occupy your inner panda!

Just how hard would it be...

Just how hard would it be…

...to embrace your inner panda?

…to embrace your inner panda?

And Bob, ever optimistic, tries to rehabilitate the panda kindergarten.

Nothing like a bit of the great outdoors to straighten up the panda kindergarten.

Nothing like a bit of the great outdoors to straighten up the panda kindergarten.

...if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da-  AAARGH!  I can't stop!!!!!

…if I were a panda, yadda dah dah da- da- da- AAARGH! I can’t stop!!!!!

Todays post was brought to you by the letter “O” courtesy of the A to Z Blog challenge! My pick of the day is Goldfish Stories. head on over and check it out.