Happy New Year from The Panda Chronicles!
A short epilogue to It’s a WUnderful Life popped into my head as I was finishing up the previous episode, and so here it is, from my brain (on pandas) to your brain (on pandas.)

A bear and his mom…together forever? What lengths will Bai Yun go to to get the hammock all to herself?
I just wanted to let you know about a few minor scheduling changes for the upcoming year. I still plan on doing two new cartoons a week, plus a Friday encore presentation of an older cartoon or two. Sometimes they will have themes that echo something that is happening in the real world or panda world, but mostly, they are just cartoons that I really like, and want to give you the chance to see them and tell me how funny I am. Mr wu will continue to control Wednesdays, at least for a while. Princess Pinky, the twins, and all the rest will have to share the sunday time-slot. Sorry.
The other change is that instead of posting on Monday, I will post on Sunday, later in the afternoon. In fact, all posts will happen later in the afternoon, about 4 PM PST/PDST. As much as I have tried to take myself in ..um…paw, I am powerless to resist the siren song of Facebook and other social media. I love “meeting” and talking with you all there. I plan to continue this, just not in my “prime work time.” I have paintings to paint, and (more importantly) pandas to draw, and not enough of y work is getting done before I sign into have a lovely visit with you all.
I know you will all understand, and of course want these pandas to keep on coming your way, for which I am extremely grateful. Your kind words, enthusiasm, (and yes, even your agitated responses to all the harrowing situations I have put Mr Wu in this last year) have touched me, delighted me, and spurred me on to greater heights of panda satire and drawing than I ever dreamed was possible. I hope you will want to continue reading The Panda Chronicles. I love your comments, even when you yell at me.
If you would like to support my efforts here, there are three meaningful ways to do so:
1: share this blog with your humor loving friends. They don’t even have to be panda fans. The Panda Chronicles have converted more than one person to the cause of pandas!
2: Write a review of any or all of my books on Amazon and/or Goodreads. This really does help my visibility, which helps to sell more books.
3: (you knew this was coming) Buy my books! Buy them for yourself, buy them for presents. You can go directly to Amazon from the Panda Chronicles: the Books page.
Here’s to the upcoming year in pandas! (and if you want to be the first to know, sign up for my free, every once in a while news letter to be in the know (if you know what I mean!) Just look for the sign-up form titled Get Even More Pandas near the top of the right hand column!
Keep Being the Bears!
Bob T. Panda