Tag Archives: panda kindergarten

It’s Chinese New Year AND Fabulous Furry Friday!

WEll, it’s a good thing that Chinese New Year lasts for 15 days, which will give me a chance to do a new cartoon or two for this year.  Which is, of course, the Year of the Panda and…oh wait…what? It’s not the year of the panda?

Then when IS the year of the panda? What do you mean there isn’t one?

I need to sit down for a minute and…um…maybe have a cuppycake or two. But first, take a look at the video I made in preparation for the launch of my Kickstarter project to help get Pandamorphosis published:

In the meantime, here are some encore presentations of Chinese New Years past!

the year of the dragon, panda kindergarten

Huzzah! it’s the year of the Dragon!

What do you mean by "was?"

What do you mean by “was?”

The year of the bunny.....

The year of the bunny…..

Oh that panda kindergarten!

Oh that panda kindergarten!

Be the Bear, and don’t forget you can support Pandas International by buying my books! starting February 1st (that’s tomorrow!)

Bob T. Panda

Huzzah for Pandas International!

Because Mr. Wu got soooooo much screen time in December, he has graciously allowed us to pre-empt his weekly forum today.   (XLW: what dat mean grasshusly? is dat ’bout bamboo?)

We are big fans of Pandas International for many reasons.  First, they do stuff for pandas (and as we have said before, without pandas, there could be no panda satire!) But also, for some strange reason, they think we’re pretty funny! So of course we can’t help but jump up and down and say, “They like me! They really like me!”

They have asked us to share some of our cartoons with them, for Christmas cards and for their annual auction program. When given the challenge of coming up with a cartoon for a fairly straight/serious subject, it is fun to see where my mind takes me.  Last year’s funding focus was for enrichment items to keep the pandas entertained.  Of course I had to have my own point of view:

I am such a dork.

I am such a dork.

This year, they would like to help fund laboratory equipment and so I came up with this idea for a cartoon for their program.

pandas in the laboratory

Can you calibrate the cuppycake?

But this was not quite enough help to lend to pandas, and so I thought I’d have a special promotion.  To help support the work that Pandas International does, I have decided (because, you know, I’m the decider around here) that for each and every Panda Chronicles book sold through either Amazon or my Createspace stores during the month of February 2014, I will donate $1 to Pandas International.  Really!


The panda Chronicles supports Pandas International

It’s just like the panda says! Buy my book and real pandas benefit!

So, if you were thinking about adding to your collection of Panda Chronicles books, February would be a great time to do it.  There are now 3 books in the series, starting with The Panda Chronicles Book 1: Your Brain on Pandas, moving on to The Panda Chronicles Book 2: Wheel…of….Pandas! and my most recent release, The Panda Chronicles Book 3: Nobody Expects the Panda Kindergarten!  and soon, very soon, maybe even before the end of February (no pressure, of course) The Panda Chronicles Book 4: The Book of Wu, which contains all the cartoons to date starring Mr. Wu!  It will start with his early days in the den and continue with all five of his extended play adventure stories! Huzzah!

I know I always say this, but this really is my best book yet.

So…support pandas, buy my books and be there bear!
Bob T. Panda

It’s Fabulous Furry Friday, tra la, tra la!

Although I miss those elevated readership numbers that come with posting a new cartoon every day, (and didn’t I do a fabulous job with that?  pats self on back) It is good that I can get to some other projects that have been in the works for a while.  If you subscribe to my newsletter, you’ll know what they are.  If you don’t…well, you’ll find out eventually!

In the meantime, here are some encore presentations from the archives to get you in the mood for the weekend!

Inspector Panda, Bob T. Panda

..in which we introduce Inspector Panda….

THIS is a case for Inspector Panda!

THIS is a case for Inspector Panda!

inspector panda and cuppycake pushers

Inspector Panda says, “Know the signs of cuppycake dependency”

Legalize cake today!  Prevent illicit cuppycake activities.

Legalize cake today! Prevent illicit cuppycake activities.


It IS all about the cuppycakes!

Princess Pinky returns on Sunday in a new cartoon! Huzzah!!!!!!! (And…um…she might have found mommee’s hiding place for her magical wand!)

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

I resolve not to make any resolutions….

…although it MIGHT be a good idea for the panda kindergarten to resolve a few things, and then the there’s Princess Pinky….how do you solve a problem like a princess?

Hey! here I am on Sunday afternoon, working on my new schedule, which is to bring you the Monday cartoon on Sunday! Huzzah!  Of course, if you don’t check in until Monday, well, the pandas will be here waiting for you.  Mr. Wu Wednesday will continue, although he doesn’t have any adventures planned for a while. I think maybe he should stay home for a little bit, don’t you?

Speaking of planning (who was speaking of planning?….Oh wait, it was me!) If you want to be the first to hear about what I have planned for the next year, you still have time to sign up for my once-in-a-while newsletter.  (I’m sending it out on Tuesday morning) This month, not only is it chock-a-block full of news, I also have prepared a PDF of the entire Wizard of Wu adventure story.  Huzzah!  Buuuuut, the only way you’ll get it is to sign up for my newsletter. It’s the second from the top sign up form on the right hand column, just under the sign-up to get these posts delivered to your inbox.

And now, bring on the bears!

Princess Pinky helps with new years resolutions

You say you want a resolution, well, you know, it is hard to change a bear….


Oh, that adorable Princess Pinky! What will she do next?

Keep Being the Bears,
Bob T. Panda

It’s a WUnderful life: the epilogue

Happy New Year from The Panda Chronicles!

A short epilogue to It’s a WUnderful Life popped into my head as I was finishing up the previous episode, and so here it is, from my brain (on pandas) to your brain (on pandas.)

it's a wonderful life parody

A bear and his mom…together forever? What lengths will Bai Yun go to to get the hammock all to herself?

I just wanted to let you know about a few minor scheduling changes for the upcoming year.  I still plan on doing two new cartoons a week, plus a Friday encore presentation of an older cartoon or two.  Sometimes they will have themes that echo something that is happening in the real world or panda world, but mostly, they are just cartoons that I really like, and want to give you the chance to see them and tell me how funny I am. Mr wu will continue to control Wednesdays, at least for a while. Princess Pinky, the twins, and all the rest will have to share the sunday time-slot. Sorry.

The other change is that instead of posting on Monday, I will post on Sunday, later in the afternoon.  In fact, all posts will happen later in the afternoon, about 4 PM PST/PDST.  As much as I have tried to take myself in ..um…paw, I am powerless to resist the siren song of Facebook and other social media.  I love “meeting” and talking with you all there.  I plan to continue this, just not in my “prime work time.”  I have paintings to paint, and (more importantly) pandas to draw, and not enough of y work is getting done before I sign into have a lovely visit with you all.

I know you will all understand, and of course want these pandas to keep on coming your way, for which I am extremely grateful.  Your kind words, enthusiasm, (and yes, even your agitated responses to all the harrowing situations I have put Mr Wu in this last year) have touched me, delighted me, and spurred me on to greater heights of panda satire and drawing than I ever dreamed was possible. I hope you will want to continue reading The Panda Chronicles.  I love your comments, even when you yell at me.

If you would like to support my efforts here, there are three meaningful ways to do so:
1: share this blog with your humor loving friends.  They don’t even have to be panda fans.  The Panda Chronicles have converted more than one person to the cause of pandas!
2: Write a review of any or all of my books on Amazon and/or Goodreads. This really does help my visibility, which helps to sell more books.
3: (you knew this was coming) Buy my books! Buy them for yourself, buy them for presents.  You can go directly to Amazon from the Panda Chronicles: the Books page.

Here’s to the upcoming year in pandas! (and if you want to be the first to know, sign up for my free, every once in a while news letter to be in the know (if you know what I mean!) Just look for the sign-up form titled  Get Even More Pandas near the top of the right hand column!

Keep Being the Bears!
Bob T. Panda

Day 31: It’s a WUnderful Life – Episode Nine

Oh my! It is not only the last episode of Mr Wu’s most recent adventure, but it is the last day of the year, and even more importantly, the last day of 2013’s 31 Days of Pandas!!!!! Huzzah.  Well, not Huzzah! that daily pandas are coming to an end, but Huzzah! that I managed not to miss a single day of NEW cartoons, every stinkin’ day!

Huzzah! Here are some 31 Days of Pandas statistics that I find interesting in my own pandy little way: There are 245 (plus or minus a panda here and there) drawings of pandas within these 31+ drawings. That is more than an 800% increase over the original year of 30 days of pandas.  (someone might want to check my math on that one.)  There was an average of over 1500 page views per week during the month. Huzzah!  I know that’s not quite the big leagues, but it sure beats the heck out of the early days when 10 views was a really big day for the pandas.

There is much panda-ing in store for 2014. Pandas kept me going through 2013, which quite frankly, felt like a year long Friday the 13th, if you want to know the truth. But enough about that! Let’s have the final episode of It’s a WUnderful Life!

It's a Wonderful Life, parody

Yay! The heartwarming schmoopy ending!

And here’s a little bonus, especially for those of you who have joined the panda fun here at The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire recently: The Panda Kindergarten’s New Year’s Eve!

new years eve party, panda kindergarten

The panda kindergarten at their best…or is that worst?

Be the Bear, and thanks for stopping by!
Bob T. Panda.

See ya next year!

Day 29: It’s a WUnderful Life -Episode 7

Here at The Institute for Contemporary Panda Satire, we are getting ready for the onslaught of shock and dismay (not to mention some amount of yelling, at your story-telling editor, in the comment section.

You are REALLY  going to hate today’s cartoon.

Just trust me, ‘kay?

It's a Wonderful Life parody

Repeat after me, “It’s a story” ‘kay?

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda

#Day 28 It’s a WUnderful Life: Episode 6

It just gets worser and worser. But have faith, it will get better…um..eventually!

The year is winding down as well, and I am starting to look forward to all that is ahead for the pandas in 2014.  I plan to make some announcements in my January Newsletter, so if you haven’t yet signed up for that, and want to be the first to know all the panda satire plans for the year, now is a good time to sign up.  Just fill out the handy form “Get even MORE pandas” near the top of the righthand column.

And now, we bring you episode six of It’s a WUnderful Life! Huzzah!

It's a Wonderful Life Parody

Those darn cats!

Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda

Just in case you haven’t turned off your computer yet,

Have yourself a pandy little Christmas....

Have yourself a pandy little Christmas….

Thank you, each and every one.

With gratitude and cuppycakes,
Bob T Panda, Babette de Panda, Mehitabel the cat, Mr Wu, Binky, Pinky and don’t forget the Twinkies and the panda kindergarten.

Day 21: The wait is over! the finale of the Wizard of Wu

Hard to believe this adventure started all the way back in September, but there you have it! It’s all over but the flashbacks! And now, for the final episode of The Wizard of Wu!

finale of wizard of wu

All well that ends well. Now let’s have some cuppycakes!!!

See, I told you that I wouldn’t do anything dastardly to Mr Wu.  But will we let Mr Wu just relax at home and eat cuppycakes and drink hot cocoa with his mom and the twinkies (not to mention Princess Pinky, who is NOT a bear to be messed with!)?

No, we will not! Tune in Monday for episode 1 of It’s a WUnderful Life, starring, (of course,) Mr wu and all your favorite pandas!

And if you haven’t bought YOUR copies of all the Panda Chronicles books, what are ya waiting for? They make great presents for anyone on your gift list (including yourself!)

31 days of pandas continues tomorrow!

Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda