Greetings Panda fans. Many (if not all) of you know that in addition to being the leading practitioner of Panda Satire in the world (Hey! Until I hear different, I’m claiming it!) I’m also a painter, who shows and sells her work. I live in a wonderful little corner of the world, which besides abounding in natural beauty, has more artists, musicians, writers, actors, chefs and artisanal farmers than you can shake a stick at. (Shaking only, no hitting please.) A little over a year ago, some dedicated, hard working folks thought it would be a really good idea to have an information resource that benefitted both the creative types that live and work here, but also anyone who wanted one publication in which to read about all the amazing stuff that’s going on around here.
And so, Whidbey Life Magazine was born, an online resource for all the arts and culture on Whidbey Island.! There are a small band of us who write for the magazine, but the magazine is mostly fueled by the hard work of its founders, Jan Shannon and Sue Taves, not to mention our long suffering, cat herding editor, Patricia Duff. So now, they would like to add a twice yearly print magazine to the mix, so as to reach even more people who want to know what all the fuss is about on Whidbey Island. They have started an Indiegogo campaign to make that a reality.
Of course, the pandas wanted to…um…help:

Don’t believe EVERYTHING the panda kindergarten says!
I know that many of you who are reading this might not live here, but I hope you’ll take a little time from your day to see what we are doing here, and maybe even support this project. You can read WLM here and see if we offer something you would enjoy and like to support. And then, check out our Indiegogo project. And…um…a date with George Clooney is NOT one of the perks. Just sayin’.
The panda kindergarten is waiting to take your call.
Be the Bear!
Bob T. Panda