Tag Archives: panda kindergarten

Bringing Culture to the Panda Kindergarten

You can lead a horse to water, or as Dorothy Parker once said, You can lead a…oh well, um…never mind about that. Bob has decided to hold some cultural events for the panda kindergarten, in hopes of civilizing them a bit.

Ha ha.

panda poetry slam

The cake abides….

I will…be…the cake. I love poetry, don’t you?

Be the …cake!

Bob T. Panda

Fabulous Furry Friday…again?

Whew…one more week closer to the end of the year. I wonder what resolutions the panda kindergarten is considering.

Meanwhile, get ready for another 31 days of Pandas coming to you in December. Don’t even plan to go into work. Spend the month with pandas, pandas, pandas! I have an idea, which I shall reveal to you soon.

Say it isn't so!

Mehitabel takes over….

Um...Bob?  It's not that sort of bucket.

But not for long!

Be the Bear
Bob T. Panda



Cats get no respect around here

It is a sad, but true fact, that this cartoon feature once belonged to Mehitabel. Oh, she’d occasionally allow another cat, or maybe a bunny to appear, but mostly, it was all about her.  The one day a panda showed up, and then another, and then yet one more.  Finally the panda kindergarten came on the scene and it hasn’t been the same since, for poor, poor, Mehitabel.

Cats are no match for pandas

What’s a cat to do? Pass the cake, please.

Happy panda birthday season! Huzzah!

Be the Bear

Bob T. Panda

Hey, it’s Fabulous Furry Friday, once again!

Huzzah! Pandas are on the move and here are some pandas on a journey!

say it isn't so!

say it isn’t so!…

Thank goodness Mehitabel escaped this fiasco...

Thank goodness Mehitabel escaped this fiasco…

what was Bob thinking?

what was Bob thinking?

the best laid plans of cats and bears....

the best laid plans of cats and bears….

Will Mehitabel survive this flashback experience? Or will it turn her against pandas, once and for all?

Be the Bear,
Bob T. Panda




No Princess Pinky :o( Huzzah! It’s the Twinkies!

What with all the attention Princess Pinky has been getting in this cartoon, the Atlanta Twinkies feel they have been slighted.  get in line behind Mr. Wu, fellas.  You ain’t seen nothing yet.

Today, however, is Pinky-less. apologies to her fans.

Atlanta twin panda cubs Mei Lun and Mei Huan and older prother Po

Huzzah! a guest appearance by little Po!

Me me me! Gimmeee!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda


It’s Fabulous Furry Friday!

Now, there was something that I was going to use one of my cartoons to illustrate, but darn if I can remember!

Maybe it was related to writing my Pandafesto, Letting Loose the Bears: The Panda Chronicles guide to Embracing your Inner Panda.  Oh yeah. I think that was it!

Just how hard would it be...

Just how hard would it be…

...to embrace your inner panda?

…to embrace your inner panda?

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda




Uh Oh… the trouble is starting in episode 9…

…of Mr Wu’s adventure in Pandyland. Is this a good time to point out that Monday’s post of Princess Pinky was very popular? The Wu Self does not think it is appropriate to promote Princess Pinky on Mr Wu Wednesday. He wants to know if there could be at least ONE bleeping day that Princess Pinky DOES NOT push her way into every cartoon??????

Um….not really.

Mr Wu meets up with someone who looks a lot like his brother, shortly after setting out on his journey

I have a bad feeling about this….

What ever will happen next????

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

The Wizard of Wu: Episode 8

Is it here yet? Did Bob post the newest episode of The Wizard of Wu, Mr. Wu’s exciting adventure, yet? No, Oh heck…my boss just went by again and saw the pandas on my screen. Okay, wait… Yay! It’s here!

Xiao Liwu has to journey to see the wizard

Okay, now it’s getting exciting! Scary parts dead ahead!

Binky and Pinky and Bunnies, oh my!*  Mr Wu is in for it now! He is going to have to follow the cuppycake road, in order to find the Wizard of Wu, who will help him (we hope!) find his way back home to his family and some of that happily ever after stuff.  Is this getting exciting or what?  WE don’t even know what is going to happen next or who Mr Wu will meet along the way. Or is that “whom”?  Anyway, we’re in for a bumpity ride!

In other exciting panda satire news…..
There has been a small bit of movement on my wordless children’s picture book, Pandamorphosis.  I don’t want to reveal too much before it’s time, but no matter what the Chinese calendar says, I believe that next year will be the year of the panda.  Huzzah!

I will tell you a bit about Pandamorphosis’ news in my monthly newsletter that I hope to have out…um…next week. So, if you’re not signed up yet, just get yourself up to the top of the right-hand column and make sure you’re signed up! Newsletter subscribers get the news first, even before the panda kindergarten. Don’t worry about signing up twice.  The smart folks over at MailChimp won’t let you do that.  Also, if you used to get The Panda Chronicles in your inbox or news  reader, your subscription went away when I switched to a self hosted website (here) so you will need to re-sign-up if you want to get this sent to you. Hey it’s free, and this way you don’t have one more thing to remember to do. Again, the sign-up is at the top of the right-hand column.

But Wait, There’s More!

I’m taking part in Dana Sitar’s ManiWriMo, which stands for National Manifesto Writing Month, which is inspired by NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) both of which take place in November.  She has formed a group of (mostly) writers to spend the month writing their personal manifesto, as a group, with the goal of publishing it as an e-book.  You don’t have to publish, but as a long time artist, I know how valuable a tool this is in clarifying your creative vision, to yourself, as well as others.

The title of my Pandafesto (you know I had to change this to a panda word, didn’t you?) is:

Letting Loose the Bears: The Panda Chronicles’ Guide to Embracing Your Inner Panda.

I think there will be cartoons in the pandafesto, in order to illustrate some of my key points.
If you’re interested in joining in with your own personal manifesto (or pandafesto) there’s still time.  It’s free, it’s fun, and you might get clarity about your creative goals, and maybe even a book! Join me at ManiWriMo!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

PS: Thanks for joining me here at the Panda Chronicles. While this content is free for you and everyone else to enjoy, I would love it if you decided you wanted to have the pandas come to stay with you, in book form, of course. (those pesky zoos won’t even let me have one for the weekend!) Just click on one of the handy buttons in the right hand column, which will take you to Amazon, where you can buy one or more of my books. Huzzah, and thank you!

It’s Fabulous Furry Friday, Trick or Treat. Huzzah!

Better late than never, is the usual order of the day, and better early than late! Or better to have a full plate of cuppycakes than a measly bowl of granola.


It is the time of year when little pandas dress up and go door to door, begging and threatening to get treats.  In today’s classic cartoon, Bob attempts to teach the panda kindergarten the fundamentals of Trick or Treat.

Panda Kindergarten halloween party

Trick or Trick!!!!!!!

Be the Bear!

Bob T. Panda

Princess Pinky makes a move…Pandas beware!

Oh my, despite the fact that we missed two weeks of Princess Pinky’s formative …um…weeks, she is still small and cute.  She is starting to assert herself as seen in the recent exam video shared by the National Zoo panda cam.  I can relate.  If someone was measuring my …um…girth and then broadcasting the numbers across the web for all eternity, I would squawk too.  Just sayin’.

Today, the little princess is making a play for power from the Wu-self, to be recognized as the only panda worth watching. I just don’t know what his reaction will be.


Princess Pinky is drawing a line in the sandbox.


Mr Wu is probably going to have something to say about this. Will the twins side with Mr Wu in boy panda solidarity, or will the panda kindergarten step in? I guess you’ll just have to come back to find out!

Be the Bear! (All Hail Princess Pinky!)

Bob T. Panda