Yoohoo! here I am, having successfully made it to the penultimate day of the A to Z Bloggers Challenge, where I have worked my way through the alphabet, demonstrating the relevance of all letters to pandas. Yes, you’ve had to yawn through my yackkety-yakking, yadda, yadda, yaddaing about pandas, but so what? It could be worse, couldn’t it?
Couldn’t it??????
Besides, what could be cuter than pandas wearing yarmulkes?

Today, you are a bear.
Or even better, pandas doing yoga:

All salute the sacred cuppycake!
And then we have the Year of the Rabbit…

The year of the bunny…..

Oh that panda kindergarten!
The Year of the Dragon…

Huzzah! it’s the year of the Dragon!
I skipped the year of the snake, because…hello? snakes? and moved right on to the Year of the Horsie!

Huzzah! It’s The year of Pandas on Horsies!
And lest we forget, The Panda Chronicles operates under the banner of Your Brain on Pandas! OK, well maybe it’s my brain that’s on pandas.
I want to send a special shout out to a couple of the blogs that I really enjoyed and either was already following or am now following: The Art of Not Getting Published, The Ninja Librarian, and The Pedestrian Writer. There are many more good blogs that participated, and I look forward to working my way through the list as what with writing a post everyday, I had less time to read other blogs than I had hoped I would.
Meanwhile, progress is progressing on Pandamorphosis, my wordless picture book. Stay tuned to this very blog for very excited announcements when it is ready to hit the street. Meanwhile, my interview about Kickstarter on Whidbey Air Radio’s show Isle of the Arts, has been rescheduled for next Monday. Don’t worry, I’ll remind you.
Till then, Be the Bear and Panda On!
Bob T. Panda